24 research outputs found

    An MBO scheme for minimizing the graph Ohta-Kawasaki functional

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    We study a graph based version of the Ohta-Kawasaki functional, which was originally introduced in a continuum setting to model pattern formation in diblock copolymer melts and has been studied extensively as a paradigmatic example of a variational model for pattern formation. Graph based problems inspired by partial differential equations (PDEs) and varational methods have been the subject of many recent papers in the mathematical literature, because of their applications in areas such as image processing and data classification. This paper extends the area of PDE inspired graph based problems to pattern forming models, while continuing in the tradition of recent papers in the field. We introduce a mass conserving Merriman-Bence-Osher (MBO) scheme for minimizing the graph Ohta-Kawasaki functional with a mass constraint. We present three main results: (1) the Lyapunov functionals associated with this MBO scheme Γ-converge to the Ohta-Kawasaki functional (which includes the standard graph based MBO scheme and total variation as a special case); (2) there is a class of graphs on which the Ohta-Kawasaki MBO scheme corresponds to a standard MBO scheme on a transformed graph and for which generalized comparison principles hold; (3) this MBO scheme allows for the numerical computation of (approximate) minimizers of the graph Ohta-Kawasaki functional with a mass constraint

    Level set equations on surfaces via the Closest Point Method

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    Level set methods have been used in a great number of applications in ℝ 2 and ℝ 3 and it is natural to consider extending some of these methods to problems defined on surfaces embedded in ℝ 3 or higher dimensions. In this paper we consider the treatment of level set equations on surfaces via a recent technique for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) on surfaces, the Closest Point Method (Ruuth and Merriman, J. Comput. Phys. 227(3):1943-1961, [2008]). Our main modification is to introduce a Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) interpolation step into the Closest Point Method. This, in combination with standard WENO for Hamilton-Jacobi equations, gives high-order results (up to fifth-order) on a variety of smooth test problems including passive transport, normal flow and redistancing. The algorithms we propose are straightforward modifications of standard codes, are carried out in the embedding space in a well-defined band around the surface and retain the robustness of the level set method with respect to the self-intersection of interfaces. Numerous examples are provided to illustrate the flexibility of the method with respect to geometry. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    A numerical study of Diagonally split Runge-Kutta methods for PDEs with discontinuities

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    Diagonally split Runge-Kutta (DSRK) time discretization methods are a class of implicit time-stepping schemes which offer both high-order convergence and a form of nonlinear stability known as unconditional contractivity. This combination is not possible within the classes of Runge-Kutta or linear multistep methods and therefore appears promising for the strong stability preserving (SSP) time-stepping community which is generally concerned with computing oscillation-free numerical solutions of PDEs. Using a variety of numerical test problems, we show that although second- and third-order unconditionally contractive DSRK methods do preserve the strong stability property for all time step-sizes, they suffer from order reduction at large step-sizes. Indeed, for time-steps larger than those typically chosen for explicit methods, these DSRK methods behave like first-order implicit methods. This is unfortunate, because it is precisely to allow a large time-step that we choose to use implicit methods. These results suggest that unconditionally contractive DSRK methods are limited in usefulness as they are unable to compete with either the first-order backward Euler method for large step-sizes or with Crank-Nicolson or high-order explicit SSP Runge-Kutta methods for smaller step-sizes. We also present stage order conditions for DSRK methods and show that the observed order reduction is associated with the necessarily low stage order of the unconditionally contractive DSRK methods. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Segmentation on surfaces with the closest point method

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    We propose a method to detect objects and patterns in textures on general surfaces. Our approach applies the Chan-Vese variational model for active contours without edges to the problem of segmentation of scalar surface data. This leads to gradient descent equations which are level set equations on surfaces. These equations are evolved using the Closest Point Method, which is a recent technique for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) on surfaces. The final algorithm has a particularly simple form: it merely alternates a time step of the usual Chan-Vese model in a small 3D neighborhood of the surface with an interpolation step. We remark that the method can treat very general surfaces since it uses a closest point function to represent the underlying surface. Various experimental results are presented, including segmentation on smooth surfaces, non-smooth surfaces, open surfaces, and general triangulated surfaces. ©2009 IEEE

    On the Linear Stability of the Fifth-Order WENO Discretization

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    We study the linear stability of the fifth-order Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory spatial discretization (WENO5) combined with explicit time stepping applied to the one-dimensional advection equation. We show that it is not necessary for the stability domain of the time integrator to include a part of the imaginary axis. In particular, we show that the combination of WENO5 with either the forward Euler method or a two-stage, second-order Runge-Kutta method is linearly stable provided very small time step-sizes are taken. We also consider fifth-order multistep time discretizations whose stability domains do not include the imaginary axis. These are found to be linearly stable with moderate time steps when combined with WENO5. In particular, the fifth-order extrapolated BDF scheme gave superior results in practice to high-order Runge-Kutta methods whose stability domain includes the imaginary axis. Numerical tests are presented which confirm the analysis. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

    Dynamic shapes of arbitrary dimension: the Vector Distance Functions

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    We present a novel method for representing and evolving objects of arbitrary dimension. The method, called the Vector Distance Function (VDF) method, uses the vector that connects any point in space to its closest point on the object. It can deal with smooth manifolds with and without boundaries and with shapes of different dimensions. It can be used to evolve such objects according to a variety of motions, including mean curvature. If discontinuous velocity fields are allowed the dimension of the objects can change. The evolution method that we propose guarantees that we stay in the class of VDFs and therefore that the intrinsic properties of the underlying shapes such as their dimension, curvatures can be read off easily from the VDF and its spatial derivatives at each time instant. The main disadvantage of the method is its redundancy: the size of the representation is always that of the ambient space even though the object we are representing may be of a much lower dimension. This..