695 research outputs found

    De l’animal politique à la nature humaine : Aristote et Hobbes sur la colère

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    Dans son « petit traité en Anglais » sur La nature humaine (1640) et, ensuite dans Leviathan (1647-1650), Thomas Hobbes examine et redéfinit les passions. En prenant appui sur le concept de motion, mouvement, il les conçoit comme pensées : les passions sont des perceptions qui passent par le cerveau, mais pour se diriger vers le coeur. Une fois dans le coeur, elles provoquent du plaisir en favorisant le « mouvement vital », vital motion, ou bien de la peine, en lui faisant obstacle. La colère (anger), affirme-t-il, est le dépassement d’un obstacle, non la réponse à une insulte (contempt), comme le disaient, à tort, les Anciens. Cette critique est significative. Car orge, comprise comme la peine pour une offense injustifiée, accompagnée du désir de prendre sa revanche, était pour Aristote la passion politique par excellence. C’est parce que nous nous fâchons que nous nous révoltons et que notre révolte se justifie. C’est en colère que nous nous mobilisons dans une guerre juste. Qu’elle se présente comme une explosion tumultueuse ou comme un sourd ressentiment, orge est pour les Anciens la réaction raisonnée d’un acteur social, qui souffre dans son corps aussi bien que dans l’image sociale qu’il s’est donné et au nom d’une attente de justice : on ne reconnaît pas cette personne pour celui qu’il veut être dans le monde.Quelles sont les conséquences de cette critique, qui consiste à déconnecter l’ire de la justice, pour la théorie de l’état de nature, de la société civile et de l’état garant de la sécurité des sujets? Dans la transition d’une théorie de l’animal politique, naturellement enclin à la sociabilité (Aristote), à une vision mécaniste de la nature humaine, faite de mouvement et de compétition (Hobbes), c’est le fondement anthropologique du politique qui se trouve repensé. L’entrelacs de droits, habitudes et corps qui donnait forme à des émotions complexes se défait. Une comparaison entre la colère des Anciens et la colère de Modernes illustre cette dislocation.In his « little Treatise in English» on Human Nature (1640), and, later, in Leviathan (1647-1650), Thomas Hobbes examines and redefines the passions. Basing his thought upon the concept of motion, he conceives them as thoughts : passions are nothing but perceptions which transit through the brain, and then move towards the heart. There they cause various sensations of pleasure or pain, by helping or hindering « vital motion ». Anger, he claims, is a break-through in front of a sudden opposition, not the response to an outrage, as the Ancients erroneously put it. This criticism of the classical definition of anger is highly significant. Because orge, understood as the grief for an undeserved slight, joint to the wish to retaliate, was for Aristote the political passion par excellence. It is because we are insulted that we revolt, and that our revolt is justified. It is in anger that we mobilize ourselves in a just war. Be it a tumultuous explosion or a longlasting grudge, ire is by definition the reasoned answer of a social actor, who suffers in her body as well as in the social image that she created for herself, and on behalf of justice : one does not recognize this person for that which she wants to be considered.What are the consequences of this criticism, which consists in disconnecting anger from justice, for a theory of the state of nature, of civil society, and of the state as protector of human security? In the transition from a theory of the political animal, naturally inclined to sociability (Aristote), to a mechanist vision of human nature, made up of movement and competition (Hobbes), it is the anthropological underpinnings of politics which come to be rethought. The interlacing of rights, habits and body, which framed the complexity of emotions in the classical past, is now undone. The case of anger illustrates this dislocation.En su «Pequeño tratado en inglés» sobre La naturaleza humana (1640) y, después en Leviathan (1647-1650), Thomas Hobbes examina y redefine las pasiones. Apoyándose en el concepto de motion, movimiento, las concibe como pensamientos : las pasiones son percepciones que pasan por el cerebro, pero para dirigirse hacia el corazón. En el corazón, provocan placer al favorecer el « movimiento vital », vital motion, o pena, al obstaculizarlo. La cólera (anger), afirma, es el rebasamiento de un obstáculo y no la respuesta a un insulto (contempt), como lo creían, sin razón, los Antiguos. Esta crítica es significativa. La orge, entendida como pena ante una ofensa injustificada acompañada del deseo de vengarse, era para Aristóteles la pasión política por excelencia. Es por enojo que nos sublevamos y que nuestra revuelta se vuelve justa. Es en cólera que nos movilizamos en una guerra justa. Que se presente como una explosión tumultuosa o como un sordo resentimiento, orge es para los Antiguos la reacción razonada de un actor social que sufre en su cuerpo, en la imagen social que de sí mismo posee y en nombre de un deseo de justicia : no se reconoce en dicha persona lo que desea ser en el mundo.¿Cuales son las consecuencias de esta crítica, que consiste en desconectar la ira de la justicia, para la teoría del estado de la naturaleza, de la sociedad civil y del estado garante de la seguridad de los individuos? En la transición de una teoría del animal político, naturalmente propenso a la sociabilidad (Aristóteles), hacia una visión mecanicista de la naturaleza humana, hecha de movimiento y competición (Hobbes), es la base antropológica de lo político que se encuentra reformulada. Los entrelazamientos entre el derecho, la costumbre y el cuerpo que daban forma a las emociones complejas se deshacen. Una comparación entre la cólera de los Antiguos y la cólera de los modernos ilustra dicha dislocación

    "El extraño enano" de las memorias de la infancia. Convergencias entre "La rosa" de C. J. Cela y Laura Restrepo

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    This study approaches childhood memories as the genesis of the literary by studying the work of the Spanish writer Camilo Jose Cela, La Rosa, in dialogue with his fictional universe. In the same perspective, the reflections of Colombian novelist Laura Restrepo, in her newspaper article “The strange dwarf”, are considered, where she stresses the importance of evoking childhood for writers and literary writing nowadays.Aproximación a las memorias de infancia como génesis de la literatura a partir del estudio de la obra La rosa del escritor español Camilo José Cela en diálogo con su universo ficcional. Para esa misma perspectiva, se consideran las reflexiones de la novelista colombiana Laura Restrepo en «El extraño enano» sobre la importancia que reviste la evocación de la infancia para los escritores y el quehacer literario en la contemporaneidad

    Agent Based Modelling for Decision Making in Energy Policy

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    The paper describes a decision-making exploratory modelling approach to simulate different situations leading to a sustainable consumption of energy. An Agent Based Model (ABM) is proposed in order to study the individual and collective behavioural changes toward environmental sustainability using ICT-based services, the SAM4SN (Spread of Awareness Model for Social Norms) model. It explores the role of awareness in the consumption of a resource. Simulating how environmental awareness spreads is an interdisciplinary issue that involves ICT, energy and environmental science, as well as social and behavioural sciences. The agents of SAM4SN represent households whose consumption of energy has to be reduced. Agents influence each other. Such influence improves their awareness that, in turn, impacts on resource consumption. The social influence plays an important role in spreading awareness. The model includes the role of smart metering functions. The role of the sustainability tipping point in decision-making is introduced

    Improving the Allocation of Spots in Child Care Facilities for Toddlers in Germany: A Mechanism Design Approach

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    The undersupply of spots in German daycare facilities for toddlers challenges parents' possibilities to work. To ease the situation, the government implemented a new law entitling every child between ages one and three to daycare supervision for about four hours per day. Nevertheless, the stressed situation of matching demand and supply does not only result from limited spaces but also from inefficient allocation. By means of simulations under different scenarios, we contrast a stylized version of decentralized allocation to a centralized allocation mechanism which applies a deferred-acceptance algorithm. This centralized system results in better and faster matches


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    Observation of extrasolar planets at various ages

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    The search and characterization of extrasolar planets is one of the main topics of current astronomy, with the ultimate goals of understanding the formation and evolution of planetary systems, the general conditions for the formation of life-friendly environments, and possibly detecting signature of extra-solar life. In the last decades the research of extrasolar planets underwent a steep increase of interest and different methods of detection were developed. Each of them has its own merit and lack in studying the extrasolar system architecture and the characteristics of extrasolar planets. Stars and their planetary entourage form and grow together, at least in most cases, tied by the circumstellar disk. A unique theory that can describe all the processes that happen between the protostellar cloud collapse and the final system stabilization is not available at the moment. Indirect methods are very useful to study more evolved systems, where the protoplanetary disk contribution is negligible, in their innermost regions. On the other hand, direct imaging with high-contrast instruments offers the possibility to study the early phases of the planet formation, that are not accessible to other indirect methods of planets detection, and plays a key role in current planet formation theories. This thesis focuses on the capabilities of direct imaging with SPHERE, the new high-contrast imager of VLT, in detecting planets at different stages of their evolution, coupled with radial velocities observations of old systems obtained from SARG, the old TNG echelle spectrograph. Chapter 1 briefly introduces the planet formation and evolution theories with the most important exoplanets research methods. Chapter 2 describes the SPHERE instrument used for the majority of the results presented in this thesis. In Chapter 3 I present the case of four young objects. I exploit the SPHERE visible channel to study Z CMa jets, and the near-IR channel for HD 100546 and T Cha, looking for the presence of planets. At the same time, I was able to study in detail the circumplanetary disk of HD 100546 in a quite wide spectral range: in the dedicated Section I show that the system brightest structures suggest the presence of at least three gaps in the inner regions of the disk, coupled with other structures, such as spiral arms. I detected a diffuse source at the location of the claimed planet HD 100546 b, but the nature of this emission is, however, still unknown. Lastly, LkCa15 was studied both in the visible and in the near-IR of SPHERE. In Chapter 4 I present the study of the accretion signature in a few objects. GQ Lup b accretion was observed both in H_alpha and in Paschen beta, exploiting all three SPHERE subsystems. Two systems that have already cleaned out their surroundings from gas and dust are presented in Chapter 5: HIP 80591 and HD 65426. In the latter, I first found out that one companion candidate had high probability to be bound to the star due to its position and it spectral features. These findings were later confirmed by a deeper analysis and follow up observations that demonstrate HD 65426 b, the companion I studied, is a warm Jupiter-like planet with mass between 6 and 12 M_J. In Chapter 6, I study the chromospheric activity in older binary stars in order to detect a radial velocity signal hidden by the Doppler shift induced by the activity. I found out that Ha-excess, an index based on the Halpha line, is a good indicator of the star activity when the log_RHK' index is not available and can be used also to infer stellar ages in case of stars younger then 1.5 Gyr. Moreover, HD 76073 B shows a high radial velocities scatter that can be explained by the presence of a low-mass companion (Sissa et al. 2016). Finally, in Chapter 7 I give the conclusions and explain future prospects. Appendixes are dedicated to the more technical aspects of my work, that were needed to improve instrument capabilities and data reduction, and to better defining the instrument set-ups needed to achieve different scientific aims

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    2008-04-17Sardegna Ricerche, Edificio 2, LocalitĂ  Piscinamanna 09010 Pula (CA) - ItaliaPAAL 2008 - Pubblica Amministrazione Aperta e Libera: dalle tecnologie aperte alla libera circolazione dei contenuti digital
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