42 research outputs found

    Evaluation of dipstick analysis among elderly residents to detect bacteriuria: a cross-sectional study in 32 nursing homes

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    Background: Up to half the residents of nursing homes for the elderly have asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU), which should not be treated with antibiotics. Thus, it is difficult to know if new symptoms in residents with bacteriuria are caused by urinary tract infection (UTI), or if bacteriuria only represents an ABU. This is especially difficult in the presence of non-urinary tract specific symptoms. The diagnostic uncertainty is likely to generate significant overtreatment with UTI antibiotics. Aim: The general aim was to clarify the association between symptoms, bacteriuria, dipstick urinalysis and urine Interleukin-6 (IL-6) among nursing home residents to improve the diagnostic procedure of a suspected lower UTI. Methods: In 2003 a study protocol including newly onset symptoms was completed, and single voided urine specimens collected for dipstick urinalysis and cultures from 651 residents of 32 participating Swedish nursing homes for the elderly. This data was used for a study of dipstick urinalysis (Paper I) and for a study of nonspecific symptoms and bacteriuria (Paper II). In 2012, similar data was collected for 421 elderly residents of 22 nursing homes, which also included an analysis of IL-6 in urine and urine specimens from another 59 residents with urinary catheters. The association between bacteriuria, IL-6 in urine, dipstick urinalysis and newly onset symptoms was analysed (Paper III). Antimicrobial resistance rates were described among residents of nursing homes in 2012 and compared with those from 2003 (Paper IV). Results: Paper I: The negative predictive value for predicting absence of bacteriuria was 88 (84-92)% when dipstick urinalysis for nitrite and leukocyte esterase were simultaneously negative. A positive dipstick or any combination thereof could not sufficiently predict bacteriuria. Papers II-III: New or increased nonspecific symptoms were common among elderly residents of nursing homes. Residents without nonspecific symptoms had positive urine cultures as often as those with nonspecific symptoms with a duration of up to one month. Paper III: Residents with positive urine cultures had higher concentrations of IL-6 in the urine. However, among residents with positive urine cultures there were no differences in IL-6 concentrations or dipstick findings between those with or without nonspecific symptoms. Paper IV: The average rates of antimicrobial resistance were low and did not increase between 2003 and 2012 in Escherichia coli (E. coli) urinary isolates among Swedish nursing home residents. Any antibiotic treatment during the last month and hospitalization during the last six months predicted higher resistance rates among E. coli. Conclusions: Nonspecific symptoms among elderly residents of nursing homes are unlikely to be caused by bacteria in the urine. Therefore, dipstick urinalysis, IL-6 in the urine and urine cultures are of little or no value in clarifying the aetiology of nonspecific symptoms. If there is a reason for testing for bacteriuria, dipstick urinalysis for nitrite and leukocyte esterase can rule out but cannot reliably rule in bacteriuria. Antimicrobial resistance in urinary pathogens among Swedish nursing home residents remained low. It is important to use antibiotics rationally to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics

    MAP4K3 Is a Component of the TORC1 Signalling Complex that Modulates Cell Growth and Viability in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Background: MAP4K3 is a conserved Ser/Thr kinase that has being found in connection with several signalling pathways, including the Imd, EGFR, TORC1 and JNK modules, in different organisms and experimental assays. We have analyzed the consequences of changing the levels of MAP4K3 expression in the development of the Drosophila wing, a convenient model system to characterize gene function during epithelial development. Methodology and Principal Findings: Using loss-of-function mutants and over-expression conditions we find that MAP4K3 activity affects cell growth and viability in the Drosophila wing. These requirements are related to the modulation of the TORC1 and JNK signalling pathways, and are best detected when the larvae grow in a medium with low protein concentration (TORC1) or are exposed to irradiation (JNK). We also show that MAP4K3 display strong genetic interactions with different components of the InR/Tor signalling pathway, and can interact directly with the GTPases RagA and RagC and with the multi-domain kinase Tor. Conclusions and Significance: We suggest that MAP4K3 has two independent functions during wing development, one related to the activation of the JNK pathway in response to stress and other in the assembling or activation of the TORC1 complex, being critical to modulate cellular responses to changes in nutrient availability

    ANK, a Host Cytoplasmic Receptor for the Tobacco mosaic virus Cell-to-Cell Movement Protein, Facilitates Intercellular Transport through Plasmodesmata

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    Plasmodesma (PD) is a channel structure that spans the cell wall and provides symplastic connection between adjacent cells. Various macromolecules are known to be transported through PD in a highly regulated manner, and plant viruses utilize their movement proteins (MPs) to gate the PD to spread cell-to-cell. The mechanism by which MP modifies PD to enable intercelluar traffic remains obscure, due to the lack of knowledge about the host factors that mediate the process. Here, we describe the functional interaction between Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) MP and a plant factor, an ankyrin repeat containing protein (ANK), during the viral cell-to-cell movement. We utilized a reverse genetics approach to gain insight into the possible involvement of ANK in viral movement. To this end, ANK overexpressor and suppressor lines were generated, and the movement of MP was tested. MP movement was facilitated in the ANK-overexpressing plants, and reduced in the ANK-suppressing plants, demonstrating that ANK is a host factor that facilitates MP cell-to-cell movement. Also, the TMV local infection was largely delayed in the ANK-suppressing lines, while enhanced in the ANK-overexpressing lines, showing that ANK is crucially involved in the infection process. Importantly, MP interacted with ANK at PD. Finally, simultaneous expression of MP and ANK markedly decreased the PD levels of callose, β-1,3-glucan, which is known to act as a molecular sphincter for PD. Thus, the MP-ANK interaction results in the downregulation of callose and increased cell-to-cell movement of the viral protein. These findings suggest that ANK represents a host cellular receptor exploited by MP to aid viral movement by gating PD through relaxation of their callose sphincters

    The multiple faces of self-assembled lipidic systems

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    Lipids, the building blocks of cells, common to every living organisms, have the propensity to self-assemble into well-defined structures over short and long-range spatial scales. The driving forces have their roots mainly in the hydrophobic effect and electrostatic interactions. Membranes in lamellar phase are ubiquitous in cellular compartments and can phase-separate upon mixing lipids in different liquid-crystalline states. Hexagonal phases and especially cubic phases can be synthesized and observed in vivo as well. Membrane often closes up into a vesicle whose shape is determined by the interplay of curvature, area difference elasticity and line tension energies, and can adopt the form of a sphere, a tube, a prolate, a starfish and many more. Complexes made of lipids and polyelectrolytes or inorganic materials exhibit a rich diversity of structural morphologies due to additional interactions which become increasingly hard to track without the aid of suitable computer models. From the plasma membrane of archaebacteria to gene delivery, self-assembled lipidic systems have left their mark in cell biology and nanobiotechnology; however, the underlying physics is yet to be fully unraveled

    Genome-Wide Distribution of RNA-DNA Hybrids Identifies RNase H Targets in tRNA Genes, Retrotransposons and Mitochondria

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    During transcription, the nascent RNA can invade the DNA template, forming extended RNA-DNA duplexes (R-loops). Here we employ ChIP-seq in strains expressing or lacking RNase H to map targets of RNase H activity throughout the budding yeast genome. In wild-type strains, R-loops were readily detected over the 35S rDNA region, transcribed by Pol I, and over the 5S rDNA, transcribed by Pol III. In strains lacking RNase H activity, R-loops were elevated over other Pol III genes, notably tRNAs, SCR1 and U6 snRNA, and were also associated with the cDNAs of endogenous TY1 retrotransposons, which showed increased rates of mobility to the 5'-flanking regions of tRNA genes. Unexpectedly, R-loops were also associated with mitochondrial genes in the absence of RNase H1, but not of RNase H2. Finally, R-loops were detected on actively transcribed protein-coding genes in the wild-type, particularly over the second exon of spliced ribosomal protein genes