4 research outputs found

    Development of mouthwash with Rosmarinus officinalis extract

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    Rosmarinus officinalis, which belongs to the Lamiaceaefamily, is a species of medicinal flora with therapeutic properties. In order to exploit the benefits of these properties, a mouthwash formulation was developed, with careful selection of raw materials to meet pharmacotechnical requirements. Extracts of the plant were incorporated into a mouthwash, which was shown to have inhibitory action in vitro against the micro-organisms commonly found in periodontics. Controls for assessing the quality of the drugs were carried out, quantifying phenols and flavonoids as chemical markers. Mouthwash solutions were formulated containing 0.1, 5 and 10% ethanol extract of R. officinalis; and 0.05, 5 and 10% of the hexane fraction of R. officinalis. In order to evaluate synergism, ethanol extract and hexane fraction were also added to formulations containing 0.05% sodium fluoride and 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate. These formulations were assessed for inhibitory effect against the specific microorganisms involved in the process of bacterial plaque formation, S. mutans(ATCC25175) and C. albicans(ATCC 10231), frequently found in cases of oral infections. The agar diffusion method was used to evaluate the inhibitory activity of extracts and formulations. All mouthwash solutions displayed inhibitory activity having higher sensitivity to S. mutansfor the 5% ethanol extract+0.05% sodium fluoride, and greater sensitivity to C. albicansfor the 10% hexane fraction. Results were characterized by the appearance of a growth inhibition halo, justifying the utilization and association of extracts of R. officinalis

    Gradiente florístico das florestas secundárias do Nordeste Paraense Floristic gradient of the northeast Paraense secondary forests

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    O presente estudo descreve um gradiente florístico de uma cronosequência de florestas secundárias do Nordeste Paraense, a partir de 19 sítios de diferentes idades, avaliados em diferentes anos. Foram usados os dados de densidade e realizada análise de regressão para riqueza, diversidade, densidade, densidade relativa máxima e equibilidade em relação à idade. Foi usado o método de análise de agrupamento hierárquico, sendo a distância euclidiana utilizada como medida de dissimilaridade e aplicada uma Análise de Componente Principal (PCA) para confirmação dos grupos. Após a definição dos grupos, foi feita a análise indicadora de espécies (IndVal) sobre a mesma matriz utilizada para análise de agrupamento. Encontrou-se um gradiente geográfico na cronosequência analisada e as espécies Tapirira guianensis, Vismia guianensis, Inga alba, Lacistema aggregatum, Croton maturensis, Abarema jupunba, Inga rubiginosa, Guateria poepigiana e Thyrsodium paraense, são indicadoras das florestas secundárias do Nordeste Paraense analisadas neste estudo.<br>This study describes a floristic gradient of secondary forest chronosequence in northeast of Pará State - Brazil, from 19 sites of different ages, evaluated in different years. We used density data and carried out regression analysis for richness, diversity, density, maximum relative density and equitability in relation to the age. We used the hierarchic grouping method of analysis and the Euclidean distance as dissimilarity measure, and applied a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for confirming the groups. After defining the groups, we made an indicating species analysis (IndVal) on the same matrix used for the grouping analysis. We found a geographic gradient in the chronosequence analyzed and the species Tapirira guianensis, Vismia guianensis, Inga alba, Lacistema aggregatum, Croton maturensis, Abarema jupunba, Inga rubiginosa, Guateria poepigiana and Thyrsodium paraense to be indicators of the northeast Para (Brazil) secondary forests analyzed in this study

    Desempenho silvicultural de cinco espécies florestais na Amazônia central brasileira

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    Planting of forest species of timber interest helps to reduce the deforestation pressure on the Amazon forest, promotes sustainable development of the producing region and generates ecological benefits. The objective of this work was to evaluate the survival rate and growth of four native (Swietenia macrophylla, Parkia decussata, Dipteryx odorata and Jacaranda copaia) and one exotic (Acacia mangium) species in monospecific plantations (spacing of 2 x 2 m) established on areas previously used for grazing, in Itacoatiara, State of Amazonas, Brazil. When the trees were four years old, we collected biometric data [height at 1.30 m (DBH, cm), crown projection area (CPA, m2), total height (Ht, m), commercial cylinder volume (Vcyl, m3 ha-1)], and qualitative data from visual diagnosis [survival rate (S, %), nutritional status (NS, G = good, D = deficient, %), and phytosanitary status (PS, S = satisfactory, N = non-satisfactory, %)]. Three plots of 128 m2, with 32 plants each, were evaluated for each species. Jacaranda copaia, followed by Dipteryx odorata and Parkia decussata, were the recommended species for planting in areas with edaphoclimatic conditions similar to those of the present work, due to their better performance according to most of the variables.Plantios de espécies florestais de interesse madeireiro contribuem para diminuir a pressão sobre a floresta amazônica, proporcionam o desenvolvimento sustentável na região e geram benefícios ecológicos. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a sobrevivência e o crescimento de quatro espécies nativas (Swietenia macrophylla, Parkia decussata, Dipteryx odorata e Jacaranda copaia) e uma exótica (Acacia mangium), em plantios monoespecíficos (espaçamento de 2 x 2 m) estabelecidos em áreas anteriormente ocupadas por pastagem, em Itacoatiara, Amazonas. Aos quatro anos de idade, foram obtidos dados biométricos [diâmetro à altura de 1,30 m do solo (DBH, cm), área de projeção de copa (CPA, m2), altura total (Ht, m), volume comercial do cilindro (Vcyl, m3 ha-1)], e dados qualitativos obtidos por diagnose visual [taxa de sobrevivência (S; %), estado nutricional (NS, G: bom; D: deficiente; %) e estado fitossanitário (PS, S: satisfatório; NS: não-satisfatório; %). Para cada espécie considerou-se três parcelas de 128 m2, cada uma com 32 plantas. Jacaranda copaia, seguida de Dipteryx odorata e Parkia decussata, foram as espécies mais recomendadas para o plantio em áreas com condições edafoclimáticas semelhantes às do presente trabalho, devido ao seu melhor desempenho para a maioria das variáveis