6 research outputs found

    Safety In The Global South: Criminal Victimization In Brazilian Rural Areas

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    In this paper, we discuss our finding that crime was on the rise not only in Brazil's urban areas, but also in rural ones between 1988 and 2009. Its main objective is to investigating how different economic, demographic and other variables can help one understand criminal victimization in Brazilian rural areas. Data from a 2009 national survey were used to fit probit models for four types of crime: theft, robbery, attempted theft/robbery, and physical assault. Moreover, we estimated a model for a category that encompasses the three first crimes. We found that men, middle-age and single people in rural areas are at a higher risk of being victimized, as well as higher-income and more educated people living in those areas

    Trade Dynamics in the Italian Floriculture Sector within EU Borders: A Gravity Model Analysis

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    Despite its economic magnitude worldwide, the scientific attention to the floriculture sector remains scarce within the borders of the European Union. Focusing on Italy, the aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the floriculture trade for the first time. More specifically, in addition to describing trade dynamics of the floriculture sector both in Italy and in the European Union in recent years, this paper applies a gravity model to investigate and evaluate the role of some major economic and geographical variables as determinants of Italian trade flows of cut flowers and live plants within the European Union, from 2001 to 2013. Among these, findings prove that the most important are the GDP per capita of the European trade partners, as well as their production and consumption volumes

    A Comparison Between Ethanol and Biodiesel Production: The Brazilian and European Experiences

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    Industrialized countries’ dependence on fossil fuels has been distressing for a long time for countries that do not have self-sufficiency, whether for environmental, economic, geopolitical, or other reasons. In this context, it is understood that the burning of fossil fuels contributes to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) increasing the risk of intensifying climatic disturbances that can deteriorate the processes of production, consumption, and welfare in the world. Therefore, the development of alternative energy sources can provide solutions for the gaps, since reducing exposure to the vulnerability of supply and price volatility, environmental issues, and even the development of new investment opportunities in these countries. This is due to the possibility of developing innovations in the production and processing industry, which would contribute to the economic activity. Thus, increasing the use of bioenergy is one of the existing ways to reconcile the need to expand the supply of energy with the slowdown in global warming, i.e., the most important and disseminated use would be the biomass power generated by the consumption of biofuels, once it reduces GGE emissions

    Interação e cooperação de empresas incubadas de base tecnológica: uma análise diante do novo paradigma de inovação

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    A tecnologia em tempos atuais é entendida não mais como de caráter exógeno, que ocorre no interior da empresa, mas como um fenômeno sistêmico e interativo, marcado por diferentes formas de cooperação e aprendizagem entre os diversos tipos de atores. No Brasil, entre as ações que buscam alavancar a inovação e o desenvolvimento tecnológico está a promoção de empresas de base tecnológica (EBTs), especialmente quando inseridas em ambiente de incubadoras. Considerando o caráter interativo da inovação, o contexto das EBTs e sua importância para o desenvolvimento tecnológico, este artigo tem por finalidade avaliar, em face do novo paradigma de inovação: (i) o grau de importância percebido por essas empresas para as interações e relações de cooperação, em seu estágio atual de incubação, e (ii) a tendência desse comportamento para o período de pós-incubação. Os resultados mostraram que as EBTs, embora apresentem uma tendência (pós-incubação) positiva ao desenvolvimento de ações conjuntas e maior interação no estágio de incubação, caracterizam-se por serem de baixa intensidade, apresentando conceitos ainda incipientes sobre o modelo interativo de inovação