8 research outputs found

    Profit efficiency of small-scale farmers participating in USAID markets II in Kano state of Nigeria

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    The present research determined the profit efficiency of smallholder farmers participating in USAID MARKETS II in Nigeria’s Kano State using undated data collected from 189 farmers drawn through a multi-stage sampling technique. Data elicitations were done through a well-structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule and both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The empirical evidence showed an improvement in women folk participation in the program despite strong advocacy of gender stereotype viz. religious and cultural barriers in the studied area. However, this progress owes to the tacit focus of the program on women and youths. Furthermore, it was established that none of the farmer is profit efficient and it majorly owes to extension gap. On the average, a technical unit gained 58.47% of its potential profit, thus lost a profit of N123008 due to inefficient resource mix. Besides, an average farm unit still has the potential to increase his profit efficiency by 41.53%, thus bridging its discrepancy from the frontier surface. Therefore, the study calls on the program promoters to enhance their extension services delivery structure thereby addressing the problem of extension gap that inhibit profit efficiency given its multifaceted influence on risks associated with farmers socio-economic characteristics. Keywords: Profit efficiency, USAID MARKETS II, Small-scale, Rice farmers, Nigeri

    Cost efficiency status of rice farmers participating in IFAD-VCD programme in Niger state of Nigeria

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    This research empirically determined the cost efficiency of the farmers that participated in the IFAD/VCD programme in Niger State of Nigeria. The study elicited cross-sectional data of 2018 cropping season from a structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule from a sample size of 110 respondents selected through a multi-stage sampling technique. The sampled data were analyzed using the stochastic cost frontier model. The empirical evidence showed that none of the farmers were on the cost frontier surface i.e. inability to attain optimal minimum cost in the cultivation of rice in the studied area. The identified significant idiosyncratic variables militating against cost efficiency were poor health status of the farm family, which led to extra cost incurred in labor substitution and diseconomies of scale due to their small-scale mode of operation. Therefore, the study recommends that the policy makers should sensitize the farmers on the importance of health preventive measures and should endeavor to improve on the existing basic health centers in both human capital and logistics. In addition, the farmers should be encouraged to explore co-operative marketing so as to take advantage of bulk discount in input purchase and have bargaining power in marketing of their output, thus tackling the problem of diseconomies of scale in their farm operations. Keywords: Cost efficiency, Stochastic, Frontier, IFAD, Rice, Nigeri

    Determinants of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Among Sugarcane Farmers in Kwara State of Nigeria

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    The competing demand for land for other purposes and the consequence of climate change is shrinking the available arable land, thus threatening the food security and livelihood of the farmers and the nation. Therefore, the present research empirically determined the factors influencing Total factor productivity (TFP) of sugarcane producers in Kwara State of Nigeria. The 2017/2018 sugarcane cropping season field survey data obtained through administration of structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule on 105 sugarcane farmers selected via multi-stage sampling technique was used. The collected data were analyzed using conventional TFP index and censored regression model. From the empirical findings, it was observed that inefficiency in the allocation of working capitals; capital consumption and health-related challenges decrease TFP of sugarcane farmers in the studied area. However, the study advised the extension agents to educate farmers to be rational in resource allocation in order to optimize their productivity in sugarcane production. In addition, the study advised farmers to adopt health precautious measures in order not to predispose their family members to tropical diseases and should imbibe savings and investment cultures. Keywords: TFP, Sugarcane, Farmers, Kwara State, Nigeria

    Impact of farmers-herders conflict on livelihoods of farming households in Nigeria’s middle-belt region

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    This research determined the impact of farmers-herders conflict on the livelihoods of farming households in Nigeria’s middle belt region using field survey data elicited from 290 respondents chosen through a multi-stage sampling technique. Inferential statistic was used to analyze the collected data. The empirical evidences showed that conflict has affected the livelihoods of highly conflict-prone households both in the short and long runs, thus hampering the rural economy and the national economy in general. Besides, the negative impact of the conflict is more pronounced on the farm income, which owes to farmland invasion by the nomads, thus affecting the income that accrues from the marketable surplus. Furthermore, the extent of conflict has induced discrimination into the various kinds of income earned vis-Ă -vis highly and less conflict-prone households. Likewise, the income gap due to conflict was more pronounced on farm income, accounting for 79.34% as against the non-farm income which is 55.51%. Generally, it can be inferred that farmers-herders conflict has affected the rural economy in particular and the economy in general. Therefore, the study advise all the concerned stakeholders viz. states and local governments, crop farmers, pastoralists/nomads and communities to accept and embrace the federal government initiatives aimed at finding lasting solutions to farmers-herders conflict in the studied area. This singular act will enhance the food security of the area, avert wanton and incessant bloodbath and loss of properties, contain growth of destitute and enhance harmonious peaceful coexistence in the studied area.  Keywords: Farmers; Herders; Conflict; Income; Nigeri

    Food Demand Projection and Consumption Patterns of Urban Households in Nigeria’s Kano State

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    Changes in population and income are essential components for altering the pattern of food demand. In light of the importance of food demand analysis, this study set out to ascertain urban household consumption trends in Nigeria’s Kano State in order to forecast future demand levels for certain food items. This research contributes to becoming a basis for policymakers to increase food productivity. A household’s cross-sectional survey data elicited through a well-structured questionnaire complemented with an interview schedule from a total of 144 households chosen via a multi-stage sampling procedure was used for the study. The collected data were analyzed using both Linear Approximate/ Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS) and factor analysis models. Based on empirical evidence, households’ poor purchasing power is owed to high food inflation, which causes them to have low dietary diversity. Besides, the necessary and luxury goods, respectively, were rice, beans, spaghetti, and meat; and millet, yam, Irish potatoes, semovita, fish and groundnut. Meanwhile, maze, garri, and palm oil were established to be inferior commodities. Besides rice and semovita being everyday goods, they demand high price-sensitive commodities. Consequently, to maintain the status quo in the households’ welfare, the onus lies on policymakers to compensate consumers if there is a rise in the prices of local rice, indomie and groundnut oil. The study advises policymakers to increase the productivity of those food items projected to witness the steep-to-gentle rise in demand, and government should endeavour to adopt macro-economic policies with human-face so as to cushion/soften households’ economic hardship in the study area

    Cost Efficiency of USAID Markets II Beneficiary Smallholder Rice Farmers in Nigeria’s Kano State

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    The present research attempted to address cost inefficiency of USAID MARKETS II smallholder farmers in Nigeria’s Kano State using farm survey data obtained from 189 farmers through a multi-stage sampling technique. The farm survey data were elicited viz. well-structured questionnaire coupled with interview schedule during the 2018 cropping season. The collected data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics- stochastic cost frontier function. The empirical evidence showed that none of the technical unit was cost efficient and this owed majorly to extension gap given its interwoven link with risk inducing factors. Besides, only 57.7%, marginally above half of the sampled technical units were fairly cost efficient i.e. close to the optimum minimum cost preferred for the production process. On the average, a technical unit wasted 14.7% of its actual incurred cost which translates to N1100 ($3.7) relative to the best practiced farmers facing the same technology and producing the same output. Therefore, since the farmers still have the room to eliminate the extra cost incurred, the study advice the program to explore further the advisory services offered to the farmers, thus addressing the extension gap that inhibited the farmers’ cost efficiency. The sustainability of the project in the near future in the absence of the advisory services especially farmer-2-farmer extension services if not explored is unlikely

    Food Insecurity Resilience Capacity of Rural Households in the Face of Induced-Weather Extremities in Bauchi State of Nigeria

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    It is no longer a chasm that human existence is being threatened by induced-weather vagaries. Given the dynamic nature of the weather vagaries, if tacit actions are not taken on continuum basis, soonest, human race will go into extinction because of the steep devastating push effect of climate change. It is in lieu of the foregoing, that the researchers conceptualized a study that assessed rural households’ food insecurity resilience capacity in Nigeria’s Bauchi state using a resilience index measurement analysis (RIMA II), a novel methodological approach developed by FAO for studying such scenario, as literature review showed no evidence of its application in the study area. Adopting a multi-stage random sampling technique, a total of 322 households were randomly sampled from a sampling frame obtained by a reconnaissance survey. Using a well-structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule, rural households’ survey data were collected in the year 2022. Besides, the collected data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Empirically, it was established that the study area is challenged with food insecurity that owes majorly to poor food utilization and stability. Besides, poor food insecurity resilience capacity majorly due to vulnerable adaptive capacity was unmasked as the push effect behind food insecurity bane in the study area. However, evidence showed that food insecurity resilience capacity has a lasting effect on general well-being of rural households while households’ hunger resilience capacity has a transitory effect as it can only contain food crises on the short-term basis. Nevertheless, income and consumption smoothening were the commonest short-term food coping strategies adopted in the study area. To achieve the sustainable development goals of zero hunger by 2030, it becomes imperative on policymakers to sensitize rural households on the need to adopt safe and eco-friendly improved indigenous food technologies so as to address the poor states of food utilization and stability affecting food security of the study area

    Food Insecurity Resilience Capacity of Rural Households in the Face of Induced-Weather Extremities in Bauchi State of Nigeria

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    It is no longer a chasm that human existence is being threatened by induced-weather vagaries. Given the dynamic nature of the weather vagaries, if tacit actions are not taken on continuum basis, soonest, human race will go into extinction because of the steep devastating push effect of climate change. It is in lieu of the foregoing, that the researchers conceptualized a study that assessed rural households’ food insecurity resilience capacity in Nigeria’s Bauchi state using a resilience index measurement analysis (RIMA II), a novel methodological approach developed by FAO for studying such scenario, as literature review showed no evidence of its application in the study area. Adopting a multi-stage random sampling technique, a total of 322 households were randomly sampled from a sampling frame obtained by a reconnaissance survey. Using a well-structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule, rural households’ survey data were collected in the year 2022. Besides, the collected data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Empirically, it was established that the study area is challenged with food insecurity that owes majorly to poor food utilization and stability. Besides, poor food insecurity resilience capacity majorly due to vulnerable adaptive capacity was unmasked as the push effect behind food insecurity bane in the study area. However, evidence showed that food insecurity resilience capacity has a lasting effect on general well-being of rural households while households’ hunger resilience capacity has a transitory effect as it can only contain food crises on the short-term basis. Nevertheless, income and consumption smoothening were the commonest short-term food coping strategies adopted in the study area. To achieve the sustainable development goals of zero hunger by 2030, it becomes imperative on policymakers to sensitize rural households on the need to adopt safe and eco-friendly improved indigenous food technologies so as to address the poor states of food utilization and stability affecting food security of the study area