250 research outputs found

    The effect of pegbovigrastim on circulating neutrophil count in dairy cattle : a randomized controlled trial

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    Previous research in various species has shown that granulocyte-colony stimulating factor stimulates the production and release of neutrophils from bone marrow. The objective of this study was to characterize the effects of polyethylene glycol-bound bovine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (pegbovigrastim; Imrestor, Elanco) on circulating leukocyte counts. Thirty-four Holstein cows were randomly assigned to receive 2 injections of either physiologic saline (n = 16) or pegbovigrastim (n = 18), 7 days before expected calving (d - 7) and within 24 hours after calving (d 0). Cows were sampled at d - 7, d - 6, d 0, d + 1, d + 7, and d +/- 21, relative to calving. Only cows for which the interval from the first injection to calving was >= 4 d and <= 10 d were included, such that the interval (mean +/- SD) from first treatment to calving was 6.7 +/- 1.9 d. Treatment effects were assessed with mixed linear regression models. After the first injection, neutrophil counts (x10(9)/L) in pegbovigrastim-treated cows increased from 4.3 (95% CI 3.8 to 4.8) at d - 7 to 18.2 (CI 16.3 to 20.3) at d - 6 (P < 0.0001). Their counts then decreased from d - 6 to d 0, when the second injection was administered, at a rate of - 0.31 x 10(9) neutrophils/L/day (P < 0.0001). After the second injection, neutrophil counts increased from 16.4 (CI 13.7 to 19.6) at d 0 to 32.8 (CI 25.2 to 42.7) at d + 1 (P < 0.0001), after which counts decreased at a rate of -3.73 x 10(9) neutrophils/L/day until d + 7 (P < 0.0001). Counts continued to decrease from d + 7 to d + 21 at a slower rate of -0.43 x 10(9) neutrophils/L/day (P < 0.0001), until baseline levels were reached. Conversely, in control cows, neutrophil counts were unchanged from d - 7 to d - 6 (P = 0.86) after the first injection and then decreased from 6.1 (CI 5.0-7.3) at d 0, to 3.2 (CI 2.4-4.2) at d + 1 (P < 0.0001) after the second injection. Neutrophil count was greater (P < 0.001) in pegbovigrastim-treated than in control cows at days -6, 0, +1 and +7. Area under the curve (cells x 10(9)/L per 28 d) for neutrophil counts in the pegbovigrastim group was 429, versus 99 in the control group (P < 0.0001). The response to each injection of pegbovigrastim was additive and consisted of 95% segmented neutrophils, suggesting that the effect of the treatment was to release mature neutrophils from a substantial pool available in the bone marrow. The sustained increase in circulating neutrophil count around the time of calving may contribute to improved health during the peripartum transition period

    The internal thoracic artery skeletonization study: A paired, within-patient comparison [NCT00265499]

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    BACKGROUND: Traditional harvesting of the internal thoracic artery (ITA) for use as a conduit in coronary bypass surgery involves the dissection of a rim of tissue surrounding the artery on either side. Recent studies, primarily observational, have suggested that skeletonization of the ITA can improve conduit flow, increase length, and reduce the risk of deep sternal infection in high risk patients. Furthermore, skeletonization of the ITA can potentially preserve intercostal nerves and reduce post-operative pain and dysesthesias associated with ITA harvesting. In order to assess the effects of ITA skeletonization, we report a prospective, randomized, within-patient study design that shares many features of a cross-over study. METHODS: Patients undergoing bilateral internal thoracic artery harvest will be randomized to having one side skeletonized and the other harvested in a non-skeletonized manner. Outcome measures include ITA flow and length measured intra-operatively, post-operative pain and dysesthesia, evaluated at discharge, four weeks, and three months post-operatively, and sternal perfusion assessed using single photon emission computed tomography. Harvest times as well as safety endpoints of ITA injury will be recorded. DISCUSSION: This study design, using within-patient comparisons and paired analyses, minimizes the variability of the outcome measures, which is seldom possible in the evaluation of surgical techniques, with minimal chance of carryover effects that can hamper the interpretation of traditional cross-over studies. This study will provide a valid evaluation of clinically relevant effects of internal thoracic artery skeletonization in improving outcomes following coronary artery bypass surgery

    Evidence for Avian Intrathoracic Air Sacs in a New Predatory Dinosaur from Argentina

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    Background: Living birds possess a unique heterogeneous pulmonary system composed of a rigid, dorsally-anchored lung and several compliant air sacs that operate as bellows, driving inspired air through the lung. Evidence from the fossil record for the origin and evolution of this system is extremely limited, because lungs do not fossilize and because the bellow-like air sacs in living birds only rarely penetrate (pneumatize) skeletal bone and thus leave a record of their presence. Methodology/Principal Findings: We describe a new predatory dinosaur from Upper Cretaceous rocks in Argentina, Aerosteon riocoloradensis gen. et sp. nov., that exhibits extreme pneumatization of skeletal bone, including pneumatic hollowing of the furcula and ilium. In living birds, these two bones are pneumatized by diverticulae of air sacs (clavicular, abdominal) that are involved in pulmonary ventilation. We also describe several pneumatized gastralia (‘‘stomach ribs’’), which suggest that diverticulae of the air sac system were present in surface tissues of the thorax. Conclusions/Significance: We present a four-phase model for the evolution of avian air sacs and costosternal-driven lung ventilation based on the known fossil record of theropod dinosaurs and osteological correlates in extant birds: (1) Phase I—Elaboration of paraxial cervical air sacs in basal theropods no later than the earliest Late Triassic. (2) Phase II—Differentiation of avian ventilatory air sacs, including both cranial (clavicular air sac) and caudal (abdominal air sac) divisions, in basal tetanurans during the Jurassic. A heterogeneous respiratory tract wit

    Effect of trabecular bone loss on cortical strain rate during impact in an in vitro model of avian femur

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    BACKGROUND: Osteoporotic hip fractures occur due to loss of cortical and trabecular bone mass and consequent degradation in whole bone strength. The direct cause of most fractures is a fall, and hence, characterizing the mechanical behavior of a whole osteopenic bone under impact is important. However, very little is known about the mechanical interactions between cortical and trabecular bone during impact, and it is specifically unclear to what extent epiphyseal trabecular bone contributes to impact resistance of whole bones. We hypothesized that trabecular bone serves as a structural support to the cortex during impact, and hence, loss of a critical mass of trabecular bone reduces internal constraining of the cortex, and, thereby, decreases the impact tolerance of the whole bone. METHODS: To test this hypothesis, we conducted cortical strain rate measurements in adult chicken's proximal femora subjected to a Charpy impact test, after removing different trabecular bone core masses to simulate different osteopenic severities. RESULTS: We found that removal of core trabecular bone decreased by ~10-fold the cortical strain rate at the side opposite to impact (p < 0.01), i.e. from 359,815 ± 1799 μm/m per second (mean ± standard error) for an intact (control) specimen down to 35,997 ± 180 μm/m per second where 67% of the total trabecular bone mass (~0.7 grams in adult chicken) were removed. After normalizing the strain rate by the initial weight of bone specimens, a sigmoid relation emerged between normalized strain rate and removed mass of trabecular bone, showing very little effect on the cortex strain rate if below 10% of the trabecular mass is removed, but most of the effect was already apparent for less than 30% trabecular bone loss. An analytical model of the experiments supported this behavior. CONCLUSION: We conclude that in our in vitro avian model, loss of over 10% of core trabecular bone substantially altered the deformation response of whole bone to impact, which supports the above hypothesis and indicates that integrity of trabecular bone is critical for resisting impact loads

    Axial distribution of myosin binding protein-C is unaffected by mutations in human cardiac and skeletal muscle

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    Myosin binding protein-C (MyBP-C), a major thick filament associated sarcomeric protein, plays an important functional and structural role in regulating sarcomere assembly and crossbridge formation. Missing or aberrant MyBP-C proteins (both cardiac and skeletal) have been shown to cause both cardiac and skeletal myopathies, thereby emphasising its importance for the normal functioning of the sarcomere. Mutations in cardiac MyBP-C are a major cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), while mutations in skeletal MyBP-C have been implicated in a disease of skeletal muscle—distal arthrogryposis type 1 (DA-1). Here we report the first detailed electron microscopy studies on human cardiac and skeletal tissues carrying MyBP-C gene mutations, using samples obtained from HCM and DA-1 patients. We have used established image averaging methods to identify and study the axial distribution of MyBP-C on the thick filament by averaging profile plots of the A-band of the sarcomere from electron micrographs of human cardiac and skeletal myopathy specimens. Due to the difficulty of obtaining normal human tissue, we compared the distribution to the A-band structure in normal frog skeletal, rat cardiac muscle and in cardiac muscle of MyBP-C-deficient mice. Very similar overall profile averages were obtained from the C-zones in cardiac HCM samples and skeletal DA-1 samples with MyBP-C gene mutations, suggesting that mutations in MyBP-C do not alter its mean axial distribution along the thick filament

    Consequences of the Timing of Menarche on Female Adolescent Sleep Phase Preference

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    Most parents experience their children's puberty as a dramatic change in family life. This is not surprising considering the dynamics of physical and psychosocial maturation which occur during adolescence. A reasonable question, particularly from the parents' perspective, is: when does this vibrant episode end and adulthood finally start? The aim of the present study was to assess the relationship between puberty and the changes in sleep phase preferences during female maturation and adulthood by a cross-sectional survey. The results from 1'187 females aged 5 to 51 years based on self-report measures of sleep preferences on weekdays and on free days as well as the occurrence of menarche, show that in contrast to prepubertal children, adolescent females exhibit a striking progression in delaying their sleep phase preference until 5 years after menarche. Thereafter, the sleep phase preference switches to advancing. The current study provides evidence that a clear shift in sleep-wake cycles temporally linked to menarche heralds the beginning of “adult-like” sleep-wake behaviour in women and can be used as a (chrono)biological marker for the onset of adulthood

    Cardiac myosin binding protein C phosphorylation in cardiac disease

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    Perturbations in sarcomeric function may in part underlie systolic and diastolic dysfunction of the failing heart. Sarcomeric dysfunction has been ascribed to changes in phosphorylation status of sarcomeric proteins caused by an altered balance between intracellular kinases and phosphatases during the development of cardiac disease. In the present review we discuss changes in phosphorylation of the thick filament protein myosin binding protein C (cMyBP-C) reported in failing myocardium, with emphasis on phosphorylation changes observed in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy caused by mutations in MYBPC3. Moreover, we will discuss assays which allow to distinguish between functional consequences of mutant sarcomeric proteins and (mal)adaptive changes in sarcomeric protein phosphorylation

    Expansion of CD4+CD25+ and CD25- T-Bet, GATA-3, Foxp3 and RORγt Cells in Allergic Inflammation, Local Lung Distribution and Chemokine Gene Expression

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    Allergic asthma is associated with airway eosinophilia, which is regulated by different T-effector cells. T cells express transcription factors T-bet, GATA-3, RORγt and Foxp3, representing Th1, Th2, Th17 and Treg cells respectively. No study has directly determined the relative presence of each of these T cell subsets concomitantly in a model of allergic airway inflammation. In this study we determined the degree of expansion of these T cell subsets, in the lungs of allergen challenged mice. Cell proliferation was determined by incorporation of 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) together with 7-aminoactnomycin (7-AAD). The immunohistochemical localisation of T cells in the lung microenvironments was also quantified. Local expression of cytokines, chemokines and receptor genes was measured using real-time RT-PCR array analysis in tissue sections isolated by laser microdissection and pressure catapulting technology. Allergen exposure increased the numbers of T-bet+, GATA-3+, RORγt+ and Foxp3+ cells in CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25- T cells, with the greatest expansion of GATA-3+ cells. The majority of CD4+CD25+ T-bet+, GATA-3+, RORγt+ and Foxp3+ cells had incorporated BrdU and underwent proliferation during allergen exposure. Allergen exposure led to the accumulation of T-bet+, GATA-3+ and Foxp3+ cells in peribronchial and alveolar tissue, GATA-3+ and Foxp3+ cells in perivascular tissue, and RORγt+ cells in alveolar tissue. A total of 28 cytokines, chemokines and receptor genes were altered more than 3 fold upon allergen exposure, with expression of half of the genes claimed in all three microenvironments. Our study shows that allergen exposure affects all T effector cells in lung, with a dominant of Th2 cells, but with different local cell distribution, probably due to a distinguished local inflammatory milieu

    Exhaustive exercise training enhances aerobic capacity in American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)

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    The oxygen transport system in mammals is extensively remodelled in response to repeated bouts of activity, but many reptiles appear to be ‘metabolically inflexible’ in response to exercise training. A recent report showed that estuarine crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) increase their maximum metabolic rate in response to exhaustive treadmill training, and in the present study, we confirm this response in another crocodilian, American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). We further specify the nature of the crocodilian training response by analysing effects of training on aerobic [citrate synthase (CS)] and anaerobic [lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)] enzyme activities in selected skeletal muscles, ventricular and skeletal muscle masses and haematocrit. Compared to sedentary control animals, alligators regularly trained for 15 months on a treadmill (run group) or in a flume (swim group) exhibited peak oxygen consumption rates higher by 27 and 16%, respectively. Run and swim exercise training significantly increased ventricular mass (~11%) and haematocrit (~11%), but not the mass of skeletal muscles. However, exercise training did not alter CS or LDH activities of skeletal muscles. Similar to mammals, alligators respond to exercise training by increasing convective oxygen transport mechanisms, specifically heart size (potentially greater stroke volume) and haematocrit (increased oxygen carrying-capacity of the blood). Unlike mammals, but similar to squamate reptiles, alligators do not also increase citrate synthase activity of the skeletal muscles in response to exercise