19 research outputs found

    Brucella abortus detected in cheese from the Amazon region: differentiation of a vaccine strain (B19) from the field strain in the states of Pará, Amapá and Rondônia, Brazil

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    Abstract: Brucellosis is an infectious-contagious disease responsible for significant economic losses to the meat and milk supply chain, because it causes reproductive disorders in animals and is a chronic anthropozoonosis. This study was designed to detect the DNA of Brucella spp. in cheese and to differentiate between a vaccine strain (B19) and the field strain. Sixty-six samples of different cheeses which are produced and marketed in three states of the Brazilian Amazon region (Amapá [5 samples], Pará [55 samples] and Rondônia [6 samples]) were evaluated. Thirty-nine of these samples were from cheeses made from cow's milk, and 27 were from cheeses made from buffalo milk. Four of the 66 samples were from cheeses produced in milk processing plants regulated by the Federal Inspection Service (Serviço de Inspeção Federal); nine of the samples were from cheeses produced in processing plants regulated by the State Inspection Service (Serviço de Inspeção Estadual); five of the samples were from artisanal cheeses; and the remaining 48 samples were from informally produced cheese. DNA was obtained from the samples following a DNA extraction protocol, and PCR was conducted using primers B4 and B5 to detect Brucella spp. Primers eri1 and eri2 were used to differentiate the field strain from the B19 vaccine strain. The results showed that 21.21% (14/66) of the samples were positive for Brucella spp., of which 21.43% (3/14) were positive for the B. abortus field strain, and 7.14% (1/14) were identified as harboring vaccine strain B19. These results demonstrate that it is possible to identify Brucella spp. in cheese from the Amazon region using the PCR technique and to differentiate the B. abortus field strain from the B19 vaccine strain

    Brucella abortus em queijos na região amazônica: diferenciação em cepa vacinal (B19) ou de infecção a campo nos estados do Pará, Amapá e Rondônia

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    Brucellosis is an infectious-contagious disease responsible for significant economic losses to the meat and milk supply chain, because it causes reproductive disorders in animals and is a chronic anthropozoonosis. This study was designed to detect the DNA of Brucella spp. in cheese and to differentiate between a vaccine strain (B19) and the field strain. Sixty-six samples of different cheeses which are produced and marketed in three states of the Brazilian Amazon region (Amapá [5 samples], Pará [55 samples] and Rondônia [6 samples]) were evaluated. Thirty-nine of these samples were from cheeses made from cow's milk, and 27 were from cheeses made from buffalo milk. Four of the 66 samples were from cheeses produced in milk processing plants regulated by the Federal Inspection Service (Serviço de Inspeção Federal); nine of the samples were from cheeses produced in processing plants regulated by the State Inspection Service (Serviço de Inspeção Estadual); five of the samples were from artisanal cheeses; and the remaining 48 samples were from informally produced cheese. DNA was obtained from the samples following a DNA extraction protocol, and PCR was conducted using primers B4 and B5 to detect Brucella spp. Primers eri1 and eri2 were used to differentiate the field strain from the B19 vaccine strain. The results showed that 21.21% (14/66) of the samples were positive for Brucella spp., of which 21.43% (3/14) were positive for the B. abortus field strain, and 7.14% (1/14) were identified as harboring vaccine strain B19. These results demonstrate that it is possible to identify Brucella spp. in cheese from the Amazon region using the PCR technique and to differentiate the B. abortus field strain from the B19 vaccine strain.A brucelose é uma enfermidade infecto-contagiosa que causa grandes perdas econômicas à cadeia produtiva da carne e do leite, como consequência dos distúrbios reprodutivos nos animais, além de ser uma antropozoonose crônica. O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar DNA de Brucella spp. e fazer a distinção da cepa vacinal (B19) da cepa de infecção de campo. Foram adquiridas 66 amostras de diferentes queijos produzidos e comercializados em três estados pertencentes à Amazônia brasileira: Amapá (05), Pará (55) e Rondônia (06), somando 39 amostras de queijo de vaca e 27 de búfala. Deste total quatro eram produzidas em estabelecimentos com fiscalização de Serviço de Inspeção Federal, nove em estabelecimentos com Serviço de Inspeção Estadual, cinco eram de produção artesanal e as demais 48 amostras eram provenientes de produção informal. O DNA das amostras teste foi obtido por um protocolo de extração e a reação em cadeia pela polimerase foi realizada utilizando os oligoiniciadores B4 e B5 para detectar Brucella spp. e, os oligoiniciadores eri1 e eri2 para diferenciar cepa de infecção a campo da cepa vacinal B19. Os resultados mostraram que 21,21% (14/66) das amostras foram positivas para Brucella spp., destas 21,43% (3/14) foram positivas para B. abortus cepa de campo e 7,14% (1/14) foi identificada como cepa vacinal B19. Concluiu-se que foi possível identificar pela técnica da PCR Brucella spp. em queijos na região amazônica, além de diferenciar as cepas em amostra de B. abortus de infecção a campo ou cepa vacinal B19

    Uma metodologia para parametrização do processo MIG/MAG CA A methodology for parameterization of the AC MIG/MAG process

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    O processo MIG/MAG CA tem um potencial muito grande de aplicação, por permitir unir as características da soldagem MIG/MAG convencional (corrente contínua, com o eletrodo no positivo) com as de se usar corrente negativa na soldagem MIG/MAG. Entretanto, o formato de onda de corrente (alternada, pulsada no positivo e constante no negativo) demanda uma seleção criteriosa de seus inúmeros parâmetros de regulagem, o que vem limitando o estudo e aplicação desta versão de processo MIG/MAG. O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor e avaliar uma metodologia capaz de estimar os parâmetros de regulagem do processo MIG/MAG CA, de tal forma a se obter soldas com estabilidade de comprimento de arco e cordões com geometria adequada. É feita uma descrição passo a passo da definição dos parâmetros de entrada e da forma de se obter experimentalmente alguns valores de parâmetros necessários para estimação de outros valores de regulagem. As equações de estimação são apresentadas e discutidas. É feita uma demonstração da aplicação da metodologia, com a validação dos resultados pela comparação entre valores estimados e reais.<br>The AC MIG/MAG process presents remarkable application potential, since it allows join the characteristics of the conventional MIG/MAG process (direct current, electrode positive) with the ones obtained when negative current is applied in MIG/MAG welding. However, the current wave shape (alternate, pulsed in positive and constant in negative polarities) demands a criterions selection of its innumerous setting parameters, fact that limits the development and application of this process version. The objective of this work was to propose and assess a methodology able to estimate the setting parameters of the CA MIG/MAG welding process, in such a way to result in welds with arc length stability and adequate bead geometry. A step-a-step description of the input parameter definitions and of the way to experimentally obtain some parameter values needed to estimate other setting parameters. The estimation equations are presented and discussed. A demonstration of the methodology application is carried out, with validation through actual welds