8,649 research outputs found

    Hybrid solid state qubits: the powerful role of electron spins

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    We review progress on the use of electron spins to store and process quantum information, with particular focus on the ability of the electron spin to interact with multiple quantum degrees of freedom. We examine the benefits of hybrid quantum bits (qubits) in the solid state that are based on coupling electron spins to nuclear spin, electron charge, optical photons, and superconducting qubits. These benefits include the coherent storage of qubits for times exceeding seconds, fast qubit manipulation, single qubit measurement, and scalable methods for entangling spatially separated matter-based qubits. In this way, the key strengths of different physical qubit implementations are brought together, laying the foundation for practical solid-state quantum technologies.Comment: 54 pages, 7 figure

    Optimization of 3D Cooling Channels in Injection Molding using DRBEM and Model Reduction

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    Issu de : ESAFORM 2009 - 12th ESAFORM Conference on material forming, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS, 27-29 April 2009International audienceToday, around 30% of manufactured plastic goods rely on injection moulding. The cooling time can represent more than 70% of the injection cycle. In this process, heat transfer during the cooling step has a great influence both on the quality of the final parts that are produced, and on the moulding cycle time. In the numerical solution of three-dimensional boundary value problems, the matrix size can be so large that it is beyond a computer capacity to solve it. To overcome this difficulty, we develop an iterative dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) to solve Poisson’s equation without the need of assembling a matrix. This yields a reduction of the computational space dimension from 3D to 2D, avoiding full 3D remeshing. Only the surface of the cooling channels needs to be remeshed at each evaluation required by the optimisation algorithm. For more efficiency, DRBEM computing results are extracted stored and exploited in order to construct a model with very few degrees of freedom. This approach is based on a model reduction technique known as proper orthogonal (POD) or Karhunen-Loève decompositions. We introduce in this paper a practical methodology to optimise both the position and the shape of the cooling channels in 3D injection moulding processes. First, we propose an implementation of the model reduction in the 3D transient BEM solver. This reduction permits to reduce considerably the computing time required by each direct computation. Secondly, we present an optimisation methodology applied to different injection cooling problems. For example, we can minimize the maximal temperature on the cavity surface subject to a temperature uniformityconstraint. Thirdly, we compare our results obtained by our approach with experimental results to show that our optimisation methodology is viable

    Stochastic population growth in spatially heterogeneous environments

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    Classical ecological theory predicts that environmental stochasticity increases extinction risk by reducing the average per-capita growth rate of populations. To understand the interactive effects of environmental stochasticity, spatial heterogeneity, and dispersal on population growth, we study the following model for population abundances in nn patches: the conditional law of Xt+dtX_{t+dt} given Xt=xX_t=x is such that when dtdt is small the conditional mean of Xt+dtiXtiX_{t+dt}^i-X_t^i is approximately [xiμi+j(xjDjixiDij)]dt[x^i\mu_i+\sum_j(x^j D_{ji}-x^i D_{ij})]dt, where XtiX_t^i and μi\mu_i are the abundance and per capita growth rate in the ii-th patch respectivly, and DijD_{ij} is the dispersal rate from the ii-th to the jj-th patch, and the conditional covariance of Xt+dtiXtiX_{t+dt}^i-X_t^i and Xt+dtjXtjX_{t+dt}^j-X_t^j is approximately xixjσijdtx^i x^j \sigma_{ij}dt. We show for such a spatially extended population that if St=(Xt1+...+Xtn)S_t=(X_t^1+...+X_t^n) is the total population abundance, then Yt=Xt/StY_t=X_t/S_t, the vector of patch proportions, converges in law to a random vector YY_\infty as tt\to\infty, and the stochastic growth rate limtt1logSt\lim_{t\to\infty}t^{-1}\log S_t equals the space-time average per-capita growth rate \sum_i\mu_i\E[Y_\infty^i] experienced by the population minus half of the space-time average temporal variation \E[\sum_{i,j}\sigma_{ij}Y_\infty^i Y_\infty^j] experienced by the population. We derive analytic results for the law of YY_\infty, find which choice of the dispersal mechanism DD produces an optimal stochastic growth rate for a freely dispersing population, and investigate the effect on the stochastic growth rate of constraints on dispersal rates. Our results provide fundamental insights into "ideal free" movement in the face of uncertainty, the persistence of coupled sink populations, the evolution of dispersal rates, and the single large or several small (SLOSS) debate in conservation biology.Comment: 47 pages, 4 figure

    Reactive oxygen-related diseases: therapeutic targets and emerging clinical indications

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    SIGNIFICANCE Enhanced levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been associated with different disease states. Most attempts to validate and exploit these associations by chronic antioxidant therapies have provided disappointing results. Hence, the clinical relevance of ROS is still largely unclear. RECENT ADVANCES We are now beginning to understand the reasons for these failures, which reside in the many important physiological roles of ROS in cell signaling. To exploit ROS therapeutically, it would be essential to define and treat the disease-relevant ROS at the right moment and leave physiological ROS formation intact. This breakthrough seems now within reach. CRITICAL ISSUES Rather than antioxidants, a new generation of protein targets for classical pharmacological agents includes ROS-forming or toxifying enzymes or proteins that are oxidatively damaged and can be functionally repaired. FUTURE DIRECTIONS Linking these target proteins in future to specific disease states and providing in each case proof of principle will be essential for translating the oxidative stress concept into the clinic. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 23, 1171-1185

    Inertial sensor real-time feedback enhances the learning of cervical spine manipulation: a prospective study.

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    BACKGROUND: Cervical Spinal Manipulation (CSM) is considered a high-level skill of the central nervous system because it requires bimanual coordinated rhythmical movements therefore necessitating training to achieve proficiency. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of real-time feedback on the performance of CSM. METHODS: Six postgraduate physiotherapy students attending a training workshop on Cervical Spine Manipulation Technique (CSMT) using inertial sensor derived real-time feedback participated in this study. The key variables were pre-manipulative position, angular displacement of the thrust and angular velocity of the thrust. Differences between variables before and after training were investigated using t-tests. RESULTS: There were no significant differences after training for the pre-manipulative position (rotation p = 0.549; side bending p = 0.312) or for thrust displacement (rotation p = 0.247; side bending p = 0.314). Thrust angular velocity demonstrated a significant difference following training for rotation (pre-training mean (sd) 48.9°/s (35.1); post-training mean (sd) 96.9°/s (53.9); p = 0.027) but not for side bending (p = 0.521). CONCLUSION: Real-time feedback using an inertial sensor may be valuable in the development of specific manipulative skill. Future studies investigating manipulation could consider a randomized controlled trial using inertial sensor real time feedback compared to traditional training

    Single donor ionization energies in a nanoscale CMOS channel

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    One consequence of the continued downwards scaling of transistors is the reliance on only a few discrete atoms to dope the channel, and random fluctuations of the number of these dopants is already a major issue in the microelectonics industry. While single-dopant signatures have been observed at low temperature, studying the impact of only one dopant up to room temperature requires extremely small lengths. Here, we show that a single arsenic dopant dramatically affects the off-state behavior of an advanced microelectronics field effect transistor (FET) at room temperature. Furthermore, the ionization energy of this dopant should be profoundly modified by the close proximity of materials with a different dielectric constant than the host semiconductor. We measure a strong enhancement, from 54meV to 108meV, of the ionization energy of an arsenic atom located near the buried oxide. This enhancement is responsible for the large current below threshold at room temperature and therefore explains the large variability in these ultra-scaled transistors. The results also suggest a path to incorporating quantum functionalities into silicon CMOS devices through manipulation of single donor orbitals