29 research outputs found

    The role of octadecanoids and functional mimics in soybean defense responses

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    Oxylipins of the jasmonate pathway and synthetic functional analogs have been analyzed for their elicitor like activities in an assay based on the induced accumulation of glyceollins, the phytoalexins of soybean (Glycine max L.), in cell suspension cultures of this plant. Jasmonic acid (JA) and its methyl ester showed weak phytoalexininducing activity when compared to an early jasmonate biosynthetic precursor, 12-oxophytodienoic acid (OPDA), as well as to the bacterial phytotoxin coronatine and certain 6-substituted indanoylLisoleucine methyl esters, which all were highly active. Interestingly, different octadecanoids and indanoyl conjugates induced the accumulation of transcripts of various defenserelated genes to different degrees, indicating distinct induction competencies. Therefore, these signaling compounds and mimics were further analyzed for their effects on signal transduction elements, such as the transient enhancement of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration and MAP kinase activation, which are known to be initiated by a soybean pathogenderived {[}beta]glucan elicitor. In contrast to the {[}beta]glucan elicitor, none of the other compounds tested triggered these early signaling elements. Moreover, endogenous levels of OPDA and JA in soybean cells were shown to be unaffected after treatment with {[}beta]glucans. Thus, OPDA and JA, which are functionally mimicked by coronatine and a variety of 6-substituted derivatives of indanoylLisoleucine methyl ester, represent highly efficient signaling compounds of a lipidbased pathway not deployed in the {[}beta]glucan elicitorinitiated signal transduction

    Lipoxygenase activities during development of root and nodule of soybean Atividade de lipoxigenases durante o desenvolvimento da raiz e do nódulo de plantas de soja

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate root and nodule soybean lipoxygenases in Doko cultivar and in a near isogenic line lacking seed lipoxygenases, inoculated and uninoculated with Bradyrhizobium elkanii. The lipoxygenase activities from roots collected at 3, 5, 9, 13, 18 and 28 days post-inoculation and from nodules collected at 13, 18 and 28 days post-inoculation were measured. The pH-activity profiles from root and nodules suggested that the lipoxygenases pool expressed in these organs from Doko cultivar and triple-null near isogenic lines are similar. The root lipoxygenase activity of Doko and triple-null lines, inoculated and uninoculated, reduced over time. The highest lipoxygenase activity observed at the beginning of root formation suggests the involvement of this enzyme in growth and development of this organ. However, for nodules an expressive increase of lipoxygenase activity was noticed 28 days post-inoculation. Root and nodule showed, at least, two mobility groups for lipoxygenases in immunoblottings, with approximately 94 and 97 kDa.<br>O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar lipoxigenases de raízes e nódulos de plantas de soja da variedade Doko e da linhagem triplo nula derivada, desprovida das lipoxigenases da semente, com e sem inoculação de Bradyrhizobium elkanii. A atividade de lipoxigenase foi avaliada em raízes coletadas aos 3, 5, 9, 13, 18 e 28 dias após a inoculação e em nódulos coletados aos 13, 18 e 28 dias após a inoculação. Os perfis de pH-atividade de raiz e nódulo sugerem que o "pool" de lipoxigenases expresso nesses órgãos não difere nos dois genótipos. A atividade de lipoxigenases nas raízes de Doko e Doko triplo nula, com e sem inoculação, declinou com o passar do tempo. A maior atividade de lipoxigenases no início de formação da raiz sugere o envolvimento desta enzima no crescimento e desenvolvimento deste órgão. Nos nódulos houve um aumento acentuado na atividade de lipoxigenase aos 28 dias após a inoculação. Dois grupos de mobilidade com aproximadamente 94 e 97 kDa foram encontrados nos "immunoblottings" para lipoxigenases de raiz e de nódulo