4,556 research outputs found

    Tuning the stochastic background of gravitational waves using the WMAP data

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    The cosmological bound of the stochastic background of gravitational waves is analyzed with the aid of the WMAP data, differently from lots of works in literature, where the old COBE data were used. From our analysis, it will result that the WMAP bounds on the energy spectrum and on the characteristic amplitude of the stochastic background of gravitational waves are greater than the COBE ones, but they are also far below frequencies of the earth-based antennas band. At the end of this letter a lower bound for the integration time of a potential detection with advanced LIGO is released and compared with the previous one arising from the old COBE data. Even if the new lower bound is minor than the previous one, it results very long, thus for a possible detection we hope in the LISA interferometer and in a further growth in the sensitivity of advanced projects.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, published in Modern Physics Letters A. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0901.119

    The effects of an extra U(1) axial condensate on the radiative decay eta' --> gamma gamma at finite temperature

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    Supported by recent lattice results, we consider a scenario in which a U(1)-breaking condensate survives across the chiral transition in QCD. This scenario has important consequences on the pseudoscalar-meson sector, which can be studied using an effective Lagrangian model. In particular, generalizing the results obtained in a previous paper (where the zero-temperature case was considered), we study the effects of this U(1) chiral condensate on the radiative decay eta' --> gamma gamma at finite temperature.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX fil

    Periodicity makes galactic shocks unstable - I. Linear analysis

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    We study the dynamical stability of stationary galactic spiral shocks. The steady-state equilibrium flow contains a shock of the type derived by Roberts in the tightly wound approximation. We find that boundary conditions are critical in determining whether the solutions are stable or not. Shocks are unstable if periodic boundary conditions are imposed. For intermediate strengths of the spiral potential, the instability disappears if boundary conditions are imposed such that the upstream flow is left unperturbed as in the classic analysis of D'yakov and Kontorovich. This reconciles apparently contradictory findings of previous authors regarding the stability of spiral shocks. This also shows that the instability is distinct from the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, confirming the findings of Kim et al. We suggest that instability is a general characteristics of periodic shocks, regardless of the presence of shear, and provide a physical picture as to why this is the case. For strong spiral potentials, high post-shock shear makes the system unstable also to parasitic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability regardless of the boundary conditions. Our analysis is performed in the context of a simplified problem that, while preserving all the important characteristics of the original problem, strips it from unnecessary complications, and assumes that the gas is isothermal, non self-gravitating, non-magnetised.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The spectroscopic evolution of the γ\gamma-ray emitting classical nova Nova Mon 2012. I. Implications for the ONe subclass of classical novae

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    Nova Mon 2012 was the first classical nova to be detected as a high energy γ\gamma-ray transient, by Fermi-LAT, before its optical discovery. We study a time sequence of high resolution optical echelle spectra (Nordic Optical Telescope) and contemporaneous NOT, STIS UV, and CHIRON echelle spectra (Nov 20/21/22). We use [O III] and Hβ\beta line fluxs to constrain the properties of the ejecta. We derive the structure from the optical and UV line profiles and compare our measured line fluxes for with predictions using Cloudy with abundances from other ONe novae. Mon 2012 is confirmed as an ONe nova. We find E(B-V)=0.85±\pm0.05 and hydrogen column density 5×1021\approx 5\times 10^{21} cm2^{-2}. The corrected continuum luminosity is nearly the same in the entire observed energy range as V1974 Cyg, V382 Mon, and Nova LMC 2000 at the same epoch after outburst. The distance, about 3.6 kpc, is quite similar to V1974 Cyg. The line profiles can be modeled using an axisymmetric bipolar geometry for the ejecta with various inclinations of the axis to the line of sight, 60 \le i \le 80 degrees, an opening angle of \approx70deg,innerradius70 deg, inner radius \Delta R/R(t)\approx 0.4forpermittedlinesandlessfilledforforbiddenlines.Thefillingfactor for permitted lines and less filled for forbidden lines. The filling factor f\approx 0.1-0.3implyingM(ejecta) implying M(ejecta) \leq 6\times 10^{-5}MM_\odot.TheONenovaeappeartocompriseasinglephysicalclasswithbipolarhighmassejecta,similarlyenhancedabundances,andacommonspectroscopicevolutionwithinanarrowrangeofluminosities.Thedetected. The ONe novae appear to comprise a single physical class with bipolar high mass ejecta, similarly enhanced abundances, and a common spectroscopic evolution within a narrow range of luminosities. The detected \gamma$-ray emission may be a generic phenomenon, common to all ONe novae, possibly to all classical novae, and connected with acceleration and emission processes within the ejecta (abstract severely truncated).Comment: Submitted to A&A 9/1/2013; Accepted 27/2/2013 (in press

    On the origin of microturbulence in hot stars

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    We present results from the first extensive study of convection zones in the envelopes of hot massive stars, which are caused by opacity peaks associated with iron and helium ionization. These convective regions can be located very close to the stellar surface. Recent observations of microturbulence in massive stars from the VLT-Flames survey are in good agreement with our predictions concerning the occurrence and the strength of sub-surface convection in hot stars. We argue further that convection close to the surface may trigger clumping at the base of the stellar wind of massive stars.Comment: to appear in Comm. in Astroseismology - Proceedings of the 38th LIAC/HELAS-ESTA/BAG, 200

    Influence of Random Internal Fields on the Tunneling of OH Defects in NaCl Crystals

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    Alkali halide crystals doped with certain impurity ions show a low temperature behaviour, which differs significantly from that of pure crystals. The origin of these characteristic differences are tunneling centers formed by atomic or molecular impurity ions. We have investigated the dielectric susceptibility of hydroxyl ions in NaCl crystals at very low concentrations (below 30 ppm), where interactions are believed to be negligible. We find that the temperature dependence of the susceptibility is noticeably different from what one would expect for isolated defects in a symmetric environment. We propose that the origin of these deviations are random internal strains arising from imperfections of the host crystal. We will present the experimental data and a theoretical model which allows a quantitative understanding on a microscopic basis.Comment: 3 pages 3 figures, REVTeX, submitted to the proceedings of the PHONONS 2001 conferenc

    Facet ridge end points in crystal shapes

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    Equilibrium crystal shapes (ECS) near facet ridge end points (FRE) are generically complex. We study the body-centered solid-on-solid model on a square lattice with an enhanced uniaxial interaction range to test the stability of the so-called stochastic FRE point where the model maps exactly onto one dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang type growth and the local ECS is simple. The latter is unstable. The generic ECS contains first-order ridges extending into the rounded part of the ECS, where two rough orientations coexist and first-order faceted to rough boundaries terminating in Pokrovsky-Talapov type end points.Comment: Contains 4 pages, 5 eps figures. Uses RevTe

    Time Averaged Quantum Dynamics and the Validity of the Effective Hamiltonian Model

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    We develop a technique for finding the dynamical evolution in time of an averaged density matrix. The result is an equation of evolution that includes an Effective Hamiltonian, as well as decoherence terms in Lindblad form. Applying the general equation to harmonic Hamiltonians, we confirm a previous formula for the Effective Hamiltonian together with a new decoherence term which should in general be included, and whose vanishing provides the criteria for validity of the Effective Hamiltonian approach. Finally, we apply the theory to examples of the AC Stark Shift and Three- Level Raman Transitions, recovering a new decoherence effect in the latter.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Fermi LAT Gamma-ray Detections of Classical Novae V1369 Centauri 2013 and V5668 Sagittarii 2015

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    We report the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) detections of high-energy (>100 MeV) gamma-ray emission from two recent optically bright classical novae, V1369 Centauri 2013 and V5668 Sagittarii 2015. At early times, Fermi target-of-opportunity observations prompted by their optical discoveries provided enhanced LAT exposure that enabled the detections of gamma-ray onsets beginning ~2 days after their first optical peaks. Significant gamma-ray emission was found extending to 39-55 days after their initial LAT detections, with systematically fainter and longer duration emission compared to previous gamma-ray detected classical novae. These novae were distinguished by multiple bright optical peaks that encompassed the timespans of the observed gamma rays. The gamma-ray light curves and spectra of the two novae are presented along with representative hadronic and leptonic models, and comparisons to other novae detected by the LAT are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, ApJ accepte