271 research outputs found

    Génération, générations

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    Sous bien des plumes, il est question d’une « gĂ©nĂ©ration 68 », fondĂ©e sur l’équation Mai 68=baby-boomers. Certes, il serait incongru d’enlever Ă  ces derniers leur rĂŽle, effectif, dans les Ă©vĂ©nements du printemps 1968. Pour autant, il apparaĂźt historiquement plus juste de parler de gĂ©nĂ©rations 68 au pluriel. Et un tel constat, important en lui-mĂȘme, l’est Ă©galement pour ce qui concerne l’étude de l’ombre portĂ©e de ces Ă©vĂ©nements. Les gĂ©nĂ©rations, en effet, actrices d’un prĂ©sent, sont toujours le fruit d’un passĂ© et c’est bien sous l’effet d’une telle double diffĂ©renciation qu’elles diffractent ensuite de façon trĂšs contrastĂ©e une histoire commune et deviennent, de ce fait, un prisme dans lequel l’ombre portĂ©e de cette histoire se lit de diverses maniĂšres. L’analyse de cette diversitĂ© est d’autant plus complexe que cette – ou ces – gĂ©nĂ©rations 68 est devenue depuis quelques annĂ©es l’objet d’un procĂšs en responsabilitĂ© : les mots forgĂ©s par cette gĂ©nĂ©ration auraient engendrĂ© les maux de la sociĂ©tĂ© française contemporaine. Ce sont aussi ces accusations qui constituent l’ombre portĂ©e et qui sont Ă©tudiĂ©es dans cet article.Many pens write of a “68 generation”, based on the equation May 68=baby boomers. To be sure, it would be incongruous to take their role away, a real one, in the events of Spring 1968. However, it seems to be historically more valid to speak of generations 68 in the plural. Such an observation, important in itself, is equally important concerning the study of the cast shadow these events left. Generations, thus, actors of a present, are always the fruit of a past and it is under the effect of a double differentiation that they diffract a very contrasted common history and become, because of this, a prism in which the shadow carried by this history can be read in various ways. The analysis of this diversity is all the more complex as this or these 68 generations has/have become over recent years the object of a process of responsibility: the words forged by this generation are said to have engendered the defects of contemporary French society. It is also these accusations that make up the shadow cast studied in this article

    La norme et la transgression. Remarques sur la notion de provocation en histoire culturelle

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    Le thĂšme de la provocation apparaĂźt essentiel pour l’histoire culturelle. Il est liĂ©, en effet, Ă  la notion de transgression, elle-mĂȘme dĂ©coulant de celle de norme. Il conduit donc Ă  travailler sur la norme et la transgression culturelles, Ă©lĂ©ments essentiels du mĂ©tabolisme des sociĂ©tĂ©s et des reprĂ©sentations collectives en leur sein. En mĂȘme temps, il est vrai, force est de constater qu’une telle approche est de mise en Ɠuvre complexe, la norme dĂ©coulant de ce que l’on appellera, faute de mieux, la sensibilitĂ© d’une Ă©poque. On touche par-lĂ  aux reprĂ©sentations et aux imaginaires, et donc Ă  ce qui balise, tout autant que le font le droit ou la coutume, les comportements individuels et collectifs au sein d’une communautĂ© humaine donnĂ©e Ă  une date donnĂ©e. Il s’agit lĂ  d’un domaine Ă  la fois immense, puisqu’il touche Ă  la vie privĂ©e et Ă  l’intimitĂ©, et trĂšs impermĂ©able Ă  l’investigation de l’historien, puisqu’il concerne des notions aussi complexes que le rapport au corps ou la relation avec l’Autre. On a tentĂ© ici de mieux prĂ©ciser ce domaine en Ă©voquant trois cas de figure relevant de la mĂȘme dĂ©cennie, les annĂ©es 1960.Provocation is an essential notion in cultural history. It is linked to that of transgression, also coming from the notion of norm. It leads to working on cultural norms and transgression, essential elements of societies’ metabolism and its collective representations. It is true that at the same time, such an approach must be recognized as being difficult to put into practice as the norm comes from what will be called, for lack of a better term, a period’s sensibility. Here are the representations and imaginations, and thus what marks, just as much as law or customs, individual and collective behaviors within a given human community at a given date. This is both an immense area since it touches private life and intimacy and impermeable to a historian’s research since it concerns notions as complex as the relation to the body or with the Other. The article aims to circumscribe this area by bringing up three cases from the same decade, the 1960s.Provocation is an essential notion in cultural history. It is linked to that of transgression, also coming from the notion of norm. It leads to working on cultural norms and transgression, essential elements of societies’ metabolism and its collective representations. It is true that at the same time, such an approach must be recognized as being difficult to put into practice as the norm comes from what will be called, for lack of a better term, a period’s sensibility. Here are the representations and imaginations, and thus what marks, just as much as law or customs, individual and collective behaviors within a given human community at a given date. This is both an immense area since it touches private life and intimacy and impermeable to a historian’s research since it concerns notions as complex as the relation to the body or with the Other. The article aims to circumscribe this area by bringing up three cases from the same decade, the 1960s

    Quelle identitĂ© pour l’histoire culturelle ?

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    À la diffĂ©rence des autres branches historiographiques, l’histoire culturelle n’est pas encore une discipline totalement constituĂ©e. Fille cadette de l’école historique française, elle n’a pas pris encore tous ses contours et cette difficultĂ©, jointe Ă  d’autres qui seront signalĂ©es dans une premiĂšre partie, ne permet pas rĂ©ellement de dresser un bilan et de dĂ©tailler des lignes de force ou de faiblesse. Cela Ă©tant, cette jeune discipline en voie de constitution connaĂźt actuellement en France ..

    El retorno de lo polĂ­tico

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    INÉS CABRERA FUENTES [Material gráfico]

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    ÁLBUM FAMILIAR CASA DE COLÓNCopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Dix ans d'histoire culturelle

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    L'association pour le dĂ©veloppement de l'histoire culturelle (ADHC) est nĂ©e, en 1999, du constat de la place croissante, en mĂȘme temps que problĂ©matique, de l'histoire culturelle dans l'historiographie contemporaine. RevendiquĂ©e par les uns, dĂ©noncĂ©e par les autres, cette place mĂ©ritait l'institution d'un lieu de rencontres oĂč tous ceux qui se reconnaissent dans cette qualification pourraient Ă©changer sur le fond et sur la forme de leur travail. L'association a tenu son premier congrĂšs en 2000. Au terme d'une dĂ©cennie et plus d'activitĂ©, il Ă©tait temps de tirer le bilan et, comme il se doit, de tracer de nouvelles perspectives. Cette anthologie des confĂ©rences et tables rondes organisĂ©es dans le cadre du congrĂšs annuel de l'association propose un panorama unique en son genre des propositions avancĂ©es par l'histoire culturelle en France et, dans une moindre mesure, Ă  l'Ă©tranger depuis dix ans. RegroupĂ©s en sections thĂ©matiques (dĂ©finitions et frontiĂšres, objets, regards et transferts, dĂ©bats), ces textes rĂ©digĂ©s par d'Ă©minents spĂ©cialistes venus de divers horizons (historiens, sociologues, philosophes, historiens de l'art ou de la littĂ©rature) donnent Ă  voir Ă  la fois la permanence de certains questionnements et leur renouvellement

    Notas sobre a Carta de Veneza

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    This paper presents a critical reading of the Venice Charter, an Icomos key document, fruit of a conference held in 1964. The Charter is often quoted in Brazil but is not always properly understood. The conservation and restoration charters - especially those produced by international institutions - are documents that have an indicatory or, at the most, prescriptive character. They constitute the deontological foundation of many professionals involved in preservation, but they are not recipes for immediate use. In order to elaborate a well-founded reading of the document, its ideas must be understood in connection to the theoretical postulates of the time they were engendered and to the developments of the field. Thus this paper will examine these subjects, commenting and enlightening the Charter's articles and pointing out the origins of specific ideas. It also discusses how the Charter relates to previous documents and their theoretical foundations. This approach, based in a critical analysis, is necessary in order to reach a fuller interpretation of the Charter's indications so that they can be used in the present

    Revista do Museu Paulista e(m) capas: identidade e representação institucional em texto e imagem

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    Este artigo propÔe reflexão sobre a escrita da história, a partir de estudo das capas da Revista do Museu Paulista, especialmente durante as gestÔes dos dois primeiros diretores da instituição, quando certa continuidade editorial foi preservada. Tomadas como "fontes", ou seja, objeto de trabalho do historiador, as capas revelam vestígios de processos que permitem reconstruir, em suas dimensÔes históricas, as complexas imbricaçÔes entre a produção da Revista, sua materialidade, e os atos de leitura e interpretação que condicionam e refletem relaçÔes entre produtores de textos e seus leitores nas primeiras décadas do século XX, a partir de São Paulo, onde era editada.This paper offers a reflection about the writing of History, based on the study of Revista do Museu Paulista's covers, noticeably during the term of its two first directors, when a certain editorial continuity was preserved. Taken as "sources", namely as historian subjects, those covers reveal evidences of practices that allow one to reconstitute, in its historic dimensions, the complex connection between the creation of the Revista, its materiality, and the reading and interpretation efforts that condition and reflect liaisons with writers and readers during the first decades of the XXth Century, from São Paulo, where it was published.
