2,265 research outputs found

    Increased abundance of frost mRNA during recovery from cold stress is not essential for cold tolerance in adult Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Frost (Fst) is a candidate gene associated with the response to cold in Drosophila melanogaster because Fst mRNA accumulation increases during recovery from low temperature exposure. We investigated the contribution of Fst expression to chill-coma recovery time, acute cold tolerance and rapid cold hardening (RCH) in adult D. melanogaster by knocking down Fst mRNA expression using GAL4/UAS-mediated RNA interference. In this experiment, four UAS-Fst and one tubulin-GAL4 lines were used. We predicted that if Fst is essential for cold tolerance phenotypes, flies with low Fst mRNA levels should be less cold tolerant than flies with normal levels of cold-induced Fst mRNA. Cold-induced Fst abundance and recovery time from chill-coma were not negatively correlated in male or female flies. Survival of 2 h exposures to sub-zero temperatures in Fst knockdown lines was not lower than that in a control line. Moreover, a low temperature pretreatment increased survival of severe cold exposure in flies regardless of Fst abundance level during recovery from cold stress, suggesting that Fst expression is not essential for RCH. Thus, cold-induced Fst accumulation is not essential for cold tolerance measured as chill-coma recovery time, survival to acute cold stress and RCH response in adult D. melanogaster

    Lattice dielectric response of CdCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} and of CaCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} from first principles

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    Structural, vibrational, and lattice dielectric properties of CdCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} are studied using density-functional theory within the local spin-density approximation, and the results are compared with those computed previously for CaCu{3}Ti{4}O{12}. Replacing Ca with Cd is found to leave many calculated quantities largely unaltered, although significant differences do emerge in zone-center optical phonon frequencies and mode effective charges. The computed phonon frequencies of CdCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} are found to be in excellent agreement with experiment, and the computed lattice contribution to the intrinsic static dielectric constant (~60) also agrees exceptionally well with a recent optical absorption experiment. These results provide further support for a picture in which the lattice dielectric response is essentially conventional, suggesting an extrinsic origin for the anomalous low-frequency dielectric response recently observed in both materials.Comment: 5 pages; uses REVTEX macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/lh_cdct/index.htm

    Atomistic Simulations of Nanotube Fracture

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    The fracture of carbon nanotubes is studied by atomistic simulations. The fracture behavior is found to be almost independent of the separation energy and to depend primarily on the inflection point in the interatomic potential. The rangle of fracture strians compares well with experimental results, but predicted range of fracture stresses is marketly higher than observed. Various plausible small-scale defects do not suffice to bring the failure stresses into agreement with available experimental results. As in the experiments, the fracture of carbon nanotubes is predicted to be brittle. The results show moderate dependence of fracture strength on chirality.Comment: 12 pages, PDF, submitted to Phy. Rev.

    Trophic Dynamics of the Boreal Forests of the Kluane Region

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    The trophic dynamics of the Yukon boreal forest have been under investigation at the Kluane Lake Research Station since 1973. We monitored and conducted experiments on the major species in this ecosystem, except the large mammals (for logistic reasons). The central problem has been to determine the causes of the 9 – 10 year cycle of snowshoe hares, and to achieve this we carried out several large-scale experiments manipulating food supplies, predator pressure, and soil nutrient availability to test hypotheses that food, predation, or habitat quality regulate populations. The hare cycle is driven top-down by predators, and most hares die because they are killed by predators. Predators also cause stress in female hares, and the stress response seems to be responsible for the loss of reproductive potential in the decline and low phases of the hare cycle. Many of the specialist predators and some herbivores in this ecosystem fluctuate with the hare cycle. Arctic ground squirrels do, but red squirrels do not, being linked closely to white spruce seed masting years. Small rodents fluctuate in numbers in two patterns. Red-backed voles and four species of Microtus voles have a 3 – 4 year cycle that seems to be driven by food supplies and social behaviour. Deer mice, in contrast, have fluctuated dramatically in the 38 years we have monitored them, but not cyclically. White spruce seed production varies with temperature and rainfall, but was not affected by adding nutrients in fertilizer. Global warming and reduced hare browsing in the last 20 years have helped to increase the abundance of shrubs in these forests. It will be challenging to predict how this system will change as climatic warming proceeds, because even closely related species in the same trophic level respond differently to perturbations. We recommend continued monitoring of the major species in these boreal forests.La dynamique trophique de la forêt boréale du Yukon fait l’objet d’une étude à la station de recherche du lac Kluane depuis 1973. Nous avons fait des expériences et surveillé les espèces importantes de cet écosystème, sauf en ce qui a trait aux principaux mammifères (pour des raisons de logistique). Le problème central a consisté à déterminer les causes du cycle de 9 à 10 ans du lièvre d’Amérique. Pour ce faire, nous avons effectué plusieurs expériences à grande échelle dans le cadre desquelles nous avons manipulé les disponibilités alimentaires, la pression exercée par les prédateurs et la disponibilité en nutriments dans le sol afin de mettre à l’épreuve les hypothèses selon lesquelles la nourriture, la prédation ou la qualité de l’habitat régularisent les populations. Le cycle du lièvre est dicté par les prédateurs de haut en bas, et la plupart des lièvres meurent parce qu’ils sont tués par les prédateurs. Par ailleurs, les prédateurs sont une source de stress chez les lièvres femelles, et la réaction au stress semble responsable de la perte de capacité de reproduction dans la phase du déclin et la phase basse du cycle du lièvre. Grand nombre des prédateurs spécialistes et certains herbivores de cet écosystème fluctuent en fonction du cycle du lièvre. C’est le cas du spermophile arctique, mais ce n’est pas le cas de l’écureuil roux, car il est étroitement lié aux années de paisson de graines d’épinette blanche. Le nombre de petits rongeurs fluctue en fonction de deux modèles. Le campagnol à dos roux et quatre espèces de campagnols Microtus ont un cycle de trois à quatre ans qui semble dicté par les disponibilités alimentaires et le comportement social, tandis que la souris sylvestre a connu d’énormes fluctuations pendant les 38 années qui ont fait l’objet d’une surveillance, sans toutefois afficher de cycles. La production de graines d’épinette blanche varie en fonction des températures et des chutes de pluie, mais n’a pas été influencée par l’ajout de nutriments au fertilisant. Le réchauffement planétaire et le broutage réduit des lièvres ces 20 dernières années ont aidé à accroître l’abondance d’arbustes dans ces forêts. Il sera difficile de prévoir comment ce système changera au fur et à mesure du réchauffement climatique, car même les espèces étroitement liées du même niveau trophique réagissent aux perturbations de manière différente. Nous recommandons la surveillance continue des principales espèces de ces forêts boréales

    On the measurement of intensity correlations from laboratory and astronomical sources with SPADs and SNSPDs

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    We describe the performance of detector modules containing silicon single photon avalanche photodiodes (SPADs) and superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) to be used for intensity interferometry. The SPADs are mounted in fiber-coupled and free-space coupled packages. The SNSPDs are mounted in a small liquid helium cryostat coupled to single mode fiber optic cables which pass through a hermetic feed-through. The detectors are read out with microwave amplifiers and FPGA-based coincidence electronics. We present progress on measurements of intensity correlations from incoherent sources including gas-discharge lamps and stars with these detectors. From the measured laboratory performance of the correlation system, we estimate the sensitivity to intensity correlations from stars using commercial telescopes and larger existing research telescopes. © (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Hyperpolarized [1-

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    BACKGROUND: Alterations in glycolysis are central to the increasing incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), highlighting a need for in vivo, non-invasive technologies to understand the development of hepatic metabolic aberrations. PURPOSE: To use hyperpolarized magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and proton density fat fraction (PDFF) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques to investigate the effects of a chronic, life-long exposure to the Western diet (WD) in an animal model resulting in NAFLD; to investigate the hypothesis that exposure to the WD will result in NAFLD in association with altered pyruvate metabolism. STUDY TYPE: Prospective. ANIMAL MODEL: Twenty-eight male guinea pigs weaned onto a control diet (N = 14) or WD (N = 14). FIELD STRENGTH/SEQUENCE: 3 T; T1-weighted gradient echo, T2-weighted spin-echo, three-dimensional gradient multi-echo fat-water separation (IDEAL-IQ), and broadband point-resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) chemical-shift sequences. ASSESSMENT: Median PDFF was calculated in the liver and hind limbs. [1- STATISTICAL TESTS: Unpaired Student\u27s t-tests were used to determine differences in measurements between the two diet groups. The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated to determine correlations between measurements. RESULTS: Life-long WD consumption resulted in significantly higher liver PDFF and elevated triglyceride content in the liver. The WD group exhibited a decreased TTP for lactate production, and ex vivo analysis highlighted increased liver lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. DATA CONCLUSION: PDFF MRI results suggest differential fat deposition patterns occurring in animals fed a life-long WD characteristic of lean, or lacking excessive subcutaneous fat, NAFLD. The decreased liver lactate TTP and increased ex vivo LDH activity suggest lipid accumulation occurs in association with a shift from oxidative metabolism to anaerobic glycolytic metabolism in WD-exposed livers. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 2 TECHNICAL EFFICACY STAGE: 1

    In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Hyperpolarized [1-\u3csup\u3e13\u3c/sup\u3eC]Pyruvate and Proton Density Fat Fraction in a Guinea Pig Model of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Development After Life-Long Western Diet Consumption

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    Background: Alterations in glycolysis are central to the increasing incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), highlighting a need for in vivo, non-invasive technologies to understand the development of hepatic metabolic aberrations. Purpose: To use hyperpolarized magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and proton density fat fraction (PDFF) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques to investigate the effects of a chronic, life-long exposure to the Western diet (WD) in an animal model resulting in NAFLD; to investigate the hypothesis that exposure to the WD will result in NAFLD in association with altered pyruvate metabolism. Study Type: Prospective. Animal Model: Twenty-eight male guinea pigs weaned onto a control diet (N = 14) or WD (N = 14). Field Strength/Sequence: 3 T; T1-weighted gradient echo, T2-weighted spin-echo, three-dimensional gradient multi-echo fat-water separation (IDEAL-IQ), and broadband point-resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) chemical-shift sequences. Assessment: Median PDFF was calculated in the liver and hind limbs. [1-13C]pyruvate dynamic MRS in the liver was quantified by the time-to-peak (TTP) for each metabolite. Animals were euthanized and tissue was analyzed for lipid and cholesterol concentration and enzyme level and activity. Statistical Tests: Unpaired Student\u27s t-tests were used to determine differences in measurements between the two diet groups. The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated to determine correlations between measurements. Results: Life-long WD consumption resulted in significantly higher liver PDFF and elevated triglyceride content in the liver. The WD group exhibited a decreased TTP for lactate production, and ex vivo analysis highlighted increased liver lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. Data Conclusion: PDFF MRI results suggest differential fat deposition patterns occurring in animals fed a life-long WD characteristic of lean, or lacking excessive subcutaneous fat, NAFLD. The decreased liver lactate TTP and increased ex vivo LDH activity suggest lipid accumulation occurs in association with a shift from oxidative metabolism to anaerobic glycolytic metabolism in WD-exposed livers. Level of Evidence: 2. Technical Efficacy Stage: 1

    Minutes 1878

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    Coral restoration - A systematic review of current methods, successes, failures and future directions.

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    Coral reef ecosystems have suffered an unprecedented loss of habitat-forming hard corals in recent decades. While marine conservation has historically focused on passive habitat protection, demand for and interest in active restoration has been growing in recent decades. However, a disconnect between coral restoration practitioners, coral reef managers and scientists has resulted in a disjointed field where it is difficult to gain an overview of existing knowledge. To address this, we aimed to synthesise the available knowledge in a comprehensive global review of coral restoration methods, incorporating data from the peer-reviewed scientific literature, complemented with grey literature and through a survey of coral restoration practitioners. We found that coral restoration case studies are dominated by short-term projects, with 60% of all projects reporting less than 18 months of monitoring of the restored sites. Similarly, most projects are relatively small in spatial scale, with a median size of restored area of 100 m2. A diverse range of species are represented in the dataset, with 229 different species from 72 coral genera. Overall, coral restoration projects focused primarily on fast-growing branching corals (59% of studies), and report survival between 60 and 70%. To date, the relatively young field of coral restoration has been plagued by similar 'growing pains' as ecological restoration in other ecosystems. These include 1) a lack of clear and achievable objectives, 2) a lack of appropriate and standardised monitoring and reporting and, 3) poorly designed projects in relation to stated objectives. Mitigating these will be crucial to successfully scale up projects, and to retain public trust in restoration as a tool for resilience based management. Finally, while it is clear that practitioners have developed effective methods to successfully grow corals at small scales, it is critical not to view restoration as a replacement for meaningful action on climate change