21,199 research outputs found

    Case Study in Intellectual Capital and Territorial Development: Analysing Portuguese Local Governments WEB Pages

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    Multiple authors argue that the digital infrastructure of municipalities and regions, such as websites, have an important role to play in local and regional development since they enable the access and sharing of information, knowledge and the provision of certain services. Functioning as an entrance way to a territory, the websites provide important contributions in the knowledge and intellectual capital management activities. In this sense, an evaluation of websites is a core activity for the updating of content and delivery of services, contributing to their best management in the context of e-government. However, there are a limited number of studies on evaluation of websites from the perspective of intellectual capital, although the importance of this asset, either in business or public sector, and also to the development of territories is recognized. So, this study intend to show the importance of intellectual capital in the public sector, more specifically on local government, by assessing the intellectual capital of its web pages by implementing a model of intellectual capital for the public sector

    Regularization of Discontinuous Foliations: Blowing up and Sliding Conditions via Fenichel Theory

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    We study the regularization of an oriented 1-foliation F\mathcal{F} on MΣM \setminus \Sigma where MM is a smooth manifold and ΣM\Sigma \subset M is a closed subset, which can be interpreted as the discontinuity locus of F\mathcal{F}. In the spirit of Filippov's work, we define a sliding and sewing dynamics on the discontinuity locus Σ\Sigma as some sort of limit of the dynamics of a nearby smooth 1-foliation and obtain conditions to identify whether a point belongs to the sliding or sewing regions.Comment: 32 page

    Stabilization of an arbitrary profile for an ensemble of half-spin systems

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    We consider the feedback stabilization of a variable profile for an ensemble of non interacting half spins described by the Bloch equations. We propose an explicit feedback law that stabilizes asymptotically the system around a given arbitrary target profile. The convergence proof is done when the target profile is entirely in the south hemisphere or in the north hemisphere of the Bloch sphere. The convergence holds for initial conditions in a H^1 neighborhood of this target profile. This convergence is shown for the weak H^1 topology. The proof relies on an adaptation of the LaSalle invariance principle to infinite dimensional systems. Numerical simulations illustrate the efficiency of these feedback laws, even for initial conditions far from the target profile.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    The registration of intangible cultural heritage: the IPHAN and IEPHA’s practices

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    Patrimônio cultural é tudo aquilo que possui significado social e representa identidades, sendo dividido em duas principais categorias: material e imaterial. O reconhecimento deste último foi construído ao longo de um processo de maturação, ampliação de debates, legislação e ação de órgãos públicos nacionais e internacionais. No Brasil, a Constituição Federal de 1988 incorporou, ao lado do patrimônio material, as diversas formas de expressão e os modos de criar, fazer e viver, como patrimônio imaterial, adotando novos instrumentos de proteção aos bens culturais: o registro e o inventário. Entretanto, somente pelo Decreto 3.551/2000 é que o registro do imaterial foi definitivamente normatizado. Paulatinamente, ocorreu a descentralização da legislação e das políticas públicas, que passaram a ser compartilhadas por União, Estados e Municípios e, nesse sentido, um caso peculiar na gestão do patrimônio cultural ocorreu no estado de Minas Gerais, no qual o Instituto Estadual do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico de Minas Gerais (IEPHA/MG) assumiu um valioso papel na preservação do patrimônio cultural, onde as ações municipais voltadas ao patrimônio cultural no Estado contam com repasses financeiros, via distribuição do Imposto Sobre Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS). Esse cenário propiciou um campo para a reflexão e debate sobre o papel e a função desse órgão estadual frente às práticas de identificação, valorização e promoção do patrimônio imaterial de Minas Gerais.Patrimonio cultural es todo lo que tiene un significado social y representa identidades, dividiéndose en dos categorías principales: tangible s e intangibles. El reconocimiento de este último fue construido al largo de un proceso de maduración, expansión de debates, legislación y acción de las entidades públicas nacionales e internacionales. En Brasil, la Constitución Federal de 1988 ha incorporado, junto con el patrimonio material, las diversas formas de expresión, formas de crear, hacer y vivir, como patrimonio inmaterial, adoptando nuevos instrumentos para la protección de los bienes culturales: el registro y el inventario. Sin embargo, sólo por el Decreto 3.551/2000 es que el registro del inmaterial fue definitivamente regulado. Poco a poco se produjo la descentralización de la legislación y de las políticas públicas, que se tornaron compartidas entre los gobiernos federal, estatal y municipal y, en ese sentido, un caso peculiar en la gestión del patrimonio cultural ocurrió en la provincia de Minas Gerais, cuyo Instituto Estatal de Patrimonio Histórico y Artístico (IEPHA/MG, acrónimo en portugués) tuvo participación importante en la conservación del patrimonio cultural, donde las acciones municipales para el patrimonio cultural en la provincia dependen de las transferencias financieras, a través de la distribución del Impuesto sobre Mercancías y Servicios (ICMS, acrónimo en portugués). Este escenario proporciona reflexión y debate sobre el rol y la función de este organismo estatal referente a las prácticas de identificación, valoración y promoción del patrimonio inmaterial de Minas Gerais.Cultural heritage is everything that has social meaning and represents identities, and can be divided into two main categories: tangible and intangible. The recognition of the intangible cultural heritage was built over a maturation process, expansion of debates, legislation and action of national and international public bodies. In Brazil, the 1988 Federal Constitution has incorporated, together with the tangible heritage, the various forms of expression, ways of creating, making and living, as intangible heritage, adopting new instruments for protecting cultural goods: the registry and the inventory. However, only by the Decree 3.551/2000 the intangible’s registration was definitely regulated. Gradually, there was the decentralization of legislation and public policies, and they have been shared between the Federal, State and Municipal governments and, in this sense, a peculiar case in the management of cultural heritage took place in the state of Minas Gerais, in which the State Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage (IEPHA/MG, acronym in Portuguese) had a valuable role in preserving the cultural heritage with, where the municipal actions for cultural heritage in the State rely on financial transfers, via distribution of Tax on Goods and Services (ICMS, acronym in Portuguese). This scenario provided a field for reflection and debate on the role and the function of this state agency with respect to the practices of identifying, appreciating and promoting the intangible heritage of Minas Gerais