347 research outputs found

    Regional pressure and temperature differences across the injured human brain : comparisons between intraparenchymal and ventricular measurements

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    Introduction: Intraparenchymal, multimodality sensors are commonly used in the management of patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). The β€˜gold standard’, based on accuracy, reliability and cost for intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is within the cerebral ventricle (external strain gauge). There are no standards yet for intracerebral temperature monitoring and little is known of temperature differences between brain tissue and ventricle. The aim of the study therefore was to determine pressure and temperature differences at intraparenchymal and ventricular sites during five days of continuous neurominitoring. Methods: Patients with severe TBI requiring emergency surgery. Inclusion criteria: patients who required ICP monitoring were eligible for recruitment. Two intracerebral probe types were used: a) intraventricular, dual parameter sensor (measuring pressure, temperature) with inbuilt catheter for CSF drainage: b) multiparameter intraparenchymal sensor measuring pressure, temperature and oxygen partial pressure. All sensors were inserted during surgery and under aseptic conditions. Results: Seventeen patients, 12 undergoing neurosurgery (decompressive craniectomy n=8, craniotomy n=4) aged 21–78 years were studied. Agreement of measures for 9540 brain tissue-ventricular temperature β€˜pairs’ and 10,291 brain tissue-ventricular pressure β€˜pairs’ were determined using mixed model to compare mean temperature and pressure for longitudinal data. There was no significant overall difference for mean temperature (p=0.92) or mean pressure readings (p=0.379) between tissue and ventricular sites. With 95.8% of paired temperature readings within 2SD (βˆ’0.4 to 0.4Β°C) differences in temperature between brain tissue and ventricle were clinically insignificant. For pressure, 93.5% of readings pairs fell within the 2SD range (βˆ’9.4756 to 7.8112 mmHg) (Fig. 2). However, for individual patients, agreement for mean tissue-ventricular pressure differences was poor on occasions. Conclusions: There is good overall agreement between paired temperature measurements obtained from deep white matter and brain ventricle in patients with and without early neurosurgery. For paired ICP measurements, 93.5% of readings were within 2SD of mean difference. Whilst the majority of paired readings were comparable (within 10mmHg) clinically relevant tissue-ventricular dissociations were noted. Further work is required to unravel the events responsible for short intervals of pressure dissociation before tissue pressure readings can be definitively accepted as a reliable surrogate for ventricular pressure.</p

    C/EBPΞ² promotes immunity to oral candidiasis through regulation of Ξ²-defensins

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    Humans or mice subjected to immunosuppression, such as corticosteroids or anti-cytokine biologic therapies, are susceptible to mucosal infections by the commensal fungus Candida albicans. Recently it has become evident that the Th17/IL-17 axis is essential for immunity to candidiasis, but the downstream events that control immunity to this fungus are poorly understood. The CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein-Ξ² (C/EBPΞ²) transcription factor is important for signaling by multiple inflammatory stimuli, including IL-17. C/EBPΞ² is regulated in a variety of ways by IL-17, and controls several downstream IL-17 target genes. However, the role of C/EBPΞ² in vivo is poorly understood, in part because C/EBPΞ²-deficient mice are challenging to breed and work with. In this study, we sought to understand the role of C/EBPΞ² in the context of an IL-17-dependent immune response, using C. albicans infection as a model system. Confirming prior findings, we found that C/EBPΞ² is required for immunity to systemic candidiasis. In contrast, C/EBPΞ²-/- mice were resistant to oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC), in a manner indistinguishable from immunocompetent WT mice. However, C/EBPΞ²-/- mice experienced more severe OPC than WT mice in the context of cortisoneinduced immunosuppression. Expression of the antimicrobial peptide Ξ²-defensin (BD)-3 correlated strongly with susceptibility in C/EBPΞ²-/- mice, but no other IL-17-dependent genes were associated with susceptibility. Therefore, C/EBPΞ² contributes to immunity to mucosal candidiasis during cortisone immunosuppression in a manner linked to Ξ²-defensin 3 expression, but is apparently dispensable for the IL-17-dependent response. Copyright

    Trophic Garnishes: Cat–Rat Interactions in an Urban Environment

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    BACKGROUND:Community interactions can produce complex dynamics with counterintuitive responses. Synanthropic community members are of increasing practical interest for their effects on biodiversity and public health. Most studies incorporating introduced species have been performed on islands where they may pose a risk to the native fauna. Few have examined their interactions in urban environments where they represent the majority of species. We characterized house cat (Felis catus) predation on wild Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus), and its population effects in an urban area as a model system. Three aspects of predation likely to influence population dynamics were examined; the stratum of the prey population killed by predators, the intensity of the predation, and the size of the predator population. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Predation pressure was estimated from the sizes of the rat and cat populations, and the characteristics of rats killed in 20 alleys. Short and long term responses of rat population to perturbations were examined by removal trapping. Perturbations removed an average of 56% of the rats/alley but had no negative long-term impact on the size of the rat population (49.6+/-12.5 rats/alley and 123.8+/-42.2 rats/alley over two years). The sizes of the cat population during two years (3.5 animals/alley and 2.7 animals/alley) also were unaffected by rat population perturbations. Predation by cats occurred in 9/20 alleys. Predated rats were predominantly juveniles and significantly smaller (144.6 g+/-17.8 g) than the trapped rats (385.0 g+/-135.6 g). Cats rarely preyed on the larger, older portion of the rat population. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:The rat population appears resilient to perturbation from even substantial population reduction using targeted removal. In this area there is a relatively low population density of cats and they only occasionally prey on the rat population. This occasional predation primarily removes the juvenile proportion of the rat population. The top predator in this urban ecosystem appears to have little impact on the size of the prey population, and similarly, reduction in rat populations doesn't impact the size of the cat population. However, the selected targeting of small rats may locally influence the size structure of the population which may have consequences for patterns of pathogen transmission

    Control of the induction of type I interferon by Peste des petits ruminants virus.

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    Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) is a morbillivirus that produces clinical disease in goats and sheep. We have studied the induction of interferon-Ξ² (IFN-Ξ²) following infection of cultured cells with wild-type and vaccine strains of PPRV, and the effects of such infection with PPRV on the induction of IFN-Ξ² through both MDA-5 and RIG-I mediated pathways. Using both reporter assays and direct measurement of IFN-Ξ² mRNA, we have found that PPRV infection induces IFN-Ξ² only weakly and transiently, and the virus can actively block the induction of IFN-Ξ². We have also generated mutant PPRV that lack expression of either of the viral accessory proteins (V&C) to characterize the role of these proteins in IFN-Ξ² induction during virus infection. Both PPRV_Ξ”V and PPRV_Ξ”C were defective in growth in cell culture, although in different ways. While the PPRV V protein bound to MDA-5 and, to a lesser extent, RIG-I, and over-expression of the V protein inhibited both IFN-Ξ² induction pathways, PPRV lacking V protein expression can still block IFN-Ξ² induction. In contrast, PPRV C bound to neither MDA-5 nor RIG-I, but PPRV lacking C protein expression lost the ability to block both MDA-5 and RIG-I mediated activation of IFN-Ξ². These results shed new light on the inhibition of the induction of IFN-Ξ² by PPRV

    Temporal Dynamics of European Bat Lyssavirus Type 1 and Survival of Myotis myotis Bats in Natural Colonies

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    Many emerging RNA viruses of public health concern have recently been detected in bats. However, the dynamics of these viruses in natural bat colonies is presently unknown. Consequently, prediction of the spread of these viruses and the establishment of appropriate control measures are hindered by a lack of information. To this aim, we collected epidemiological, virological and ecological data during a twelve-year longitudinal study in two colonies of insectivorous bats (Myotis myotis) located in Spain and infected by the most common bat lyssavirus found in Europe, the European bat lyssavirus subtype 1 (EBLV-1). This active survey demonstrates that cyclic lyssavirus infections occurred with periodic oscillations in the number of susceptible, immune and infected bats. Persistence of immunity for more than one year was detected in some individuals. These data were further used to feed models to analyze the temporal dynamics of EBLV-1 and the survival rate of bats. According to these models, the infection is characterized by a predicted low basic reproductive rate (R0β€Š=β€Š1.706) and a short infectious period (Dβ€Š=β€Š5.1 days). In contrast to observations in most non-flying animals infected with rabies, the survival model shows no variation in mortality after EBLV-1 infection of M. myotis. These findings have considerable public health implications in terms of management of colonies where lyssavirus-positive bats have been recorded and confirm the potential risk of rabies transmission to humans. A greater understanding of the dynamics of lyssavirus in bat colonies also provides a model to study how bats contribute to the maintenance and transmission of other viruses of public health concern

    FMRP associates with cytoplasmic granules at the onset of meiosis in the human oocyte

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    Germ cell development and primordial follicle formation during fetal life is critical in establishing the pool of oocytes that subsequently determines the reproductive lifespan of women. Fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI) is caused by inheritance of the FMR1 premutation allele and approximately 20% of women with the premutation allele develop ovarian dysfunction and premature ovarian insufficiency. However, the underlying disease mechanism remains obscure, and a potential role of FMRP in human ovarian development has not been explored. We have characterised the expression of FMR1 and FMRP in the human fetal ovary at the time of germ cell entry into meiosis through to primordial follicle formation. FMRP expression is exclusively in germ cells in the human fetal ovary. Increased FMRP expression in germ cells coincides with the loss of pluripotency-associated protein expression, and entry into meiosis is associated with FMRP granulation. In addition, we have uncovered FMRP association with components of P-bodies and stress granules, suggesting it may have a role in mRNA metabolism at the time of onset of meiosis. Therefore, this data support the hypothesis that FMRP plays a role regulating mRNAs during pivotal maturational processes in fetal germ cells, and ovarian dysfunction resulting from FMR1 premutation may have its origins during these stages of oocyte development

    Negative Regulation of Interferon-Ξ² Gene Expression during Acute and Persistent Virus Infections

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    The production of type I interferons (IFNs) in response to viral infections is critical for antiviral immunity. However, IFN production is transient, and continued expression can lead to inflammatory or autoimmune diseases. Thus, understanding the mechanisms underlying the negative regulation of IFN expression could lead to the development of novel therapeutic approaches to the treatment of these diseases. We report that the transcription factor IRF3 plays a central role in the negative regulation of interferon-Ξ² (IFNΞ²) expression during both acute and persistent (chronic) virus infections. We show that the degradation of IRF3 during acute infections, rather than the activation of transcriptional repressors, leads to the down regulation of IFNΞ² expression. We also show that the block to IFNΞ² expression in mouse embryonic fibroblasts that are persistently infected with Sendai virus (SeV) correlates with the absence of transcriptionally active IRF3. Remarkably, ongoing protein synthesis and viral replication are required to maintain repression of the IFNΞ² gene in persistently infected cells, as the gene can be activated by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide, or by the antiviral drug ribavirin. Finally, we show that the SeV V protein inhibits IRF3 activity in persistently infected cells. Thus, in conjunction with the known interference with STAT1 by the SeV C protein, both IFN activation and its signaling pathways are blocked in persistently infected cells. We conclude that the transcription factor IRF3 is targeted for turnover and inactivation through distinct mechanisms from both the host cells and virus, leading to the inhibition of IFNΞ² gene expression during acute and persistent viral infections. These observations show that IRF3 plays a critical role, not only in the activation of the IFNΞ² gene, but also in the controlling the duration of its expression. (284 words
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