33 research outputs found

    Substrate Coating Produced via Additive Manufacturing with Conducting Polymers: Assessment in The Development of Electrodes

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    The production of conductive and organic devices from a 3D printer represents a promising strategy for several areas. In particular, the synthesis of polypyrrole-coated acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) composites can be considered an important step to produce conductive supports for 3D printing. Herein, it is reported the production of ABS samples through the additive manufacturing process (3D printing) accordingly to the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) method. The hydrophilic behavior was controlled by the surface treatment using air plasma for the following step of coating with polypyrrole (PPy) via an in situ polymerization, using two different oxidants: ferric chloride (FeCl3.6H2O) and ammonium persulfate (APS). The chemical, optical, surface, and electrical properties of these materials were characterized through Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), contact angle measurements, cyclic voltammetry, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), 4-probe electrical measurement, and mechanical tensile testing. The ABS/PPy (FeCl3) composite exhibited a low electrical contact resistance and better performance for applications that require electrodes with a good conductance level

    O (des)valor probat?rio do procedimento administrativo fiscal no processo penal

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    Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:48:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 467186.pdf: 108785 bytes, checksum: b0047986f6c66aa920be5498f577e92d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-16These days is known that the penal process cannot be treated like something isolated in the legal system, separated from the other branches of law. However, what is necessary to observe is that the simple transport of categories that do not belong to the penal process ends up to generate reflections extremely harmful to the probative theme, especially in reason of the relevance that the individual rights and guarantee of the citizens assume in the penal procedural sphere. In this context, some themes contain accentuated complexity in reason of the unavoidable points of contact among the state action spheres. Among them, it is intended to refer about some elements of the penal process in the crimes against the tax law, essentially related to the elements obtained by tax investigation in the exercise of its revenue collection function. For this, it is indispensable to highlight the place that the preliminary investigation occupies, especially with a view to delimit its juridical nature and fundamentals of existence. Further, it points out the importance of probative theme in the penal procedural sphere, with an approach that aims, undoubtedly, attribute greater effectiveness to the fundamental rights. However, the debate would be fruitless if some elements of the tax law were not brought up, even to justify the impossibility of the adoption of its premise in the penal process context, because after this, it is possible to weave some conclusions about the impossibility to attribute probative value, to the penal process, to the elements obtained in the ambit of the fiscal administrative procedure.Atualmente se tem conhecimento que o processo penal n?o pode ser tratado como algo isolado no ordenamento jur?dico, separado dos demais ramos do Direito. Por?m, o que se faz necess?rio observar ? que o simples transporte de categorias que n?o s?o pr?prias do processo penal acaba por gerar reflexos extremamente danosos ao tema probat?rio, especialmente em raz?o da relev?ncia que os direitos e garantias individuais dos cidad?os assumem na seara processual penal. Nesse contexto, alguns temas cont?m acentuada complexidade, em virtude dos inevit?veis pontos de contato entre as esferas de atua??o estatal. Dentre elas, pretende-se referir acerca de alguns elementos do processo penal nos crimes contra a ordem tribut?ria, essencialmente com rela??o aos elementos obtidos pela fiscaliza??o tribut?ria no exerc?cio de suas fun??es arrecadat?rias. Para tanto, imprescind?vel destacar o lugar que ocupa a investiga??o preliminar, especialmente com vistas a delimitar sua natureza jur?dica e fundamentos de exist?ncia. Mais adiante, pontua-se a import?ncia do tema probat?rio na seara processual penal, com uma abordagem que visa, indubitavelmente, conferir maior efic?cia aos direitos fundamentais. Contudo, infrut?fero seria o debate caso n?o fossem trazidos alguns elementos de Direito Tribut?rio, ainda que para justificar a impossibilidade da ado??o de suas premissas no contexto do processo penal, sendo que depois disso ? poss?vel tecer algumas conclus?es acerca da impossibilidade de se atribuir valor probat?rio, no processo penal, aos elementos obtidos no ?mbito do procedimento administrativo fiscal

    A função social dos imóveis urbanos à luz da Constituição Federal de 1988

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    Examina questões referentes à função social da propriedade urbana como cláusula geral de natureza constitucional-principiológica, bem como, a partir da análise da legislação infraconstitucional e lições de doutrina, apresenta reflexões acerca dos mecanismos existentes para garantir sua efetivação

    Assessing the impact of climate change on the worldwide distribution of Dalbulus maidis (DeLong) using MaxEnt

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 For the first time, a model was applied at the global scale to investigate the effects of climate change on Dalbulus maidis. D. maidis is the main vector of three plant pathogens of maize crops and has been reported as one of the most important maize pests in Latin America. We modelled the effects of climate change on this pest using three Global Climate Models under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) using MaxEnt software.
 Overall, climate change will lead to a decrease in suitable areas for D. maidis. In South America, climate change will decrease the areas suitable for the pest, especially in Brazil. However, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela will have small areas that are highly suitable for the corn leafhopper. Outside the pest's range, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and South Africa also should be concerned about the risk of corn leafhopper invasions in the future because they are projected to have conditions that are highly suitable for this insect in some areas.
 This study allows the relevant countries to increase their quarantine measures and guide researchers to develop new Zea mays varieties that are resistant or tolerant to D. maidis. In addition, the maize‐stunting pathogens for the areas are highlighted in this modelling. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industr