656 research outputs found

    Ein- und gleichseitige Lähmung der Vagus-Accesorius-Glossopharyngeusgruppe als Folge von Schädelbruch, von Erhängungsversuch und von Sinusthrombose

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    Eine ganz ungewöhnliche Beobachtung von traumatischen Schulter-, Schlund-Kehlkopflähmung durch Kopfsturz, die wir im Laufe des letzten Jahres machten, veranlasste mich, nach ähnlichen Fällen Umschau zu halten. Dabei zeigte sich, dass, wie wir erwartet hatten, die betreffende Kasuistik eine sehr kleine ist, und dass den wenigen über verschiedene Zeitschriften und Dissertationen zerstreuten Fällen dieser Art von den Chirurgen und Laryngologen kaum genügend Beachtung geschenkt worden ist. Es dürfte sich somit wohl lohnen, diese Krankengeschichte (als Fall XII) in extenso gleichzeitig mit den Resultaten unserer literarischen Untersuchung zu veröffentlichen , dann aber auch noch einen selbst beobachteten, weiteren Fall von Lähmung dieser Nervengruppen mitzuteilen, welcher durch eine Sinusthrombose (mit Empyem des Saceus endolymphaticus und Kleinhirnabszess) verursacht war. Gelegentlich werden wir einige interessante Krankengeschichten von Lähmung durch Aufhängen am Kopf resp. am Halse kurz erwähnen, die wir bei unseren Sachforschungen zufällig gefunden haben, und die selbst in unsern grössern Lehrbüchern ebenfalls noch nicht Berücksichtigung gefunden haben

    Extremal Trigonometrical and Power Polynomials of Several Variables

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    We consider the set of the power non-negative polynomials of several variables and its subset that consists of polynomials which can be represented as a sum of squares. It is shown in the classic work by D.Hilbert that it is a proper subset. Both sets are convex. In our paper we have made an attempt to work out a general approach to the investigation of the extremal elements of these convex sets. We also consider the class of non-negative rational functions. The article is based on the following methods: 1.We investigate non-negative trigonometrical polynomials and then with the help of the Calderon transformation we proceed to the power polynomials. 2.The way of constructing support hyperplanes to the convex sets is given in the paper

    «La serpiente de oro», novela cholista.

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    Ideology and party in Congressional Iraq War voting patterns

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    This thesis examined whether party identity (ID), or the ideological score assigned by Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), was a better predictor of roll-call voting on Iraq War legislation during the 110th Congress in 2007. Party ID and ADA scores were separately correlated with voting outcomes on twenty-two Senate, and twenty-six House votes on Iraq War bills. Though party and ideology both correlated strongly with voting outcomes in cross-tabulation statistics, a test of significance of the difference between two nonindependent correlations revealed ADA scores predominated in all House votes, and nearly half of the Senate votes. While the results add evidence of the increasing ideological homogeneity of parties, the particular attitudes toward military intervention directly challenged by Iraq War policy, and the mixed influence of party and ideology across Senate voting, suggest that prospects for bipartisanship in future intervention issues would depend on the justifications and circumstances of the policy

    Lateinamerikavisionen im frühen 20. Jahrhundert

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    Toxicity of ochratoxin to early life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a known contaminant in fish feed but its effect on fish health remains rather unknown. A study was conducted to investigate the effects of different concentrations of ochratoxin on early life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio). The tests with ochratoxin A showed a correlation between the exposure to mycotoxin and the amount of damage. The mortality rate and the incidents of embryonal damage was increased by increasing ochratoxin concentrations. The calculations resulted in a lethal concentration for 50% of the embryos (LC50) of 0.29 mg/L and a concentration at which 50% of the animals showed impairment (EC50) of 0.36 mg/L after 96 h of exposure. During the test, reduced heart rates were also observed revealing a clear dose-response relationship. The EC50 determination for this endpoint was 1.26 mg/L after 72 h of exposure. The measurement of oxidative stress was proven to be the most sensitive system to indicate OTA effects on the zebrafish embryos with an EC50 value of 0.067 mg/L after 72 h of exposure. The test validity was given because the control test with 3,4-Dichloroaniline (3,4-D) showed a LC50 value of 2.88 mg after 96 h of exposure which is comparable to the available reference values. According to the current knowledge, these experimental doses did not exceed the environmental concentrations of this ochratoxin A. However, this study raises concerns about the effects of ochratoxin on fish