24 research outputs found

    Dekomposisi limbah kayu putih menggunakan trichoderma SP. terpilih

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    Cajuput waste is a waste of cajuput extraction industry. The waste could not be easily broken down chemically into inorganic compound, or it will take a long time. However there are alternative biological agents that capable to shorthening the time needed for the chemical breakdown. The research conducted by the Laboratory of Forest Protection, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, was aimed to evaluate the effect of Trichoderma as decomposing microorganism of the cajuput waste. Isolates of Trichoderma, produced by the Laboratory of Forest Protection, were used to decompose the cajuput waste. The research was set up in the following phases. The first phase was in vitro trial to test the ability of Trichoderma in decomposition process by growing the fungus on two media, i.e cajuput waste extract and cellulolytic agar. The second phase was selection of the best decomposing method using cajuput waste as the substrate held in plastic container. The results of the experiment showed that all of 10 Trichoderma isolates tested were able to grow on both cellulolytic and cajuput waste media. Two isolates namely T20 and T19 (both indigenous isolates from cajuput waste) performed highest effectivity on both media. The second trial showed that the addition of Leucaena sp. on the media accelerated the decomposition process as indicated by lower C/N ratio obtained. Key words: cajuput waste, decomposition, Trichoderma sp

    Assessment of pest and disease status of early growth of shorea SPP

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    Kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh patogen, serangga dan faktor-faktor lain, secara sendiri atau bersama dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anakan pohon atau permudaan hutan. Penilaian dan pencatatan status kerusakan secara terus menerus, memungkinkan pertumbuhan anakan pohon dan permudaan hutan dapat dievaluasi. Di samping itu juga akan diketahui kemungkinan penyebab penyimpangan yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem pen ilaian dan pencatatan status hama dan penyakit pada pertumbuhan anakan pohon jenis-jenis Meranti yang ditanarn mengikuti beberapa sistem tanam pada percobaan rehabilitasi hutan tropis di hutan pendidikan Jambi. Tanda dan gejala kerusakan yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan yang mematikan digunakan sebagai parameter penilaian. Kerusakan digolongkan secara bertingkat menurut bagian dari anakan, (lokasi) yang menderita kerusakan. (lokasi), dan tingkat kerusakan pada tiap lokasi diukur berdasarkan proporsi organ yang rusak. Pengamatan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan status hama dan penyakit anakan pohon Meranti pada sistem penanaman yang berbeda. Kerusakan ini terjadi terutama disebabkan oleh perubahan struktur hutan dan kondisi linglcungan pada sistem penanaman. Kematian anakan pohon tertinggi (11,85%) terjadi pada tanam jalur di bawah vegetasi Makaranga dan kematian terendah diamati pada sistem tanam rumpang (2,27%). Kematian tunas ujung yang menyebabkan percabangan majemuk dan kerusakan bentuk batang adalah kerusakan yang utama juga dijumpai pada sistem tanam jalur di bawah vegetasi Makaranga, yaitu sebesar 45,80%. Cabang patah atau mati dan kerusakan daun adalah kerusakan lain yang terjadi pada anakan pohon pada sistem penanaman dengan intensitas yang berbeda-beda. Sistem penilaian ini dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi status hama dan penyakit pada saat pengamatan dilakukan. Sistem penilaian ini juga dapat digunakan untuk meramallcan perkembangan anakan pada tingkat-tingkat pertumbuhan selanjutnya. Kata Kunci: evaluasi, hama, penyakit, shorea sp


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    As the current trend of pine plantation covers areas out of its natural distribution, the threat of disease is increasing. Leaf spot disease, which normally occurs sporadically and causes no significance losses, is now becoming the prevalence disease problem in some pine nursery centers in Java, Aceh and North Sumatra. The aim of study was to isolate the causal agent of leaf spot disease in pine seedling and proved its pathogenicity. The result indicated that Pestalotia sp. was the single isolate involved in leaf spot disease of pine seedling tested. The fungi was consistently found in the growing medium used and characterized by the multicelluler hyaline conidia with seta developed on the opposite ends of the conidia. The results of pathogenicity test convinced that the isolate was the causal agent as shown by the same symptoms as those developed in the original diseased seedlings. The initial symptom observed was a tiny spot occurred on the needle and later on became bigger. More than one spot might developed in a single needle and causing serious leaf injury. Reisolation and cultivation of causal agent from inoculated seedlings obtained an isolate of Pestalotia sp. having the similar properties, consistenly correlated with that isolated from the initial isolation. Keywords: Pestalotia, leaf spot, pine seedlin

    Uji Kemampuan Penghambatan Ekstrak Biji Nyiri(Xylocarpus Granatum) Terhadap Jamur Benih Tanaman Kehutanan

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    ABSTRACT Deterioration of seeds due to disease attack is a common problem in the most nurseries of forest plants. Disease control on seeds is still applied using synthetic pesticide. The aplication of the synthetic pesticide, instead of expensive, develops side effect i.e. environmental polution, diminish seed germination and shorten the life cycle of seed. The aim of the experiment was to know the potential of seed extract of Xylocarpus granatum as phyto fungicide to inhibit the infection of fungi on some forest trees seed. This experiment was carried out in vivo and in vitro at the Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. X. granatum seed was extracted in water and ethanol to produce phyto fungicide and then was tested on 3 kinds of seed of Pinus merkusii, Paraserianthes faicatari a, and Acacia mangium that had been inoculated with pathogen Fusarium sp. (isolated from P merkusii seed), Aspergilus sp. (isolated from P falcataria seed) and Aspergilus sp. (isolated from A. mangium seed), respectively The concentration of the extract were 0, 1 and 5 mg powder ofX. granatum/ml liquid. This factorial experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with three variables. The respons of treatments were percentage of seed infected by fungi, percentage of seed germination, the percentage of spore germination and the length of mycelia. The results of the experiment showed that X. granatum extract significantly inhibited the development of the fungi tested as indicated by the diminution of infected seed, fungal spore germination and mycelial growth. It was concluded that X. granatum seed contained natural substance potential as phyto fungicide. Key words: Xylocarpus granatum, seed trees pathogen, phyto fungicid

    Macroscopy and Microscopy Study of Scopraia dulcis L.

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    A morphological diversity analysis of Scoparia dulcis by macroscopy and microscopy has been conducted. The aim of this research is to determine the morphological and anatomical character of S. dulcis which grow in Opak watershed, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Samples were taken from Sleman (Cangkringan, Ngemplak Kalasan, and Prambanan) and Bantul (Imogiri and Pundong) region. Selection of sampling location is based on altitude difference. The samples are the third leaf order from the tip of the stem. They were measured in length and width. Microscopy analysis was performed by observing the number of glandular trichomes, palisade cells in the epidermis and stomata in the upper and lower epidermis. The data obtained were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA). The results show that based on morphological and anatomical assessment, there were found 3 clusters of S. dulcis, i.e. Cangkringan-Ngemplak-Prambanan, Kalasan, and Imogiri-Pundong cluster

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Semut pada Tingkat Perkembangan Lahan yang Berbeda: Pendekatan Fase Agroforestri

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    Tingkat perkembangan lahan umumnya diikuti dengan perubahan struktur vegetasi penyusun ekosistem yang ada didalamnya. Dalam perjalanannya, muncul intervensi yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat perkembangan lahan baik mendukung ataupun menghambat. Salah satu bentuk intervensi yang dapat terjadi adalah berupa aktivitas pemanfaatan lahan, sistem agroforestri (AF). Pergeseran tingkat perkembangan lahan melalui pendekatan tingkat perkembangan AF diikuti perubahan vegetasi penyusun menuju kearah ekosistem yang mendekati ekosistem hutan. Dari sisi ekologi, bagaimana perkembangan AF berdampak terhadap struktur komunitas serangga penyusun di dalamnya, khususnya semut, penting diketahui. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas semut yang menyusun ekosistem AF. Pengambilan data dilakukan di tiga tingkat AF (awal, tengah, dan lanjut) di musim kemarau (April, Mei, Juni, Agustus, dan September). Metode koleksi semut yang digunakan adalah pit-fall trap dan penangkapan langsung. Total diperoleh 7 jenis semut terdiri dari Odontoponera denticulate (Ponerinae), Odontomachus sp. (Ponerinae), Anaplolepis gracilipes (Formicinae), Pheidologeton sp. (Myrmicinae), Camponotus sp. (Formicinae), Polyrachis sp. (Forminae), dan Crematogaster sp. (Myrmicinae). Tingkat perkembangan AF tidak diikuti dengan perbedaan jenis semut namun berdampak pada kemelimpahan masing-masing jenis. Keanekaragaman jenis tertinggi serta jumlah individu semut terbesar berturut-turut ada pada AF tengah, awal, dan lanjut. Selanjutnya, terdapat 5 kelompok fungsional dengan variasi kemelimpahan berdasarkan perkembangan AF. Tingkat AF awal lebih sesuai untuk kelompok Generalized myrmicinae (GM),AF tengah untuk kelompok Dominant opportunist, dan AF lanjut untuk Forest opportunist (FO). The Diversity of Ants in Different Land Develompental: An Agroforestry Phase ApproachAbstractThe levels of land development process typically followed by changes in the vegetation structure of the ecosystems that comprises it. In a process, interventions whether artificial (human) or naturals were able to affect land development, either support or hinder. Some of the interventions that possible to occur are human activities through revegetation and land use, such as agroforestry practice (AF). The levels of land development through the shift of AF development phase common followed by changes in the vegetation inside. In terms of ecology, the mechanism of how the AF development phase affects the community structure is important to know. This research was conducted to determine the community structure of ants under the AF ecosystem and it is functional groups. In addition, we devided the AF system based on its developmental phase (early, middle, and advance). The data was obtained in the area of Nglanggeran, Gunung Kidul Regency of Yogyakarta during the dry season (April, May, June, August, and September). Meanwhile, method of ant collection utilized pit-fall trap and direct collection method. A total 7 species of ants were obtained consisting Odontoponera denticulate (Ponerinae), Odontomachus sp. (Ponerinae), Anaplolepis gracilipes (Formicinae), Pheidologeton sp. (Myrmicinae), Camponotus sp. (Formicinae), Polyrachis sp. (Forminae), and Crematogaster sp. (Myrmicinae). The AF phase are not followed by different species of ants but has an impact on the species abundance. The highest species diversity and the largest number of individual ants were found in middle, early, and advanced AF, respectively. Furthermore, there are 5 ant functional groups with variouss abundance based on AF phase. The early AF is more suitable for Generalized myrmicinae (GM) groups, middle for Dominant opportunist (DO) and GM groups, while advanced for Forest opportunist (FO) groups


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    Pengembangan HTI (Hutan Tanaman Industri) di Indonesia dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kayu industri dan bahan yang lain di masa mendatang. Hutan yang dibangun, dengan demikian, harus mempunyai kepastian masa depan dalam hal produktivitas dan efisiensi pengelolaannya. Salah satu jenis pilihan untuk pernbangunan HTI adalah Acacia mangium dan dalam kenyataannya di lapangan, jenis ini peka terhadap penyakit akar yang besarnya kerusakan sudah mulai dirasakan. Di samping itu kondisi seresah yang cukup banyak terakumulasi di lantai hutan tidak cepat terdekomposisi. Pada musim kernarau, kondisi hutan seperti ini sangat rawan terhadap kebakaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh agen biologi (isolat Trichoderma) yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk mengendalikan penyakit akar dan sekaligus mempercepat dekomposisi seresah A. mangium. Penelitian diarahkan untuk (1) mengidentifikasikan penyebab penyakit aka


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    Pengembangan HTI (Hutan Tanaman Industri) di Indonesia dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kayu industri dan bahan yang lain di masa mendatang. Hutan yang dibangun, dengan demikian, harus mempunyai kepastian masa depan dalam hal produktivitas dan efisiensi pengelolaannya. Salah satu jenis pilihan untuk pernbangunan HTI adalah Acacia mangium dan dalam kenyataannya di lapangan, jenis ini peka terhadap penyakit akar yang besarnya kerusakan sudah mulai dirasakan. Di samping itu kondisi seresah yang cukup banyak terakumulasi di lantai hutan tidak cepat terdekomposisi. Pada musim kernarau, kondisi hutan seperti ini sangat rawan terhadap kebakaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh agen biologi (isolat Trichoderma) yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk mengendalikan penyakit akar dan sekaligus mempercepat dekomposisi seresah A. mangium. Penelitian diarahkan untuk (1) mengidentifikasikan penyebab penyakit aka