84 research outputs found

    Isolamento de isobruceina B e neosergeolida de Picrolemma sprucei Hook. f. em escala-grama

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    Quassinoids neosergeolide and isobrucein B, obtained from Picrolemma sprucei, have proven in vitro antitumor, antimalarial, anthelminthic, cytotoxic, insecticide and leishmanicidal activities. There is interest in the in vivo pharmacological study of these natural compounds and their semi-synthetic derivatives, however, the quantities obtained in previous extraction processes have been shown to be a limiting factor for continuation of these studies. Herein, we describe a method for obtaining grams of these quassinoids whose purification relies only on recrystallization.Os quassinóides neosergeolida e isobruceína B, obtidos de Picrolemma sprucei, possuem atividades antitumoral, antimalårica, anti-helmíntica, citotóxica, inseticida e anti-leishmania comprovadas em estudos in vitro. Hå interesse no estudo farmacológico in vivo dessas substùncias naturais e de seus derivados semi-sintéticos, porém a quantidade obtida nos processos de extração tem se mostrado um fator limitante à continuação desses estudos. No presente trabalho, descrevemos um método para obtenção de gramas desses quassinóides cuja purificação depende apenas de cristalização fracionada

    Highlights of the SĂŁo Paulo ISEV workshop on extracellular vesicles in cross-kingdom communication

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    In the past years, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have become an important field of research since EVs have been found to play a central role in biological processes. In pathogens, EVs are involved in several events during the host–pathogen interaction, including invasion, immunomodulation, and pathology as well as parasite–parasite communication. In this report, we summarised the role of EVs in infections caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths based on the talks and discussions carried out during the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) workshop held in SĂŁo Paulo (November, 2016), Brazil, entitled Cross-organism Communication by Extracellular Vesicles: Hosts, Microbes and Parasites. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.11Ysciescopu

    Heterosis and genetic parameters for grain quality in oat segregating populations

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    ABSTRACT Improvement of quality-related traits of grains is a constant concern in white oat breeding programs, which challenges breeders to understand their dynamics. The performance of different genetic combinations must be thoroughly evaluated to make high nutritional quality cultivars available. This study aimed to estimate the heterosis on F1 and F2 generations, vigor loss, due to inbreeding, and correlation between the grain chemical components to understand the dynamics of these traits, considering two segregating oat progenies. The populations Albasul × UPF 15 (population 1) and IAC 7 × UFRGS 19 (population 2) were developed. Both populations showed transgressive segregant individuals. The combination Albasul × UPF 15 provided significant heterosis for traits β-glucan total and soluble fiber contents, while the population obtained by crossing IAC 7 × UFRGS 19 generated significant gain by heterosis for total fiber, insoluble fibers and non-structural carbohydrate contents. Considering the F2 average for each population, one can observe that population 1 presents higher β-glucan and lipid contents than population 2. On the other hand, population 2 has higher protein content than population 1. In both populations, the non-structural carbohydrate content is strongly and negatively correlated whith protein, total and insoluble fibers. Correlations between total fibers and lipids and between total fibers and insoluble fibers were both positive and high in both populations

    Hypotensive effect and endothelium-dependent vascular action of leaves of Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K. Schum

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    The aims of this study were to evaluate the chemical profile, vascular reactivity, and acute hypotensive effect (AHE) of the ethanolic extract of leaves of Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K. Schum (EEAP). Its chemical profile was evaluated using HPLC-UV, ICP-OES, and colorimetric quantification of total flavonoids and polyphenols. The vascular reactivity of the extract was determined using the mesenteric bed isolated from WKY. AHE dose-response curves were obtained for both EEAP and inorganic material isolated from AP (IAP) in WKY and SHR animals. Cytotoxic and mutagenic safety levels were determined by the micronucleus test. Rutin-like flavonoids were quantified in the EEAP (1.8 ± 0.03%), and the total flavonoid and polyphenol ratios were 4.1 ± 1.8% and 5.1 ± 0.3%, respectively. We observed that the vasodilation action of EEAP was partially mediated by nitric oxide (·NO). The IAP showed the presence of calcium (137.76 ± 4.08 Όg mg-1). The EEAP and IAP showed an AHE in WKY and SHR animals. EEAP did not have cytotoxic effects or cause chromosomic alterations. The AHE shown by EEAP could result from its endothelium-dependent vascular action. Rutin-like flavonoids, among other polyphenols, could contribute to these biological activities, and the calcium present in EEAP could act in a synergistic way
