53 research outputs found

    Ruolo del rechallenge con docetaxel nello scenario attuale del carcinoma prostatico avanzato

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    Oggetto di questa tesi è stata la valutazione del rechallenge con il docetaxel in pazienti con tumore della prostata ormonorefrattario. Dei 128 pazienti esaminati, i 98 che hanno ottenuto una prima risposta sono stati sottoposti dopo una pausa mediana di 8.3 mesi ad un primo rechallenge; di essi, 56 casi hanno mostrato controllo di malattia e, dopo un intervallo mediano di 5.7 mesi, 32 pazienti sono stati nuovamente sottoposti a rechallenge con una risposta in 16 casi. Fra di essi, dopo una pausa di 4.4 mesi, 8 pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad un ulteriore rechallenge e 2 hanno mostrato una risposta. Il tempo mediano alla progressione per l’intera popolazione è stato 16.4 mesi. La strategia di rechallenge con il docetaxel può essere quindi utilizzata in pazienti selezionati con tumore della prostata ormonorefrattario che abbiano mostrato un’iniziale risposta al docetaxel

    Doses, fractionations, constraints for stereotactic radiotherapy

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    This paper describes how to select the most appropriate stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) dose and fractionation scheme according to lesion size and site, organs at risk (OARs) proximity and the biological effective dose. In single-dose SRT, 15–34 Gy are generally used while in fractionated SRT 30 and 75 Gy in 2–5 fractions are administered. The ICRU Report No. 91, which is specifically dedicated to SRT treatments, provided indications for dose prescription (with its definition and essential steps), dose delivery and optimal coverage which was defined as the best planning target volume coverage that can be obtained in the irradiated district. Calculation algorithms and OAR dose constraints are provided as well as treatment planning system characteristics, suggested beam energy and multileaf collimator leaf size. Finally, parameters for irradiation geometry and plan quality are also reported.

    Radiobiology of stereotactic radiotherapy

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    This paper focuses on the radiobiological mechanisms underlying the effects of stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) which, despite SRT expansion, have not yet been fully elucidated. Some authors postulated that radiobiology principles, as applied to conventional fractionations (5R: reoxygenation, repair, repopulation, redistribution, radioresistence), suffice in themselves to account for the excellent clinical results of SRT; others argued that the role of the 5R was limited. Recent preclinical data showed that hypofractionated ablative treatments altered the microenvironment, thus determining cell death either directly or indirectly. Furthermore, dead tumor cells released quantities of antigens, which stimulated antitumor immunity, thus reducing the risk of relapse and metastasis. Better understanding of the radiobiological mechanisms underlying response to high-dose radiation treatment is essential for predicting its short- and long-term effects on the tumor and surrounding healthy tissues and, consequently, for improving its related therapeutic index

    Pulmonary adenocarcinomas presenting as ground-glass opacities on multidetector CT: three-dimensional computer-assisted analysis of growth pattern and doubling time

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    We aimed to evaluate the growth pattern and doubling time (DT) of pulmonary adenocarcinomas exhibiting ground-glass opacities (GGOs) on multidetector computed tomography (CT). METHODS The growth pattern and DT of 22 pulmonary adenocarcinomas exhibiting GGOs were retrospectively analyzed using three-dimensional semiautomatic software. Analysis of each lesion was based on calculations of volume and mass changes and their respective DTs throughout CT follow- up. Three-dimensional segmentation was performed by a single radiologist on each CT scan. The same observer and another radiologist independently repeated the segmentation at the baseline and the last CT scan to determine the variability of the measurements. The relationships among DTs, histopathology, and initial CT features of the lesions were also analyzed. RESULTS Pulmonary adenocarcinomas presenting as GGOs exhibited different growth patterns: some lesions grew rapidly and some grew slowly, whereas others alternated between periods of growth, stability, or shrinkage. A significant increase in volume and mass that exceeded the coefficient of repeatability of interobserver variability was observed in 72.7% and 84.2% of GGOs, respectively. The volume-DTs and mass-DTs were heterogeneous throughout the follow-up CT scan (range, -4293 to 21928 and -3113 to 17020 days, respectively), and their intra- and interobserver variabilities were moderately high. The volume-DTs and mass-DTs were not correlated with the initial CT features of GGOs; however, they were significantly shorter in invasive adenocarcinomas (P = 0.002 and P = 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION Pulmonary adenocarcinomas exhibiting GGOs show heterogeneous growth patterns with a trend toward a progressive increase in size. DTs may be useful for predicting tumor aggressiveness

    Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases: Imaging Tools and Dosimetric Predictive Factors for Radionecrosis

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    Radionecrosis (RN) is the most important side effect after stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) for brain metastases, with a reported incidence ranging from 3% to 24%. To date, there are no unanimously accepted criteria for iconographic diagnosis of RN, as well as no definitive dose-constraints correlated with the onset of this late effect. We reviewed the current literature and gave an overview report on imaging options for the diagnosis of RN and on dosimetric parameters correlated with the onset of RN. We performed a PubMed literature search according to the preferred reporting items and meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines, and identified articles published within the last ten years, up to 31 December 2019. When analyzing data on diagnostic tools, perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) seems to be very useful allowing evaluation of the blood flow in the lesion using the relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) and blood vessel integrity using relative peak weight (rPH). It is necessary to combine morphological with functional imaging in order to match information about lesion morphology, metabolism and blood-flow. Eventually, serial imaging follow-up is needed. Regarding dosimetric parameters, in radiosurgery (SRS) V12 < 8 cm3 and V10 < 10.5 cm3 of normal brain are the most reliable prognostic factors, whereas in hypo-fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (HSRT) V18 and V21 are considered the main predictive independent risk factors of RN

    Benefit of Radiation Boost After Whole-Breast Radiotherapy

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    PURPOSE: To determine whether a boost to the tumor bed after breast-conserving surgery (BCS) and radiotherapy (RT) to the whole breast affects local control and disease-free survival. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A total of 1,138 patients with pT1 to pT2 breast cancer underwent adjuvant RT at the University of Florence. We analyzed only patients with a minimum follow-up of 1 year (range, 1-20 years), with negative surgical margins. The median age of the patient population was 52.0 years (+/-7.9 years). The breast cancer relapse incidence probability was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method, and differences between patient subgroups were compared by the log rank test. Cox regression models were used to evaluate the risk of breast cancer relapse. RESULTS: On univariate survival analysis, boost to the tumor bed reduced breast cancer recurrence (p < 0.0001). Age and tamoxifen also significantly reduced breast cancer relapse (p = 0.01 and p = 0.014, respectively). On multivariate analysis, the boost and the medium age (45-60 years) were found to be inversely related to breast cancer relapse (hazard ratio [HR], 0.27; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.14-0.52, and HR 0.61; 95% CI, 0.37-0.99, respectively). The effect of the boost was more evident in younger patients (HR, 0.15 and 95% CI, 0.03-0.66 for patients <45 years of age; and HR, 0.31 and 95% CI, 0.13-0.71 for patients 45-60 years) on multivariate analyses stratified by age, although it was not a significant predictor in women older than 60 years. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that boost to the tumor bed reduces breast cancer relapse and is more effective in younger patients

    Special stereotactic radiotherapy techniques: procedures and equipment for treatment simulation and dose delivery

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    Stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) is a multi-step procedure with each step requiring extreme accuracy. Physician-dependent accuracy includes appropriate disease staging, multi-disciplinary discussion with shared decision-making, choice of morphological and functional imaging methods to identify and delineate the tumor target and organs at risk, an image-guided patient set-up, active or passive management of intra-fraction movement, clinical and instrumental follow-up. Medical physicist-dependent accuracy includes use of advanced software for treatment planning and more advanced Quality Assurance procedures than required for conventional radiotherapy. Consequently, all the professionals require appropriate training in skills for high-quality SRT. Thanks to the technological advances, SRT has moved from a “frame-based” technique, i.e. the use of stereotactic coordinates which are identified by means of rigid localization frames, to the modern “frame-less” SRT which localizes the target volume directly, or by means of anatomical surrogates or fiducial markers that have previously been placed within or near the target. This review describes all the SRT steps in depth, from target simulation and delineation procedures to treatment delivery and image-guided radiation therapy. Target movement assessment and management are also described.

    Radiotherapy Timing in 4,820 Patients With Breast Cancer: University of Florence Experience

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    PURPOSE: To analyze the relationship between a delay in radiotherapy (RT) after breast-conserving surgery and ipsilateral breast recurrence (BR). METHODS AND MATERIALS: We included in our analysis 4,820 breast cancer patients who had undergone postoperative RT at the University of Florence. The patients were categorized into four groups according to the interval between surgery and RT (T1, 180 days). RESULTS: On multivariate analysis, the timing of RT did not reach statistical significance in patients who received only postoperative RT (n = 1,935) or RT and hormonal therapy (HT) (n = 1,684) or RT, chemotherapy (CHT), and HT (n = 529). In the postoperative RT-only group, age at presentation, surgical margin status, and a boost to the tumor bed were independent prognostic factors for BR. In the RT plus HT group, age at presentation and boost emerged as independent prognostic factors for BR (p = 0.006 and p = 0.049, respectively). Finally, in the RT, CHT, and HT group, only multifocality was an independent BR predictor (p = 0.01). Only in the group of patients treated with RT and CHT (n = 672) did multivariate analysis with stepwise selection show RT timing as an independent prognostic factor (hazard ratio, 1.59; 95% confidence interval, 1.01-2.52; p = 0.045). Analyzing this group of patients, we found that most patients included had worse prognostic factors and had received CHT consisting of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil before undergoing RT. CONCLUSION: The results of our study have shown that the timing of RT itself does not affect local recurrence, which is mainly related to prognostic factors. Thus, the "waiting list" should be thought of as a "programming list," with patients scheduled for RT according to their prognostic factors

    Integrating stereotactic radiotherapy and systemic therapies

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    This paper focuses on stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) interactions with targeted therapies and immune system modulating agents because SRT inevitably interacts with them in the treatment of oligometastatic patients. Radiation oncologists need to be aware of the advantages and risks of these interactions which can, on one hand, enhance the effect of therapy or, on the other, potentiate reciprocal toxicities. To date, few prospective studies have evaluated the interactions of SRT with new-generation drugs and data are mainly based on retrospective experiences, which are often related to small sample sizes
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