451 research outputs found


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    Objective: The study was undertaken to evaluate the antimicrobial activity and phytochemical constituents of the medicinal plant Alpinia galanga.Methods: The plant samples were collected from the places of Mandaikadu, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India. Plant extracts were preparedfrom the dried leaf powder using different solvents include acetone, chloroform, diethyl ether, ethanol, and distilled water. Initially, antimicrobialactivities of the plant extracts were tested by agar well diffusion method against four bacterial, viz., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Bacilluscereus, and Staphylococcus aureus and two fungal pathogens, viz., Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum. Further, the plant extracts werescreened for phytochemical constituents by standard protocols.Results: In this study, the entire bacterial pathogens have inhibited by acetone, chloroform, diethyl ether, and ethanol extracts. In phytochemicalscreening tests, the plant extracts showed positive results for carbohydrates, amino acid, chloride, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, and terpenoids.Conclusion: This study reveals the continuation of antimicrobial components in the medicinal plant A. galanga.Keywords: Alpinia galanga, Phytochemical, Antimicrobial activity and plant extracts

    A review of duodenal metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix presenting as an upper gastrointestinal bleed

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    Upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to duodenal metastases is extremely uncommon. Extra-pelvic spread of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the cervix to the small bowel is rare with only 6 reported cases in the English literature since 1981(PubMed, Medline)

    Bacteriological Evaluation of Drinking Water of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh

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    Access to pathogen free safe drinking water is one of the major challenges of the 21st century for most of the people of world. According to WHO guidelines, 100 ml sample of safe drinking must be free of total coliform, fecal coliform and E. coli. Hence, this study was designed for bacteriological evaluation of drinking water collected from different restaurant in Rajshahi city, Bangladesh. Among 10 samples, no detectable E. coli was found in 5 water samples (100 ml each) while 8-50 detectable E. coli in 100 ml water sample was found in the remaining 5 samples which exceeded the BDS and WHO standard of drinking water. Four randomly selected isolates (B1, B2, B3 and R) which were isolated from different water samples were subjected to 16S rRNA gene sequencing. It was found  that the 16S rRNA sequence of isolate B1, B2 and B3 had 98% similarity to that of Enterobacter asburiae, Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter sp respectively. Similarly, 16S rRNA sequence of isolate R had 99% similarity to that of Klebsiella pneumonia. Results of biochemical analysis revealed that all four isolates were negative to Catalase, KOH and Oxidase test while variations were found for other tests. Similarly, all four isolates were able to ferment all tested carbohydrates except cellulose. The optimum pH and temperature for the growth of the all isolates was pH 7.0 and 37ºC. It was found that all the isolates were sensitive to majority of the antibiotics used

    Hippobosca longipennis - a potential intermediate host of a species of Acanthocheilonema in dogs in northern India

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    Background Hippobosca longipennis (the 'dog louse fly') is a blood sucking ectoparasite found on wild carnivores such as cheetahs and lions and domesticated and feral dogs in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, including China. Known as an intermediate host for Acanthocheilonema dracunculoides and a transport host for Cheyletiella yasguri, it has also been suggested that H. longipennis may be a vector for other pathogens, including Acanthocheilonema sp.? nov., which was recently reported to infect up to 48% of dogs in northern India where this species of fly is known to commonly infest dogs. To test this hypothesis, hippoboscid flies feeding on dogs in Ladakh in northern India were collected and subjected to microscopic dissection. Results A total of 12 infective larvae were found in 10 out of 65 flies dissected; 9 from the head, 2 from the thorax and 1 from the abdomen. The larvae averaged 2, 900 (± 60) μm in length and 34 (± 5) μm in width and possessed morphological features characteristic of the family Onchocercidae. Genetic analysis and comparison of the 18S, ITS-2, 12S and cox-1 genes confirmed the identity of the larvae as the Acanthocheilonema sp.? nov. reported in dogs in Ladakh. Conclusion This study provides evidence for a potential intermediate host-parasite relationship between H. longipennis and the canine Acanthocheilonema sp.? nov. in northern India

    Midgut microbiota of the malaria mosquito vector Anopheles gambiae and Interactions with plasmodium falciparum Infection

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    The susceptibility of Anopheles mosquitoes to Plasmodium infections relies on complex interactions between the insect vector and the malaria parasite. A number of studies have shown that the mosquito innate immune responses play an important role in controlling the malaria infection and that the strength of parasite clearance is under genetic control, but little is known about the influence of environmental factors on the transmission success. We present here evidence that the composition of the vector gut microbiota is one of the major components that determine the outcome of mosquito infections. A. gambiae mosquitoes collected in natural breeding sites from Cameroon were experimentally challenged with a wild P. falciparum isolate, and their gut bacterial content was submitted for pyrosequencing analysis. The meta-taxogenomic approach revealed a broader richness of the midgut bacterial flora than previously described. Unexpectedly, the majority of bacterial species were found in only a small proportion of mosquitoes, and only 20 genera were shared by 80% of individuals. We show that observed differences in gut bacterial flora of adult mosquitoes is a result of breeding in distinct sites, suggesting that the native aquatic source where larvae were grown determines the composition of the midgut microbiota. Importantly, the abundance of Enterobacteriaceae in the mosquito midgut correlates significantly with the Plasmodium infection status. This striking relationship highlights the role of natural gut environment in parasite transmission. Deciphering microbe-pathogen interactions offers new perspectives to control disease transmission.Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD); French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche [ANR-11-BSV7-009-01]; European Community [242095, 223601]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A survey of canine tick-borne diseases in India

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    Background: There are few published reports on canine Babesia, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Hepatozoon and haemotropic Mycoplasma infections in India and most describe clinical disease in individual dogs, diagnosed by morphological observation of the microorganisms in stained blood smears. This study investigated the occurrence and distribution of canine tick-borne disease (TBD) pathogens using a combination of conventional and molecular diagnostic techniques in four cities in India. Results: On microscopy examination, only Hepatozoon gamonts were observed in twelve out of 525 (2.3%; 95% CI: 1.2, 4) blood smears. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a total of 261 from 525 dogs (49.7%; 95% CI: 45.4, 54.1) in this study were infected with one or more canine tick-borne pathogen. Hepatozoon canis (30%; 95% CI: 26.0, 34.0) was the most common TBD pathogen found infecting dogs in India followed by Ehrlichia canis (20.6%; 95% CI: 17.2, 24.3), Mycoplasma haemocanis (12.2%; 95% CI: 9.5, 15.3), Anaplasma platys (6.5%; 95% CI: 4.5, 8.9), Babesia vogeli (5.5%, 95% CI: 3.7, 7.8) and Babesia gibsoni (0.2%, 95% CI: 0.01, 1.06). Concurrent infection with more than one TBD pathogen occurred in 39% of cases. Potential tick vectors, Rhipicephalus (most commonly) and/or Haemaphysalis ticks were found on 278 (53%) of dogs examined. Conclusions: At least 6 species of canine tick-borne pathogens are present in India. Hepatozoon canis was the most common pathogen and ticks belonging to the genus Rhipicephalus were encountered most frequently. Polymerase chain reaction was more sensitive in detecting circulating pathogens compared with peripheral blood smear examination. As co-infections with canine TBD pathogens were common, Indian veterinary practitioners should be cognisant that the discovery of one such pathogen raises the potential for multiple infections which may warrant different clinical management strategies

    Rapid assessment of Hib disease burden in Vietnam

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several countries have applied the <it>Haemophilus influenzae </it>type b (Hib) rapid assessment tool (RAT) to estimate the burden of Hib disease where resources for hospital- or population-based surveillance are limited. In Vietnam, we used the Hib RAT to estimate the burden of Hib pneumonia and meningitis prior to Hib vaccine introduction.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Laboratory, hospitalization and mortality data were collected for the period January 2004 through December 2005 from five representative hospitals. Based on the WHO Hib RAT protocol, standardized MS Excel spreadsheets were completed to generate meningitis and pneumonia case and death figures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found 35 to 77 Hib meningitis deaths and 441 to 957 Hib pneumonia deaths among children < 5 years of age annually in Vietnam. Overall, the incidence of Hib meningitis was estimated at 18/100,000 (95% confidence interval, CI, 15.1-21.6). The estimated Hib meningitis incidence in children < 5 years age was higher in Ho Chi Minh City (22.5/100,000 [95% CI, 18.4-27.5]) compared to Hanoi (9.8/100,000 [95% CI, 6.5-14.8]). The Hib RAT suggests that there are a total of 883 to 1,915 cases of Hib meningitis and 4,414 to 9,574 cases of Hib pneumonia per year in Vietnam.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In Hanoi, the estimated incidence of Hib meningitis for children < 5 years of age was similar to that described in previous population-based studies of Hib meningitis conducted from 1999 through 2002. Results from the Hib RAT suggest that there is a substantial, yet unmeasured, disease burden associated with Hib pneumonia in Vietnamese children.</p
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