422 research outputs found

    Soilless system with supplementary LED light to obtain a high-quality out-of-season production of green beans

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    Green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the most important sources of vegetable proteins in the world and it is cultivated all year round, but the light availability, during the dark sea-son, limited its growth. Nevertheless, recent studies conducted on greenhouse horticulture demonstrated that, with the application of light emitting diodes (LEDs) as supplementary light (SL) technology, it is possible to overcome this limitation. Consequently, during the experiment conducted, two cultivars of green bean (‘Saporro’ and ‘Maestrale’) were grown with a soilless system in a cold greenhouse during the fall-winter period. To increase the photoperiod and the daily light integral (DLI), early in the morning, four hours of red (R), blue (B) and red+blue (R+B) supplementary light were supplied by LEDs at 180 μmol·m−2·s−1 (PPFD) at plants level. Plants grown under LEDs improved the yield and the gas exchange system compared with the plants grown under natural light; when B light was supplied as a sole source of SL, it increased the dry matter content and the bright-ness (L*) of the pods. Between the cultivars, ‘Maestrale’ produced 20 g·plant−1 of pods more than ‘Saporro’ but the latter’s colour was brighter (L*) and greener (a*), and ‘Saporro’ also showed the highest photosynthetic efficiency (ΦPSII). In conclusion, ‘Maestrale’ and ‘Saporro’ obtained encouraging out-of-season yields under different LED spectra, but among those B light seems to improve overall crop performances and pods quality

    Extraseasonal production in a soilless system and characterisation of landraces of carosello and barattiere (Cucumis melo l.)

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    Barattiere and Carosello are typical melon (Cucumis melo L.) landraces of Puglia’s (South-ern Italy) biodiversity. Their unripe fruits are locally consumed as an alternative to cucumbers (C. sativus L.) and are appreciated for their qualitative profile. Nevertheless, they are underutilized crops. For the high variability and confusing denominations, a morphological characterization is essential to discriminate and valorise landraces; additionally, it is fundamental to implement the agronomic technique to allow the cultivation outside the natural growth period (summer) by soilless cultivation. Two genotypes of Barattiere (‘Allungato’ and ‘Tondo’), two of Carosello (‘Scopatizzo’ and ‘Tomentoso’ (CAT)) and two of cucumber (‘Baby Star’ and ‘Modan’ hybrids) were vertically grown in the winter–spring period in a rockwool soilless system in a glasshouse with supplemental light. Lan-draces were characterized by morpho-physiological descriptors of melon; fruit biometrics and colour were analysed for all genotypes; productive parameters, leaf fluorescence, and chlorophyll content were measured. Genotypes varied in seeds, stem, leaf, fruit traits and they were andromonoecious; Carosello flowered earlier and produced more than Barattiere; CAT fruits were hairy and elongate, while other genotypes tended to rounder and glabrous fruits. Although landraces grew slower than cucumbers, both produced marketable fruits and the production of Carosello was comparable to cucumbers. In conclusion, Barattiere and Carosello have a productive potential and one vertically trained stem in a soilless system is appropriate for their extra-seasonal production

    Comparison between tensile properties and indentation properties measured with various shapes indenters of Copper-Chromium-Zirconium alloy at macroscale level

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    In this paper the experimental results of tensile properties and indentationproperties, as a function of pyramidal and spherical indenters, of Copper-Chromium-Zirconium alloy, in the macro-scale range at room temperature, are presented and compared. Measurements are performed on three Cu-Cr-Zr samples in order to evaluate different heat treatments: two samples areaged for 2 hours in a vacuum furnace at 480 °C, 550 °C and one sample is kept as received. The experimental procedures for the measurement of indentation modulus, by using the primary hardness standard machine at INRiM, and tensile modulus, by means of engineering tensile tests at CIRA, aredescribed

    A solution for galactic disks with Yukawian gravitational potential

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    We present a new solution for the rotation curves of galactic disks with gravitational potential of the Yukawa type. We follow the technique employed by Toomre in 1963 in the study of galactic disks in the Newtonian theory. This new solution allows an easy comparison between the Newtonian solution and the Yukawian one. Therefore, constraints on the parameters of theories of gravitation can be imposed, which in the weak field limit reduce to Yukawian potentials. We then apply our formulae to the study of rotation curves for a zero-thickness exponential disk and compare it with the Newtonian case studied by Freeman in 1970. As an application of the mathematical tool developed here, we show that in any theory of gravity with a massive graviton (this means a gravitational potential of the Yukawa type), a strong limit can be imposed on the mass (m_g) of this particle. For example, in order to obtain a galactic disk with a scale length of b ~ 10 kpc, we should have a massive graviton of m_g << 10^{-59} g. This result is much more restrictive than those inferred from solar system observations.Comment: 7 pages; 1 eps figure; to appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Molecular imaging in atherosclerosis

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    Atherosclerosis is the major cause of cardiovascular disease, which still has the leading position in morbidity and mortality in the Western world. Many risk factors and pathobiological processes are acting together in the development of atherosclerosis. This leads to different remodelling stages (positive and negative) which are both associated with plaque physiology and clinical presentation. The different remodelling stages of atherosclerosis are explained with their clinical relevance. Recent advances in basic science have established that atherosclerosis is not only a lipid storage disease, but that also inflammation has a fundamental role in all stages of the disease. The molecular events leading to atherosclerosis will be extensively reviewed and described. Further on in this review different modalities and their role in the different stages of atherosclerosis will be discussed. Non-nuclear invasive imaging techniques (intravascular ultrasound, intravascular MRI, intracoronary angioscopy and intravascular optical coherence tomography) and non-nuclear non-invasive imaging techniques (ultrasound with Doppler flow, electron-bean computed tomography, coronary computed tomography angiography, MRI and coronary artery MR angiography) will be reviewed. After that we focus on nuclear imaging techniques for detecting atherosclerotic plaques, divided into three groups: atherosclerotic lesion components, inflammation and thrombosis. This emerging area of nuclear imaging techniques can provide measures of biological activity of atherosclerotic plaques, thereby improving the prediction of clinical events. As we will see in the future perspectives, at present, there is no special tracer that can be called the diagnostic tool to diagnose prospective stroke or infarction in patients. Nevertheless, we expect such a tracer to be developed in the next few years and maybe, theoretically, it could even be used for targeted therapy (in the form of a beta-emitter) to combat cardiovascular disease

    Consensus document for the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infections. a joint paper by the EANM, EBJIS, and ESR (with ESCMID endorsement)

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    Background: For the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection, real evidence-based guidelines to aid clinicians in choosing the most accurate diagnostic strategy are lacking. Aim and Methods: To address this need, we performed a multidisciplinary systematic review of relevant nuclear medicine, radiological, orthopaedic, infectious, and microbiological literature to define the diagnostic accuracy of each diagnostic technique and to address and provide evidence-based answers on uniform statements for each topic that was found to be important to develop a commonly agreed upon diagnostic flowchart. Results and Conclusion: The approach used to prepare this set of multidisciplinary guidelines was to define statements of interest and follow the procedure indicated by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine (OCEBM)

    Millimetric observations with a high-altitude 2.6-m ground based telescope

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    High atmospheric performances are necessary to ensure efficient sub/millimetre cosmological observations from ground. Low atmospheric components fluctuations along the line of sight are a must for best detector applications. Such site constraints are attained only at in specific places around the world: highaltitude observatories or, equivalently, polar regions. We are currently involved in cosmological observations with the MITO project from an Alpine ground station which satisfies such requirements: the Testa Grigia mountain at 3500 m a.s.l., AO—Italy. The Chacaltaya laboratory at 5200 m a.s.l. could also be an appropriate mm-site. One of the goals of MITO is the multifrequency observation of nearby rich clusters of galaxies for measuring the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect. Combined S-Z and X-ray measurements yield the Hubble constant and other cosmological information. A dedicated instrument has been designed to minimize spurious contaminations on the signals. The telescope is a 2.6 m Cassegrain with a wobbling subreflector and a 4-band single pixel photometer installed at the focal plane. The bolometric detectors are cooled down to 300 mK by a double stage He3-He4 fridge