1,160 research outputs found

    Object segmentation in depth maps with one user click and a synthetically trained fully convolutional network

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    With more and more household objects built on planned obsolescence and consumed by a fast-growing population, hazardous waste recycling has become a critical challenge. Given the large variability of household waste, current recycling platforms mostly rely on human operators to analyze the scene, typically composed of many object instances piled up in bulk. Helping them by robotizing the unitary extraction is a key challenge to speed up this tedious process. Whereas supervised deep learning has proven very efficient for such object-level scene understanding, e.g., generic object detection and segmentation in everyday scenes, it however requires large sets of per-pixel labeled images, that are hardly available for numerous application contexts, including industrial robotics. We thus propose a step towards a practical interactive application for generating an object-oriented robotic grasp, requiring as inputs only one depth map of the scene and one user click on the next object to extract. More precisely, we address in this paper the middle issue of object seg-mentation in top views of piles of bulk objects given a pixel location, namely seed, provided interactively by a human operator. We propose a twofold framework for generating edge-driven instance segments. First, we repurpose a state-of-the-art fully convolutional object contour detector for seed-based instance segmentation by introducing the notion of edge-mask duality with a novel patch-free and contour-oriented loss function. Second, we train one model using only synthetic scenes, instead of manually labeled training data. Our experimental results show that considering edge-mask duality for training an encoder-decoder network, as we suggest, outperforms a state-of-the-art patch-based network in the present application context.Comment: This is a pre-print of an article published in Human Friendly Robotics, 10th International Workshop, Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, vol 7. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-89327-3\_16, Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, Siciliano Bruno, Khatib Oussama, In press, Human Friendly Robotics, 10th International Workshop,

    Depth Estimation via Affinity Learned with Convolutional Spatial Propagation Network

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    Depth estimation from a single image is a fundamental problem in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective convolutional spatial propagation network (CSPN) to learn the affinity matrix for depth prediction. Specifically, we adopt an efficient linear propagation model, where the propagation is performed with a manner of recurrent convolutional operation, and the affinity among neighboring pixels is learned through a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). We apply the designed CSPN to two depth estimation tasks given a single image: (1) To refine the depth output from state-of-the-art (SOTA) existing methods; and (2) to convert sparse depth samples to a dense depth map by embedding the depth samples within the propagation procedure. The second task is inspired by the availability of LIDARs that provides sparse but accurate depth measurements. We experimented the proposed CSPN over two popular benchmarks for depth estimation, i.e. NYU v2 and KITTI, where we show that our proposed approach improves in not only quality (e.g., 30% more reduction in depth error), but also speed (e.g., 2 to 5 times faster) than prior SOTA methods.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, ECCV 201

    Learning From Noisy Labels By Regularized Estimation Of Annotator Confusion

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    The predictive performance of supervised learning algorithms depends on the quality of labels. In a typical label collection process, multiple annotators provide subjective noisy estimates of the "truth" under the influence of their varying skill-levels and biases. Blindly treating these noisy labels as the ground truth limits the accuracy of learning algorithms in the presence of strong disagreement. This problem is critical for applications in domains such as medical imaging where both the annotation cost and inter-observer variability are high. In this work, we present a method for simultaneously learning the individual annotator model and the underlying true label distribution, using only noisy observations. Each annotator is modeled by a confusion matrix that is jointly estimated along with the classifier predictions. We propose to add a regularization term to the loss function that encourages convergence to the true annotator confusion matrix. We provide a theoretical argument as to how the regularization is essential to our approach both for the case of single annotator and multiple annotators. Despite the simplicity of the idea, experiments on image classification tasks with both simulated and real labels show that our method either outperforms or performs on par with the state-of-the-art methods and is capable of estimating the skills of annotators even with a single label available per image.Comment: CVPR 2019, code snippets include

    Ariel - Volume 2 Number 6

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    Editors Richard J. Bonanno Robin A. Edwards Associate Editors Steven Ager Stephen Flynn Shep Dickman Tom Williams Lay-out Editor Eugenia Miller Contributing Editors Michael J. Blecker W. Cherry Light James J. Nocon Lynne Porter Editors Emeritus Delvyn C. Case, Jr. Paul M. Fernhof

    Dual mechanism of brain injury and novel treatment strategy in maple syrup urine disease

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    Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is an inherited disorder of branched-chain amino acid metabolism presenting with lifethreatening cerebral oedema and dysmyelination in affected individuals. Treatment requires life-long dietary restriction and monitoring of branched-chain amino acids to avoid brain injury. Despite careful management, children commonly suffer metabolic decompensation in the context of catabolic stress associated with non-specific illness. The mechanisms underlying this decompensation and brain injury are poorly understood. Using recently developed mouse models of classic and intermediate maple syrup urine disease, we assessed biochemical, behavioural and neuropathological changes that occurred during encephalopathy in these mice. Here, we show that rapid brain leucine accumulation displaces other essential amino acids resulting in neurotransmitter depletion and disruption of normal brain growth and development. A novel approach of administering norleucine to heterozygous mothers of classic maple syrup urine disease pups reduced branched-chain amino acid accumulation in milk as well as blood and brain of these pups to enhance survival. Similarly, norleucine substantially delayed encephalopathy in intermediate maple syrup urine disease mice placed on a high protein diet that mimics the catabolic stress shown to cause encephalopathy in human maple syrup urine disease. Current findings suggest two converging mechanisms of brain injury in maple syrup urine disease including: (i) neurotransmitter deficiencies and growth restriction associated with branchedchain amino acid accumulation and (ii) energy deprivation through Krebs cycle disruption associated with branched-chain ketoacid accumulation. Both classic and intermediate models appear to be useful to study the mechanism of brain injury and potential treatment strategies for maple syrup urine disease. Norleucine should be further tested as a potential treatment to prevent encephalopathy in children with maple syrup urine disease during catabolic stress

    Generic 3D Representation via Pose Estimation and Matching

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    Though a large body of computer vision research has investigated developing generic semantic representations, efforts towards developing a similar representation for 3D has been limited. In this paper, we learn a generic 3D representation through solving a set of foundational proxy 3D tasks: object-centric camera pose estimation and wide baseline feature matching. Our method is based upon the premise that by providing supervision over a set of carefully selected foundational tasks, generalization to novel tasks and abstraction capabilities can be achieved. We empirically show that the internal representation of a multi-task ConvNet trained to solve the above core problems generalizes to novel 3D tasks (e.g., scene layout estimation, object pose estimation, surface normal estimation) without the need for fine-tuning and shows traits of abstraction abilities (e.g., cross-modality pose estimation). In the context of the core supervised tasks, we demonstrate our representation achieves state-of-the-art wide baseline feature matching results without requiring apriori rectification (unlike SIFT and the majority of learned features). We also show 6DOF camera pose estimation given a pair local image patches. The accuracy of both supervised tasks come comparable to humans. Finally, we contribute a large-scale dataset composed of object-centric street view scenes along with point correspondences and camera pose information, and conclude with a discussion on the learned representation and open research questions.Comment: Published in ECCV16. See the project website http://3drepresentation.stanford.edu/ and dataset website https://github.com/amir32002/3D_Street_Vie

    NODIS: Neural Ordinary Differential Scene Understanding

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    Semantic image understanding is a challenging topic in computer vision. It requires to detect all objects in an image, but also to identify all the relations between them. Detected objects, their labels and the discovered relations can be used to construct a scene graph which provides an abstract semantic interpretation of an image. In previous works, relations were identified by solving an assignment problem formulated as Mixed-Integer Linear Programs. In this work, we interpret that formulation as Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE). The proposed architecture performs scene graph inference by solving a neural variant of an ODE by end-to-end learning. It achieves state-of-the-art results on all three benchmark tasks: scene graph generation (SGGen), classification (SGCls) and visual relationship detection (PredCls) on Visual Genome benchmark

    Scene Segmentation Driven by Deep Learning and Surface Fitting

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    This paper proposes a joint color and depth segmentation scheme exploiting together geometrical clues and a learning stage. The approach starts from an initial over-segmentation based on spectral clustering. The input data is also fed to a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) thus producing a per-pixel descriptor vector for each scene sample. An iterative merging procedure is then used to recombine the segments into the regions corresponding to the various objects and surfaces. The proposed algorithm starts by considering all the adjacent segments and computing a similarity metric according to the CNN features. The couples of segments with higher similarity are considered for merging. Finally the algorithm uses a NURBS surface fitting scheme on the segments in order to understand if the selected couples correspond to a single surface. The comparison with state-of-the-art methods shows how the proposed method provides an accurate and reliable scene segmentation
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