4,677 research outputs found

    Preliminary attempt to develop a path-flow analysis model for swimming performance in children

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    The aim of this research was to develop a path-flow analysis model from age-group swimmer’s performance based on biomechanical and energetic parameters. Twenty two young male age-group swimmers with several competitive levels volunteered to serve as subjects. It was assessed swim velocity, stroke length, stroke frequency, stroke index, propulsive efficiency, critical velocity and 200 m freestyle event performance. To verify the quality of the model, root mean square residuals (RMSR) was computed. The confirmatory model explained 54% of swimming performance. RMSR was 0.064. As a conclusion, the model based in biomechanical and energetic variables, according to the relationships suggested is appropriated to explain performance in age-group swimmers

    Preliminary attempt to develop a path-flow analysis model for swimming performance in children

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    The goal of competitive swimming is to travel the event distance as fast as possible. The identification of the parameters that predict swimming performances is one of the main aims of the swimming “science” community. Indeed, it is consensual that biomechanical and energetic variables are determinant for performance in this sport. Several research groups dedicate their attention to the relationships establish between biomechanical and energetic variables on adult swimmers, with special emphasis on elite adult swimmers

    Unusual flavones in cytisus desf.

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    Cytisus Desf. (Fabaceae) is a diversified genus enclosing approximately sixty species, which are particularly found around the Mediterranean Sea. Many plants of this genus exhibit bioactive properties such as diuretic, hypnotic, anxiolytic, antiparasitic, antidiabetic and antioxidant [1] and, in particular the latter, has been closely associated to the high content in flavonoids [2]. The present work aims to contribute to the knowledge of Cytisus Desf. chemical composition, through the identification of new flavonoids in that genus. The compounds in focus were detected in ethanolic extracts of Cytisus multiflorus flowers by means of HPLC-DAD, ESI-MS and MSn analyses. These included the two isomers 2′′-O-pentosyl-6-C-hexosyl-luteolin and 2′′-O-pentosyl-8-C-hexosyl-luteolin (MW 580 Da), the two isomers 2′′-O-pentosyl-6-C-hexosyl-apigenin and 2′′-O-pentosyl-8-C-hexosyl-apigenin (MW 564 Da), the 6′′-O-(3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaroyl)-2′′-O-pentosyl-C-hexosyl-luteolin (MW 724 Da) and the 6′′-O-(3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaroyl)-2′′-O-pentosyl-C-hexosyl-apigenin (MW 708 Da). Attending that half of the these compounds were herein described for first time in Fabaceae, overall, the present work is a valuable contribution for the phenolic elucidation of Cytisus genus as well as the Fabaceae family

    A coalgebraic perspective on minimization, determinization and behavioural metrics

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    Coalgebra offers a unified theory of state based systems, including infinite streams, labelled transition systems and deterministic automata. In this paper, we use the coalgebraic view on systems to derive, in a uniform way, abstract procedures for checking behavioural equivalence in coalgebras, which perform (a combination of) minimization and determinization in the system. First, we show that for coalgebras on categories equipped with factorization structures, there exists an abstract procedure for equivalence checking. For instance, when considering epi-mono factorizations in the category of sets and functions, this procedure corresponds to the usual (coalgebraic) minimization algorithm and two states are behaviourally equivalent iff they are mapped to the same state in the minimized coalgebra. Second, motivated by several examples, we consider coalgebras on categories without suitable factorization structures: under certain conditions, it is possible to apply the above procedure after transforming coalgebras with reflections. This transformation can be thought of as some kind of determinization. Finally, we show that the result of the procedure also induces a pseudo-metric on the states, in such a way that the distance between each pair of states is minimized

    Épocas de floração de cultivares de oliveira em Castelo Branco, Elvas e Santarém

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    Comunicação apresentada no III Simpósio Nacional de Olivicultura que decorreu em Castelo Branco, de 29 a 31 de Outubro, na Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.A época de floração da oliveira está determinada pelas características genéticas inerentes a cada cultivar e é influenciada por factores climatéricos, variáveis de ano para ano. Esta influência do clima pode provocar importantes modificações anuais nas épocas de floração, aspecto fundamental para a calendarização das técnicas culturais do olival. Para além desta influência, a caracterização das épocas de floração é, também, importante para o estudo e conhecimento da adaptação de diferentes cultivares a uma região e para os programas de melhoramento genético, entre outros. Neste trabalho caracteriza-se a época de floração de cinco cultivares de oliveira, nas regiões de Castelo Branco, Elvas e Santarém, durante os anos de 2000, 2001 e 2002. Os resultados obtidos revelaram a existência de diferenças nas datas de floração e na duração de floração, entre cultivares e regiões, mantendo-se constante a ordem de entrada das cultivares em floração. As condições climatéricas prevalecentes no período de Janeiro a Maio, nomeadamente as temperaturas, condicionaram o calendário da floração, exercendo uma marcada influência no momento de início da floração e na duração do período de floração

    Spironolactone treatment attenuates vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetic mice by decreasing oxidative stress and restoring NO/GC signaling

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    Type 2 diabetes (DM2) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Aldosterone, which has pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory effects in the cardiovascular system, is positively regulated in DM2. We assessed whether blockade of mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) with spironolactone decreases reactive oxygen species (ROS)-associated vascular dysfunction and improves vascular nitric oxide (NO) signaling in diabetes. Leptin receptor knockout [LepRdb/LepRdb (db/db)] mice, a model of DM2, and their counterpart controls [LepRdb/LepR+, (db/+) mice] received spironolactone (50 mg/kg body weight/day) or vehicle (ethanol 1%) via oral per gavage for 6 weeks. Spironolactone treatment abolished endothelial dysfunction and increased endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation (Ser1177) in arteries from db/db mice, determined by acetylcholine-induced relaxation and Western Blot analysis, respectively. MR antagonist therapy also abrogated augmented ROS-generation in aorta from diabetic mice, determined by lucigenin luminescence assay. Spironolactone treatment increased superoxide dismutase-1 and catalase expression, improved sodium nitroprusside and BAY 41-2272-induced relaxation, and increased soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) β subunit expression in arteries from db/db mice. Our results demonstrate that spironolactone decreases diabetes-associated vascular oxidative stress and prevents vascular dysfunction through processes involving increased expression of antioxidant enzymes and sGC. These findings further elucidate redox-sensitive mechanisms whereby spironolactone protects against vascular injury in diabetes

    Rapid tranquillisation for agitated patients in emergency psychiatric rooms: a randomised trial of midazolam versus haloperidol plus promethazine

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare two widely used drug treatments for people with aggression or agitation due to mental illness. DESIGN: Pragmatic, randomised clinical trial. SETTING: Three psychiatric emergency rooms in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. SUBJECTS: 301 aggressive or agitated people. INTERVENTIONS: Open treatment with intramuscular midazolam or intramuscular haloperidol plus promethazine. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Patients tranquil or sedated at 20 minutes. Secondary outcomes: patients tranquil or asleep by 40, 60, and 120 minutes; restrained or given extra drugs within 2 hours; severe adverse events; another episode of agitation or aggression; needing extra visits from doctor during first 24 hours; overall antipsychotic load in first 24 hours; and not discharged by two weeks

    Comparação cinemática e neuromuscular de um exercício de abdominais no solo e na fitball

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    O objectivo deste estudo foi comparar a cinemática e a actividade neuromuscular em exercícios de abdominais no solo e na Fitball. Quinze jovens mulheres participaram voluntariamente neste estudo. Cada sujeito efectuou duas vezes, três séries de dez abdominais com um intervalo mínimo de 60 segundos entre cada série. O exercício foi efectuado uma vez no solo e outra na Fitball. Os dados cinemáticos e neuromusculares foram recolhidos ao longo de todo o protocolo. Foi avaliada a actividades neuromuscular do recto femoral, do recto abdominal superior, do recto abdominal inferior e do oblíquo externo. Um electrogoniómetro foi colocado entre a sexta costela e a crista ilíaca (coluna) e outro entre a crista ilíaca e a zona trocantérica (anca) para avaliação cinemática. O período do exercício entre as condições em estudo não foi significativo. O ângulo mínimo da anca e da coluna lombar foram significativamente inferiores durante a execução do exercício no solo do que na Fitball. A actividade neuromuscular foi significativamente superior quando o exercício foi realizado na Fitball do que no solo em todos os grupos musculares. Como conclusão, actividade neuromuscular é superior aquando da exercitação na Fitball do que no solo