582 research outputs found

    Dynamic model of the Earth's upper atmosphere

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    An initial modification to the MSF/J70 Thermospheric Model, in which the variations due to sudden geomagnetic disturbances upon the Earth's upper atmospheric density structure were modeled is presented. This dynamic model of the geomagnetic variation included is an improved version of one which SAO developed from the analysis of the ESRO 4 mass spectrometer data that was incorporated in the Jacchia 1977 model. The variation with geomagnetic local time as well as with geomagnetic latitude are included, and also the effects due to disturbance of the temperature profiles in the region of energy deposition

    The shape and location of the diurnal bulge in the upper atmosphere

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    Shape and location of diurnal bulge in upper atmospher

    A catalog of atmospheric densities from the drag on five artificial satellites

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    Atmospheric densities from satellite drag dat

    Age is just a number? Rethinking learning over the lifecourse

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    This paper explores the relation between EU lifelong learning policies and strategies on the one hand, and, on the other, the attributes and practices of adults in relation to learning in later life. Following a brief summary of the genealogy of the concept of lifelong learning, a critical examination is provided of EU policies on and participation rates in lifelong learning. The discussions will focus in particular on that intersection between later life and lifelong learning by highlighting the failure of much current EU legislation and perspectives on lifelong learning to take serious account of the changing nature of lifecourse patterns and, in particular, the role and involvement of the ā€˜post-workā€™ population

    Diurnal and seasonal-latitudinal variations in the upper atmosphere

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    Diurnal and seasonal-latitudinal variations in upper atmospher

    What Place Does Development Have in the Lives of Aboriginals?

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    For Aboriginal communities, traditional values and knowledge should be at the forefront of development projects.York's Knowledge Mobilization Unit provides services and funding for faculty, graduate students, and community organizations seeking to maximize the impact of academic research and expertise on public policy, social programming, and professional practice. It is supported by SSHRC and CIHR grants, and by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation. [email protected] www.researchimpact.c

    La importancia de la entonacioĢn en la calidad de la interpretacioĢn simultaĢnea

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    XVIII Jornades de Foment de la InvestigaciĆ³ de la Facultat de CiĆØncies Humanes i Socials (Any 2013)La comunicacioĢn verbal no vocal se muestra en la actualidad como una de las ramas maĢs proĢsperas e interesantes en la investigacioĢn de la interpretacioĢn simultaĢnea. En este marco, el presente trabajo se centra en desentranĢƒar la importancia -patente aunque intangible a simple vista- de los paraĢmetros formales en la interpretacioĢn, centraĢndose exclusivamente en el paraĢmetro de la entonacioĢn. En la liĢnea de los estudios de calidad, este trabajo supone una profundizacioĢn en el perpetuo debate sobre la relevancia del concepto de calidad en este acto comunicativo. A traveĢs de un experimento en la liĢnea de estudios previos sobre paraĢmetros formales concretos, se pretende mostrar la maĢs que evidente influencia que ejerce el paraĢmetro de la entonacioĢn sobre la actividad de la interpretacioĢn simultaĢnea. El experimento en cuestioĢn presenta dos tipos de interpretacioĢn controlada del mismo discurso (una interpretacioĢn monoĢtona y otra no monoĢtona) a dos grupos de usuarios respectivamente, que expondraĢn sus expectativas y evaluacioĢn sobre la misma. AdemaĢs, el estudio aplica una innovacioĢn en el planteamiento metodoloĢgico al anĢƒadir un tercer cuestionario que obtendraĢ resultados relativos al nivel de atencioĢn prestado por el usuario y la asimilacioĢn de contenido que eĢste presente tras la visualizacioĢn de la interpretacioĢn. Con los resultados y conclusiones obtenidas se prueba que, maĢs allaĢ de una evaluacioĢn negativa de la interpretacioĢn, los paraĢmetros formales, y la entonacioĢn monoĢtona en este caso particular, afectan con creces al acto comunicativo e infieren en gran medida en la percepcioĢn del producto de la interpretacioĢn

    Living longer, learning longer ā€“ working longer? Implications for new workforce dynamics

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    As increasing numbers of people decide to remain in the workforce beyond the traditional retirement age ā€“ whether by choice or necessity ā€“ new prospects arise for individuals, educational providers, employers and businesses. While individuals can remain active members of the workforce, with advantages to themselves, society and the economy, employers can also benefit from the available talent of people of all ages, making the workplace more diverse and inclusive. Changing workforce dynamics point to the need for a shift towards more ā€˜age-friendlyā€™ policies and practices, supported by the public policy. The report is designed to be of interest to a range of colleagues including: policy makers; employers; education and training providers; trade unions; businesses; researchers; and individuals
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