227 research outputs found

    Nutrient Absorption of Rice from Media Containing Different Types of Clay Minerals Preliminary Study

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    種々の粘土鉱物に石英砂を混合してカチオン置換容量を一定とし添加養分量も等量として, 之等に水稲を栽培し養分の吸収を研究した。吸収された全窒素量はベントナイト区の植物に於て最高で, カオリナイト区の植物に於て最低であつた。吸収された全燐量はベントナイト区に於て最高, カオリナイト区に於て最低であつた。しかし此の差は粘土鉱物石英砂混合物のアニオン置換容量から予想されるよりも遥かに小であつた。初期に於て追肥として加へた燐は水稲によつて多量に吸収された。カオリナイト区の植物によつて吸収された全加里量はベントナイト区, イライト区の植物による吸収量よりも遥かに大であつた。此の吸収量の相違は粘土鉱物の結晶格子の構造の差異に基くのであろう。水稲による石灰, 苦土の吸収は生長と共に増加した。生育初期に於ては吸収された石灰の量は苦土の量よりも小であつたが, 生育の後期では吸収された石灰量は苦土量よりも大であつた。Nutrient absorption of rice was studied using various kinds of clay mineral-quartz sand mixtures, whose cation exchange capacities were made equal. The amounts of nutrients added to each were equal. The total absorbed nitrogen was highest in the plants grown in bentonite and lowest in those grown in kaolinite. Total absorbed phosphorus was highest in bentonite and lowest in kaolinite, but fhis difference was much less than the variation which was anticipated from the difference of anion and cation exchange capacities of the mineral mixtures. Phophorus which was added as a supplimental application in the early stage of growth was absorbed to a large extent by rice. In kaolinite the total amount of potassium absorption was much higher than in plants grown in bentonite and illite. Differences in the lattice structure of the clay mineral may account for this variation in uptake of potassium. Absorption of calcium and magnesium increased with growth. In the early stage, the amount of calcium was less than that of magnesium, however, in the later stages, more calcium was absorbed by rice than was magnesium. In this experiment, some fundamental relations between nutrient absorption of rice and clay minerals were found

    Inverse square Levy walk emerging universally in goal-oriented tasks

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    The Levy walk in which the frequency of occurrence of step lengths follows a power-law distribution, can be observed in the migratory behavior of organisms at various levels. Levy walks with power exponents close to 2 are observed, and the reasons are unclear. This study aims to propose a model that universally generates inverse square Levy walks (called Cauchy walks) and to identify the conditions under which Cauchy walks appear. We demonstrate that Cauchy walks emerge universally in goal-oriented tasks. We use the term "goal-oriented" when the goal is clear, but this can be achieved in different ways, which cannot be uniquely determined. We performed a simulation in which an agent observed the data generated from a probability distribution in a two-dimensional space and successively estimated the central coordinates of that probability distribution. The agent has a model of probability distribution as a hypothesis for data-generating distribution and can modify the model such that each time a data point is observed, thereby increasing the estimated probability of occurrence of the observed data. To achieve this, the center coordinates of the model must be moved closer to those of the observed data. However, in the case of a two-dimensional space, arbitrariness arises in the direction of correction of the center; this task is goal oriented. We analyze two cases: a strategy that allocates the amount of modification randomly in the x- and y-directions, and a strategy that determines allocation such that movement is minimized. The results reveal that when a random strategy is used, the Cauchy walk appears. When the minimum strategy is used, the Brownian walk appears. The presence or absence of the constraint of minimizing the amount of movement may be a factor that causes the difference between Brownian and Levy walks

    Specific Removal of Monocytes from Peripheral Blood of Septic Patients by Polymyxin B-immobilized Filter Column

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    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is one of the major causes of septic shock. The polymyxin B-immobilized filter column (PMX) was developed for the adsorption of endotoxin by direct hemoperfusion and has been used for the treatment of LPS-induced septic shock. In this study, we demonstrated that PMX also specifically bound monocytes from the peripheral blood leukocytes of septic patients by mean of an analysis of bound cells using immunocytochemical and electron microscopic techniques. The specific removal of monocytes from septic patients may produce beneficial effects by reducing the interaction between monocytes and functionally associated cells including vascular endothelial cells

    カンセツ リウマチ ニ タイスル メトトレキセート チリョウチュウ ニ コウド ノ ハンケッキュウ ゲンショウ オ キタシ シボウ シタ 5レイ ノ ケントウ

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    Background : Methotrexate (MTX) is placed as an anchor drug of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, many cases suffered from side effects of MTX such as interstitial pneumonia and hematological toxicity. We investigated 5 cases that died of severe pancytopenia under treatment with low-dose MTX for RA. Methods : We reviewed the clinical features of 5 cases that developed severe pancytopenia and were transferred to Tokushima Prefectural Central Hospital under treatment with low-dose MTX for RA from 2011-2015. Results : All the cases were women, and were under treatment with low-dose MTX. The periods of medication of MTX were not clear. All the cases had renal insufficiency, and had a severe infection induced by pancytopenia and some cases developed disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). At once we started intensive care, but all patients died in a short term. Conclusions : Women, the elderly, and renal insufficiency can be risk factors of severe pancytopenia induced by MTX even if low dosage. We should carefully treat these patients with MTX

    Human Adrenocortical Remodeling Leading to Aldosterone-Producing Cell Cluster Generation

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    Background. The immunohistochemical detection of aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) and steroid 11β-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) has enabled the identification of aldosterone-producing cell clusters (APCCs) in the subcapsular portion of the human adult adrenal cortex. We hypothesized that adrenals have layered zonation in early postnatal stages and are remodeled to possess APCCs over time. Purposes. To investigate changes in human adrenocortical zonation with age. Methods. We retrospectively analyzed adrenal tissues prepared from 33 autopsied patients aged between 0 and 50 years. They were immunostained for CYP11B2 and CYP11B1. The percentage of APCC areas over the whole adrenal area (AA/WAA, %) and the number of APCCs (NOA, APCCs/mm2) were calculated by four examiners. Average values were used in statistical analyses. Results. Adrenals under 11 years old had layered zona glomerulosa (ZG) and zona fasciculata (ZF) without apparent APCCs. Some adrenals had an unstained (CYP11B2/CYP11B1-negative) layer between ZG and ZF, resembling the rat undifferentiated cell zone. Average AA/WAA and NOA correlated with age, suggesting that APCC development is associated with aging. Possible APCC-to-APA transitional lesions were incidentally identified in two adult adrenals. Conclusions. The adrenal cortex with layered zonation remodels to possess APCCs over time. APCC generation may be associated with hypertension in adults

    開拓地土壌に関する研究 (II) : 阿太峯地区の土壌に就て

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    阿太峯地区開拓地の現地踏査を行い, 又1haに就き1点の割合で採取した土壌試料に就いて物理的化学的分析を行つた。その結果, 本地区土壌をA, Bの2土壌型に分けることが出来, A型については更に2つの亜型に分けることが出来る。これら各型土壌に就て見ると, A型土壌は礫が多く, 加えて有機質の不足, 強酸性, 可給態燐酸および置換性石灰の欠乏などの欠陥を有して居り, B型土壌はA型土壌に比べると相当改良されていることが判つた。Soil survey was made at the Adamine reclamation land in Nara Prefecture. The land covered 90 hectares in area. One site was set out at each hectare of the area. Physical and chemical analyses were carried out on the soil samples taken from the upper and lower layers of the profiles. From the results obtained the soils are classified into two types, namely, A-type and B-type, and A-type soils are further classified into two subtypes. In general the soils of this land contain many gravels, and are strongly acidic. Moreover the soils are deficient in humus, available phosphorus and exchangeable calcium. On these defects the B-type soils are much more reclaimed than A-type soils

    開拓地土壌に関する研究 : 志摩国府地区の土壌に就て

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    国府地区開拓地の現地踏査を行い, 又1町歩に就き1点の割合で採取した土壌試料に就き物理的及び化学的分析を行つた。その結果本地区土壌をA, B, Cの3土壌型に分ける事が出来る。各土壌型は更に2乃至4の亜型に細分する事が出来る。これ等各型土壌の共通的欠陥は礫盤層に基く物理的性質の不良, 有機質の不足, 強酸性, 可吸態燐酸の欠乏である。以上の3型土壌の中, B型土壌は他に比してこれ等の欠点は比較的少く, 或は改良されている。要するに本開拓地不振の主な原因は, 今指摘した様な土壌の欠陥に因る事が明かになつた。Soil survey was made at the Koofu reclamation land in Miye Prefecture. Physical and chemical analyses were carried out on the soil samples taken from the upper and lower layers of soil profiles. From these results the soils of this reclamation land are classified into three types, namely A-, B- and C-type. Each soil type is further classified into a few subtypes. In general the soils have a large amount of gravel near surface horizon, and show storng acidity and low content of humus anb available phosphorus. The B-type soils surpass the A- and C-type soils in these properties and the fields are well reclaimed. In conclusion the main reason of poor development of this reclamation land could be attributed to the poor soil properties