1,392 research outputs found

    Enhancing simulation education with intelligent tutoring systems

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    The demand for education in the area of simulation is in the increase. This paper describes how education in the field of simulation can take advantage of the virtues of intelligent tutoring with respect to enhancing the educational process. For this purpose, this paper gives an overview of what constitutes the objectives and the content of a comprehensive course in discrete event simulation. The architecture of an intelligent tutoring system is presented and it is discussed how these sophisticated learning aids offer individualised student guidance and support within a learning environment. The paper then introduces a prototype intelligent tutoring system, the simulation tutor, and suggests how the system might be developed to enhance education in simulation

    Endogenous Property Rights in a Hold up-Experiment

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    In a hold-up experiment designed to test theoretical predictions following from Hart (1995) and deMeza/Lockwood (1998) regarding investment behavior Sonnemans et al. (2001) (SOS) find only a partial confirmation of theory. According to SOS these deviations from standard theory can be explained by positive reciprocal behavior. In this paper, we replicate the experiment by SOS and add another group of treatments in which asset ownership is endogenized by auctioning off the assets. Our experiment shows that the results by SOS crucially depend on the ownership structure being exogenously assigned by the experimenter. We present experimental evidence that, by and large, corroborates the theoretical predictions made by Hart (1995).property rights, hold-up, experiment, endogenous ownership structure

    Difficulties in the privatisation and reorganisation of the agricultural enterprises in Russia

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    Presently Russia is experiencing the complicated process of transforming the economic system of central planning into a socially oriented market economy. Of great importance for the success of this process is the institutional reshaping of the agricultural sector, particularly the privatisation of land and assets. In this paper the procedure and the problems of privatising Russian agriculture are extensively discussed against the background of the unfavourable development of the Russian agricultural sector. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Gegenwärtig durchläuft Rußland einen komplizierten Prozeß der Transformation des zentral geplanten Wirtschaftssystems in eine soziale Marktwirtschaft. Von großer Bedeutung für den Erfolg dieses Prozesses ist der institutionelle Wandel des landwirtschaftlichen Sektors, insbesondere die Privatisierung von Land und sonstigem Vermögen. Vor dem Hintergrund der ungünstigen Entwicklung der russischen Landwirtschaft werden in dieser Arbeit die Vorgehensweise und die Probleme der russischen Landwirtschaft ausführlich diskutiert.

    Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2017 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe. Bertelsmann Stiftung Social Inclusion Monitor Europe 2017

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    1. Europe is recovering not only economically, but also in the domain of social justice After years of downward movement, an upward trend in the domain of social justice is evident in the broad majority of EU member states. Although far from all member states have regained their pre-crisis levels, the most recent EU Social Justice Index data give cause for hope that the worst is over not just in economic terms, but also from a social perspective. At the top of this year’s Social Justice Index are the northern European states of Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Rounding out the top group are the Czech Republic, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Austria and Germany, while Greece, despite again posting slight gains this year, remains clearly in last place

    Studies about the participation of the transcriptionsfactor CREB in the model LTP in the hippocampal formation of the rat

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    Titelblatt, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Lebenslauf 1\. Einleitung 2\. Eigene Untersuchungen 3.1 Ergebnisse Teil 1 3.2 Ergebnisse Teil 2 3.3 Ergebnisse Teil 3 4\. Diskussion 5\. Zusammenfassung / Summary LiteraturverzeichnisDiese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Bedeutung von CREB und der MAP- Kinase zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten während der LTP im Hippocampus der Ratte.In this thesis I am talking about the recruitment of CREB and MAP-Kinase in different stages of LTP in rat hippocampal formation

    Towards Less Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    Intelligenttutoring systems are becoming increasingly popular teaching tools within the business domain. These systems carefully diagnose the behaviour of the learner in order to gain insight into the learner\u27s knowledge state to tailor the instruction according to the needs of the individual learner. Although the artificial intelligence research within the field of diagnosis has progressed significantly, diagnostic processes are still far from perfect and doubts have emerged whether perfection can ever be achieved.This paper, therefore, explores suggestions that have been made on how to achieve effective teaching without detailed student models. It then proposes to merge these suggestions with the valuable ideas that have emerged from the research in the field of intelligent tutoring systems in order to develop effective teaching tools.Still, the development of these hybrid systems raises further questions about the concrete implementation of some of the ideas raised. This paper concludes by addressing some of these problems as a point of departure for further research towards less intelligent tutoring system

    Bored Out of Their Minds: The Detrimental Effects of No Child Left Behind on Gifted Children

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    This Note will first discuss the histories of gifted education practice, federal gifted education policies, and No Child Left Behind, and the impact of No Child Left Behind on gifted education and address proposals for modifications to No Child Left Behind to improve gifted and talented education policies and perceptions nationwide

    Learning from cognitive feedback mapping and simulation: A group modeling intervention

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    This article extends previously reported work on group model building (GMB) with client groups by demonstrating specific techniques used to implement the GMB approach with public sector professionals. Wildlife agencies are just beginning to use structured decision making tools and rigorous application case studies are lacking. We address that need by describing and critiquing a GMB intervention that facilitated organizational learning and intergroup communication. This case illustrates how cognitive feedback mapping and computer simulation can: (1) help natural resource managers challenge their assumptions about coupled human-natural systems; and (2) critically reflect upon the efficacy of their management policies
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