6 research outputs found

    Identification and control of occupational risks in a São Paulo metropolitan region quarry

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    A mineração de pedra britada é a terceira em movimentação financeira do país, sendo que quase metade da economia desse bem se concentra na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Paralelamente, o setor registrou o maior número de acidentes entre as indústrias extrativas, evidenciando a relevância da preocupação com a saúde e a segurança dos trabalhadores e a importância do controle dos riscos ocupacionais. A partir de 2002, a Norma Regulamentadora 22 (NR-22: Segurança e Saúde Ocupacional na Mineração) tornou obrigatória a elaboração do Programa de Gerenciamento de Risco (PGR), elaborado a partir da identificação e controle dos riscos. Tendo em vista a importância do setor para o Estado, buscou-se, com esse trabalho, avaliar e discutir os riscos presentes nas operações unitárias do processo produtivo de pedra britada em uma mina a céu aberto e propor medidas de controle para elaboração do PGR. Apesar de esse trabalho referir-se a um caso específico, este pode ser estendido a outras minerações do setor, desde que sejam realizadas as considerações relativas às diferenças nos processos produtivos. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa envolveu a identificação dos principais riscos associados às operações de perfuração, desmonte, carregamento e transporte, britagem e peneiramento por meio de medições de campo de alguns agentes e relatórios e registros da empresa. Os resultados obtidos foram decisivos para a determinação das medidas de controle adequadas para a melhoria das condições de saúde e segurança dos trabalhadores.Crushed stone mining is the third largest mining economy in Brazil, where almost half is produced in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region. The segment registers the highest number of accidents among the extractive industries, which justifies the concern with workers’ health and safety and the importance of controlling occupational hazards. Since 2002, the NR-22 Standard (NR-22: Occupational Health and Safety in Mining) makes compulsory the elaboration of a Risk Management Program that identifies risks and establishes control measures. Considering the crushed stone mining industry’s importance to the state, this paper evaluates and discusses the risks identified in unit operations during the production process of crushed stone in an open pit mine in order to propose control measures for the development of the Risk Management Program. Although this study refers to a specific quarry, it can be applied to other mines from the same sector, since some considerations are made regarding differences in manufacturing processes. The research was based on the identification of the main risks associated with drilling, blasting, load & haulage, crushing and screening through field measurements of some hazardous agents, together with company reports. The results contributed to the choice of the appropriate control measures for the improvement of workers’ health and safety conditions

    Identification and control of occupational risks in a Sao Paulo metropolitan region quarry

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    Crushed stone mining is the third largest mining economy in Brazil, where almost half is produced in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region. The segment registers the highest number of accidents among the extractive industries, which justifies the concern with workers` health and safety, and the importance of controlling occupational hazards. Since 2002, the NR-22 Standard (NR-22: Occupational Health and Safety in Mining) makes compulsory the elaboration of a Risk Management Program that identifies risks and establishes control measures. Considering the crushed stone mining industry importance to the state, this paper evaluates and discusses the risks identified in unit operations during the production process of crushed stone in an open pit mine in order to propose control measures for the development of the Risk Management Program. Although this study refers to a specific quarry, it can be applied to other mines from the same sector since some considerations are made regarding differences in manufacturing processes. The research was based on the identification of the main risks associated with drilling, blasting, load & haulage, crushing and screening through field measurements of some hazardous agents, together with company reports. The results contributed to the choice of the appropriate control measures for the improvement Of workers` health and safety conditions

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2012: volume 1: processos de ensino e de aprendizagem dos conteúdos escolares

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    Córdoba, 28 y 29 de junio de 2018

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    Actas del X Seminario Internacional de Investigación en UrbanismoEl seminario tiene como objetivo facilitar una instancia de reflexión compartida sobre las investigaciones en el campo del urbanismo y generar un intercambio entre investigadores sobre los fenómenos de la urbanización y la transformación urbana y territorial en distintos países iberoamericanos. Se propone analizar las características de los procesos de transformación del territorio y los factores que los explican, en relación con las estrategias de planificación, proyecto y renovación sostenible destinadas a ciudades y regiones. Se pretende integrar diferentes escalas y perspectivas de análisis, propias del planeamiento y la gestión urbana, metropolitana y regional, del diseño urbano y arquitectónico; de la geografía y la sociología urbanas, que habitualmente se examinan aisladamente en distintos foros. En el marco de este encuentro, y en conmemoración del primer centenario de la Reforma Universitaria iniciada en Córdoba –movimiento estudiantil que sienta las bases del actual sistema universitario nacional-se cree propicia la ocasión para reflexionar además sobre la relación entre ciudad y universidad, sobre ciudades universitarias, sobre la contribución desde la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y del resto de las universidades latinoamericanas al urbanismo de nuestras ciudades