271 research outputs found

    A new model with Serpent for the first criticality benchmarks of the TRIGA Mark II reactor

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    We present a new model, developed with the Serpent Monte Carlo code, for neutronics simulation of the TRIGA Mark II reactor of Pavia (Italy). The complete 3D geometry of the reactor core is implemented with high accuracy and detail, exploiting all the available information about geometry and materials. The Serpent model of the reactor is validated in the fresh fuel configuration, through a benchmark analysis of the first criticality experiments and control rods calibrations. The accuracy of simulations in reproducing the reactivity difference between the low power (10 W) and full power (250 kW) reactor condition is also tested. Finally, a direct comparison between Serpent and MCNP simulations of the same reactor configurations is presented

    Assessment of the release of metals from cigarette butts into the environment

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    Cigarette butts are known to contain toxic metals which pose a potential threat to the environment and human health. The seriousness of this threat is largely determined by the leachability of these toxic metals when the butts are exposed to aqueous solutions in the environment. The aims of this study were to determine the presence and mobility of toxic and non-toxic elements found in discarded cigarette butts; to relate this mobility to two different contact situations with leaching liquids: tumbling and trampling (batch test) and percolation in a static position (column test); and finally, to verify possible variations in solubility by simulating different environmental systems. Five leachants with different pH values were used to simulate various environmental conditions The concentrations of the solubilized metals were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). CH3COOH pH 2.5 showed the greatest capacity to dissolve many elements. On the contrary, weakly acidic or alkaline environments did not favor the leachability of the elements. The best extraction capacity of the column with respect to the batch is statistically significant (p <0.05) for the elements Al, Fe, Ni and Zn, while the batch for P, Si, S. Pb, Cd, As were not detectable in cigarette butts, while Hg had an average concentration of 0.0502 ÎĽg/g. However, Hg was < LOD in all different leachants

    Tools for the evaluation of low back pain impairment: a critical review.

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    Low back pain is a common musculoskeletal disorder which affects the lumbar segment of the spine. It can be either acute, subacute or chronic in its clinical presentation. Typically, the symptoms of low back pain do show significant improvement within two to three months from its onset. In a significant number of individuals, low back pain tends to be recurrent in nature with a waxing and waning quality to it. In a small proportion of sufferers this condition can become chronic. Population studies show that back pain affects most adults at some stage in their life and accounts for more sick leave and disability than any other single medical condition. This book presents new leading-edge research on this topic. The Chapt VI “Tools for the Evaluation of Low Back Pain Impairment: A Critical Review” put on light different LBP questionnaires and the different aspects of LBP they can report. In particular here is examined the role of Visual Analogic Scale (VAS) compared with the Owestry Questionnaire and the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire. Many works and researchers in scientific literature considered these test and their different data are here analysed to better point our attention in the tools to be considered to evaluate LBP

    Path Linearity of Elite Swimmers in a 400 m Front Crawl Competition

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    none6noIn the frontal crawl, the propulsive action of the limbs causes lateral fluctuations from the straight path, which can be theoretically seen as the best time saving path of the race. The purpose of the present work was to analyze the head trajectory of 10 elite athletes, during a competition of 400 m front crawl, in order to give information regarding the path linearity of elite swimmers. The kinematic analysis of the head trajectories was performed by means of stereo-photogrammetry. Results showed that the forward speed and lateral fluctuations speed are linearly related. Multiple regression analysis of discrete Fourier transformation allowed to distinguish 3 spectral windows identifying 3 specific features: strokes (0.7-5 Hz), breathings (0.4-0.7 Hz), and voluntary adjustments (0-0.4 Hz), which contributed to the energy wasting for 55%, 10%, and 35%, respectively. Both elite swimmers race speed and speed wastage increase while progressing from the 1st to the 8th length during a 400 m front crawl official competition. The main sources of the lateral fluctuations that lead to the increasing speed wastage could be significantly attributed to strokes and voluntary adjustments, while breathings contribution did not reach statistical significance. In conclusion, both strokes and voluntary adjustments are the main energy consuming events that affect path linearity.PubMed ID: 25729292 [PMID]openGatta, Giorgio; Cortesi, Matteo; Lucertini, Francesco; Benelli, Piero; Sisti, Davide; Fantozzi, SilviaGatta, Giorgio; Cortesi, Matteo; Lucertini, Francesco; Benelli, Piero; Sisti, Davide; Fantozzi, Silvi

    Shape based kinetic outlier detection in real-time PCR

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    Background: Real-time PCR has recently become the technique of choice for absolute and relative nucleic acid quantification. The gold standard quantification method in real-time PCR assumes that the compared samples have similar PCR efficiency. However, many factors present in biological samples affect PCR kinetic, confounding quantification analysis. In this work we propose a new strategy to detect outlier samples, called SOD. Results: Richards function was fitted on fluorescence readings to parameterize the amplification curves. There was not a significant correlation between calculated amplification parameters (plateau, slope and y-coordinate of the inflection point) and the Log of input DNA demonstrating that this approach can be used to achieve a "fingerprint" for each amplification curve. To identify the outlier runs, the calculated parameters of each unknown sample were compared to those of the standard samples. When a significant underestimation of starting DNA molecules was found, due to the presence of biological inhibitors such as tannic acid, IgG or quercitin, SOD efficiently marked these amplification profiles as outliers. SOD was subsequently compared with KOD, the current approach based on PCR efficiency estimation. The data obtained showed that SOD was more sensitive than KOD, whereas SOD and KOD were equally specific. Conclusion: Our results demonstrated, for the first time, that outlier detection can be based on amplification shape instead of PCR efficiency. SOD represents an improvement in real-time PCR analysis because it decreases the variance of data thus increasing the reliability of quantification

    Berberine and Dyslipidemia: Different Applications and Biopharmaceutical Formulations Without Statin-Like Molecules—A Meta-Analysis

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of berberine taken alone or in other formulations (with silymarin or other mixtures) on dyslipidemia through a systematic review of the literature and a meta-analysis. A systematic investigation was conducted on 19 studies that were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Both controlled trials (n = 12) and cross-sectional trials (n = 7) were included. The following formulations were examined: berberine used alone (n = 5), berberine combined with silymarin (n = 8), and other mixture containing berberine (n = 6). A meta-analysis was performed using a fixed-effects model and meta-regression. Total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides were considered. Moreover, possible associations of each parameter with age and the dose and duration of the treatment were analyzed. The data obtained showed a significant reduction in TC and LDL cholesterol for each formulation. A reduction in triglycerides was also observed for both TC and LDL but with a smaller impact. As regards HDL, a slight increase was observed, but it was not statistically significant. The formulation of berberine in association with silymarin was found to have the greatest impact on TC, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. The greater efficacy of the formulation consisting of berberine associated with silymarin can probably be accounted for by the fact that the latter increases the bioavailability of berberine. However, it is necessary to carry out further clinical studies to better define the efficacy of the treatment and which patients show the best response

    Effectiveness of clinical decision support systems and telemedicine on outcomes of depression: a cluster randomized trial in general practice

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    Background: Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems (CCDSS) are information technology tools, designed to improve clinical decision-making. Telemedicine is a health care service delivery using videoconferencing, telephone or messaging technologies. Objectives: Our project aimed at testing the effectiveness of a composite CCDSS and telemedicine approach designed to treat depression in primary care. Methods: This cluster randomized trial involved four GP clinics located in Northern Italy. Two clinics were assigned to the experimental protocol, and two served as controls. The study compared the telemedicine group (TG), in which GPs had access to a CCDSS platform, with the control group (CG) in which GPs provided treatment as usual (TAU). Patients scoring >= 11 on Patient Heath Questionnaire and >= 26 on the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self-Report were eligible for participation. Patients were also administered the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF to assess quality of life and Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale 21 to assess satisfaction with the medical interview. Results: Overall, 2810 patients were screened and 66 in the experimental group and 32 in the CG passed the screening stages and met inclusion criteria. The percentage of remitters at 6 months was significantly higher in the TG than in the CG group (24.1% versus 3.1%, chi(2) = 6.6, P = 0.01). This difference remained significant after adjusting for baseline confounders. Physical and psychological quality of life improved significantly from baseline in both groups. Patients reported, on average, good satisfaction with the medical interview. Conclusions: Our study showed that a combined CCDSS and telemedicine approach may be more effective than the TAU offered by GPs to patients with depression

    Object-Oriented Modeling and simulation of a TRIGA reactor plant with Dymola

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    This work presents the modeling and simulation of a TRIGA-Mark II pool-type reactor with Zirchonium-Hydryde and Uranium fuel immersed in light water, with Modelica object-oriented language, in Dymola simulation environment. The model encompasses the integrated plant system including the reactor pool and cooling circuits. The reactor pool plays a fundamental role in the system dynamics, through a thermal feedback effect on the reactor core neutronics. The pool model is tested against three experimental transients: simulation results are in good accordance with experimental data and provide useful information about the inertial effect of the water inventory on the reactor cooling

    Discontinuously supervised aerobic training vs. physical activity promotion in the self-management of type 2 diabetes in older Italian patients: design and methods of the 'TRIPL-A' randomized controlled trial

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    Physical activity (PA) has health benefits for people with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Indeed, regular PA is considered an important part of any T2D management plan, yet most patients adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise referral schemes (ERS) have the potential to effectively promote physical activity among T2D patients, and their effectiveness may be enhanced when they are supported by computer-based technologies. The 'TRIPL-A' study (i.e., a TRIal to promote PhysicaL Activity among patients in the young-old age affected by T2D) aims to assess if realizing an innovative ERS, based on a strong partnership among general practitioners, specialist physicians, exercise specialists, and patients, and supported by a web-based application (WBA), can effectively lead sedentary older T2D patients to adopt an active lifestyle

    Which are the nutritional supplements used by beach-volleyball athletes? A cross-sectional study at the Italian National Championship

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    Beach volleyball is an intermittent team sport played under high temperature and humidity. Given that some nutritional supplements can enhance sports performance, this study aimed to evaluate the quantity and the heterogeneity of the nutritional supplementation practices of amateur (n = 69) and professional (n = 19) beach volley athletes competing in the Italian National Championship; an online form was used to collect data about the supplementation habits. The latent class analysis was used to find sub-groups characterised by different habits regarding supplements consumption. The most frequently used supplements (more than once a week) are vitamins B and C (39.2% of athletes), protein (46.8%), and caffeine (36.9%). The latent class analysis revealed three different sub-groups of athletes: the first class (56.7%) included athletes who were used to take very few supplements, the second class (17.0%) was characterised by higher consumption of supplements and the third class (26.2%) was in the middle between the others two. Groups were characterised not only by the quantity but also by the category of supplements used. Our results highlighted a high heterogeneity in supplementation habits. A pragmatic approach to supplements and sports foods is needed in the face of the evidence that some products can usefully contribute to enhancing performance
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