9,305 research outputs found

    Baseline sensitivity of Amphobotrys ricini to fluazinam and thiophanate-methyl.

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    Amphobotrys ricini is the causal agent of castor gray mold, one of the most destructive diseases of castor crops. Fungicides are frequently used to manage plant diseases, however no information on the baseline sensitivity of A. ricini to fungicides is available. The aim of the present work was to determine the baseline sensitivity of A. ricini to the fungicides fluazinam and thiophanate-methyl based on 47 isolates from Goias (n=3), Maranhão (n=1), Mato Grosso (n=12), Paraíba (n=3), Rio Grande do Sul (n=18) and São Paulo states (n=10). Mycelial disc (6 mm) removed from 4-day-old colonies were transferred to Petri dishes containing Potato-Dextrose-Agar (PDA) amended with the fungicides in different concentrations. The Petri dishes were then maintained in the dark for 4 days at 25 ± 1 ºC. The evaluation consisted of two perpendicular measurements of the radial fungus growth, which were used to calculate the percentage of mycelial growth inhibition for each treatment (isolate×fungicide×concentration) related to the control. The data of the percentage of mycelial growth inhibition were used to obtain the effective concentration to inhibit 50 % of the fungus mycelial growth (EC50) by means of linear regression. The mean EC50 for fluazinam was 0.1654 ± 0.0879 ?g mL-1 and for thiophanatemethyl 0.3591 ± 0.0903 ?g mL-1. Based on the mean EC50 obtained in the present work, it was possible to conclude that both fungicides have high intrinsic toxicity to A. ricini and they could be an alternative to manage the disease once their efficiency have been corroborated under field condition

    Sensitivity of field isolates of Botryotinia ricini to fluazinam and thiophanate-methyl.

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    This study aimed to determine the sensitivity of 61 Botryotinia ricini isolates to the fungicides fluazinam and thiophanate-methyl. The isolates were originated from Goiás (n = 3), Maranhão (n = 3), Mato Grosso (n = 12), Minas Gerais (n = 1), Paraíba (n = 8), Rio Grande do Sul (n = 19) and São Paulo (n = 15) states. Mycelial discs (6 mm) removed from 5-day-old colonies were transferred to Petri dishes containing potato dextrose agar (PDA) amended with different concentrations of the fungicides. Two perpendicular measurements of the radial growth were taken and used to calculate the percentage of mycelial growth inhibition (PMGI) for each treatment (isolate × fungicide × concentration) in relation to the control. PMGI were used to obtain the effective concentration that inhibits 50 and 95% of the mycelial growth (EC50 and EC95) by means of linear regression. For fluazinam, the EC50 and EC95 (mean ± SD) were 0.1738 ± 0.0802 μg/mL and 0.7938 ± 0.1254 μg/mL, while for thiophanatemethyl, the EC50 and EC95 were 0.3487 ± 0.0963 μg/mL and 1.1325 ± 0.2063 μg/mL, respectively. Both fungicides have high intrinsic toxicity to B. ricini but fluazinam was a more potent growth inhibitor compared to thiophanate-methyl

    On the quantumness of correlations in nuclear magnetic resonance

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    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) was successfully employed to test several protocols and ideas in Quantum Information Science. In most of these implementations the existence of entanglement was ruled out. This fact introduced concerns and questions about the quantum nature of such bench tests. In this article we address some issues related to the non-classical aspects of NMR systems. We discuss some experiments where the quantum aspects of this system are supported by quantum correlations of separable states. Such quantumness, beyond the entanglement-separability paradigm, is revealed via a departure between the quantum and the classical versions of information theory. In this scenario, the concept of quantum discord seems to play an important role. We also present an experimental implementation of an analogous of the single-photon Mach-Zehnder interferometer employing two nuclear spins to encode the interferometric paths. This experiment illustrate how non-classical correlations of separable states may be used to simulate quantum dynamics. The results obtained are completely equivalent to the optical scenario, where entanglement (between two field modes) may be present

    Evidence for entanglement at high temperatures in an engineered molecular magnet

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    The molecular compound [Fe2_{2}(μ2\mu_{2}-oxo)(C3_{3}H4_{4}N2_{2})6_{6}(C2_{2}O4_{4})2_{2}] was designed and synthesized for the first time and its structure was determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The magnetic susceptibility of this compound was measured from 2 to 300 K. The analysis of the susceptibility data using protocols developed for other spin singlet ground-state systems indicates that the quantum entanglement would remain at temperatures up to 732 K, significantly above the highest entanglement temperature reported to date. The large gap between the ground state and the first-excited state (282 K) suggests that the spin system may be somewhat immune to decohering mechanisms. Our measurements strongly suggest that molecular magnets are promising candidate platforms for quantum information processing

    Avaliação de características fenotípicas para a determinação do rendimento foliar em espinheira-santa (Maytenus ilicifolia Martius).

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    A espinheira-santa (Maytenus ilieifolia) é uma espécie medicinal arbórea, nativa das formações de Floresta Ombrófila Mista do sul do Brasil, a qual vem sofrendo grande pressão de exploração nos seus ambientes naturais. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o rendimento de indivíduos de diferentes populações naturais de espinheira-santa, por meio de características fenotípicas não destrutivas, a fim de contribuir para o processo de manejo sustentável. Para fins de determinação do rendimento, foram avaliados o número de ramos primários com e sem folhas, a altura, o diâmetro a altura do colo (DAC) e a altura da primeira ramificação, em 60 indivíduos de espinheira-santa de duas populações naturais, com características distintas. Estimou-se coeficientes de corre/ação entre estes parâmetros, bem como equações de regressão entre e o número de ramos primários com folhas (X) e o rendimento (R). As equações R = 0,75205 • X, para populações que ocorrem a pleno sol, e R = 1,53459 • X, para populações que ocorrem no sub-bosque de formações secundárias, são de uso prático e capazes de representar com elevada precisão o rendimento em populações com essas características ambientais

    Influence of the external pressure on the quantum correlations of molecular magnets

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    The study of quantum correlations in solid state systems is a large avenue for research and their detection and manipulation are an actual challenge to overcome. In this context, we show by using first-principles calculations on the prototype material KNaCuSi4_{4}O10_{10} that the degree of quantum correlations in this spin cluster system can be managed by external hydrostatic pressure. Our results open the doors for research in detection and manipulation of quantum correlations in magnetic systems with promising applications in quantum information science

    Experimental realization of the Yang-Baxter Equation via NMR interferometry

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    The Yang-Baxter equation is an important tool in theoretical physics, with many applications in different domains that span from condensed matter to string theory. Recently, the interest on the equation has increased due to its connection to quantum information processing. It has been shown that the Yang-Baxter equation is closely related to quantum entanglement and quantum computation. Therefore, owing to the broad relevance of this equation, besides theoretical studies, it also became significant to pursue its experimental implementation. Here, we show an experimental realization of the Yang-Baxter equation and verify its validity through a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) interferometric setup. Our experiment was performed on a liquid state Iodotrifluoroethylene sample which contains molecules with three qubits. We use Controlled-transfer gates that allow us to build a pseudo-pure state from which we are able to apply a quantum information protocol that implements the Yang-Baxter equation.Comment: 10 pages and 6 figure

    Associação norgestomet-cloprostenol na indução do parto em cabras leiteiras.

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    O trabalho objetivou avaliar a eficiencia da associacao entre um agente progestageno, o norgestomet, e um agente luteolitico, o cloprostenol, na inducao sincronizada do parto em cabras leiteiras.bitstream/item/41913/1/PL-Associacao.pd