8,659 research outputs found

    In The Clouds

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    A robust procedure for comparing multiple means under heteroscedasticity in unbalanced designs.

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    Investigating differences between means of more than two groups or experimental conditions is a routine research question addressed in biology. In order to assess differences statistically, multiple comparison procedures are applied. The most prominent procedures of this type, the Dunnett and Tukey-Kramer test, control the probability of reporting at least one false positive result when the data are normally distributed and when the sample sizes and variances do not differ between groups. All three assumptions are non-realistic in biological research and any violation leads to an increased number of reported false positive results. Based on a general statistical framework for simultaneous inference and robust covariance estimators we propose a new statistical multiple comparison procedure for assessing multiple means. In contrast to the Dunnett or Tukey-Kramer tests, no assumptions regarding the distribution, sample sizes or variance homogeneity are necessary. The performance of the new procedure is assessed by means of its familywise error rate and power under different distributions. The practical merits are demonstrated by a reanalysis of fatty acid phenotypes of the bacterium Bacillus simplex from the "Evolution Canyons" I and II in Israel. The simulation results show that even under severely varying variances, the procedure controls the number of false positive findings very well. Thus, the here presented procedure works well under biologically realistic scenarios of unbalanced group sizes, non-normality and heteroscedasticity

    Carbon Trading with Blockchain

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    Blockchain has the potential to accelerate the deployment of emissions trading systems (ETS) worldwide and improve upon the efficiency of existing systems. In this paper, we present a model for a permissioned blockchain implementation based on the successful European Union (EU) ETS and discuss its potential advantages over existing technology. We propose an ETS model that is both backwards compatible and future-proof, characterised by interconnectedness, transparency, tamper-resistance and high liquidity. Further, we identify key challenges to implementation of a blockchain ETS, as well as areas of future work required to enable a fully-decentralised blockchain ETS

    9-Ethyl-10-methyl­acridinium trifluoro­methane­sulfonate

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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C16H16N+·CF3SO3 −, the central ring adopts a flattened-boat conformation, and the two aromatic rings are oriented at a dihedral angle of 3.94 (2)°. In the crystal structure, weak inter­molecular hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules. There are π–π contacts between the aromatic rings and the central ring and one of the aromatic rings [centroid–centroid distances = 3.874 (2), 3.945 (2) and 3.814 (2) Å]. There is also an S—O⋯π contact between the central ring and one of the O atoms of the anion

    CLEARER: a new tool for the analysis of X-ray fibre diffraction patterns and diffraction simulation from atomic structural models

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    Fibre diffraction can provide structural information about polymers and biopolymers that is unobtainable using other methods. This method has been used to elucidate the structures of many polymers, biopolymers and protein assemblies. Extracting structural information from fibre diffraction patterns is a major challenge. A computer program called CLEARER has been developed that aids the detailed analysis of polycrystalline fibre diffraction patterns. It offers an easy-to-use interface that enables diffraction data processing, analysis and simulation of diffraction patterns. It is likely to be applicable to structural determination for a wide range of polymeric fibrous materials. CLEARER simplifies and speeds up the data analysis process and helps to utilize all of the structural information present in the analysed X-ray and electron diffraction patterns

    Probleme von Änderungen während des Funktionierens-von Einrichtungen - aus der Sicht von Untersuchungen

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Nauczanie języka polskiego w landzie Szlezwik-Holsztyn (Niemcy)

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Założenia metodyczno-programowe kursu języka polskiego dla cudzoziemców- ekonomistów

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    The market of one percent in small towns in Poland in 2016

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    The article presents the genesis, legal conditions and characteristics of functioning of the public benefit organization (OPP) in Poland, which are beneficiaries of the one per cent mechanism. In the main part, the focus was on the spatial relativity of funds from 1% to OPPs located in Poland, with particular focus on those organizations that were established in small towns in 2016. In addition, it was compared how the relocation of funds was from 1% depending on the size (type) of the town and the statutory objectives of OPP. This allowed us to define the characteristics of OPPs operating in small towns.Artykuł przedstawia genezę, uwarunkowania prawne i charakterystykę funkcjonowania organizacji pożytku publicznego (OPP) w Polsce, które są beneficjentami tzw. mechanizmu jednego procentu. W części zasadniczej skupiono się na analizie przestrzennej relokacji środków z 1% do OPP zlokalizowanych w Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tych organizacji, które swoją siedzibę miały w małych miastach w 2016 roku. Dodatkowo, porównano jak wyglądała relokacja środków z 1% w zależności od wielkości (typu) miejscowości i celów statutowych OPP. Pozwoliło to określić cechy charakterystyczne OPP funkcjonujących w małych miastach

    Can the Forecasts Generated from E/P Ratio and Bond Yield be Used to Beat Stock Markets?

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    This study tests the performance of stock market forecasts derived from technical analysis by means of a specific indicator. The indicator is computed from E/P ratios and bond yields. Several stock markets are studied over a 20-year period. Two test statistics are introduced to utilize the indicator. The results show that the forecasts generated from the indicator would enable investors to escape most of the crashes and catch most of the bull runs. The trading signals provided by the indicator can generate profits that are significantly better than the buy-and-hold strategy.Yield differential, Standardized yield differential, E/P ratio, bond yield, interest rate