31 research outputs found

    An Agent-Based Model of Tsetse Fly Response to Seasonal Climatic Drivers: Assessing the Impact on Sleeping Sickness Transmission Rates

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    ackgroundThis paper presents the development of an agent-based model (ABM) to incorporate climatic drivers which affect tsetse fly (G. m. morsitans) population dynamics, and ultimately disease transmission. The model was used to gain a greater understanding of how tsetse populations fluctuate seasonally, and investigate any response observed in Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense human African trypanosomiasis (rHAT) disease transmission, with a view to gaining a greater understanding of disease dynamics. Such an understanding is essential for the development of appropriate, well-targeted mitigation strategies in the future.MethodsThe ABM was developed to model rHAT incidence at a fine spatial scale along a 75 km transect in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. The model incorporates climatic factors that affect pupal mortality, pupal development, birth rate, and death rate. In combination with fine scale demographic data such as ethnicity, age and gender for the human population in the region, as well as an animal census and a sample of daily routines, we create a detailed, plausible simulation model to explore tsetse population and disease transmission dynamics.ResultsThe seasonally-driven model suggests that the number of infections reported annually in the simulation is likely to be a reasonable representation of reality, taking into account the high levels of under-detection observed. Similar infection rates were observed in human (0.355 per 1000 person-years (SE = 0.013)), and cattle (0.281 per 1000 cattle-years (SE = 0.025)) populations, likely due to the sparsity of cattle close to the tsetse interface. The model suggests that immigrant tribes and school children are at greatest risk of infection, a result that derives from the bottom-up nature of the ABM and conditioning on multiple constraints. This result could not be inferred using alternative population-level modelling approaches.ConclusionsIn producing a model which models the tsetse population at a very fine resolution, we were able to analyse and evaluate specific elements of the output, such as pupal development and the progression of the teneral population, allowing the development of our understanding of the tsetse population as a whole. This is an important step in the production of a more accurate transmission model for rHAT which can, in turn, help us to gain a greater understanding of the transmission system as a whole

    Organization of professional practices against intrafamily violence against children and adolescents in the institutional context

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    Objective: to analyze based on the practitioners\u27 discourse, the way they organize their practices confronting situations of intra-family violence against children and adolescents. Method: qualitative research carried out with 15 professionals who work in social and health services located in the southernmost of Brazil. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, performed at the participants\u27 workplace. We used a theoretical matrix to analyze the data, based on Institutional Ethnography and the technique of discursive textual analysis. Results: the practitioners\u27 practices developed in situations of intra-family violence against children and adolescents are organized on the basis of: power relations that take place in services that respond to violence situations; routines instituted to meet the demands of care in services; and the interplay between the conception of violence as a public health problem and the conception of violence as a social problem. Conclusion: the way these practices are organized is reflected in actions that are not protective against situations of intra-family violence against children and adolescents.Objetivo: analisar, com base no discurso dos profissionais, como ocorre a organização de suas práticas frente às situações de violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes. Método: pesquisa qualitativa, realizada com 15 profissionais que atuam em serviços sociais e de saúde localizados no extremo sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas no próprio local de trabalho dos participantes. Para a análise dos dados foi construída uma matriz teórica com base na Etnografia Institucional e utilizada a técnica de análise textual discursiva. Resultados: as práticas profissionais desenvolvidas nas situações de violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes se organizam a partir de: relações de poder que se desenrolam nos serviços que atendem às situações de violência; rotinas instituídas para suprir as demandas de atendimento nos serviços e o inter-jogo entre a concepção de violência como um problema de saúde pública e a de violência como um problema social. Conclusão: a maneira como essas práticas estão organizadas se reflete em ações pouco protetivas frente às situações de violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes.Objetivo: analizar, basado en el discurso profesional, como ocurre la organización de sus prácticas frente a las situaciones de violencia doméstica intrafamiliar contra niños y adolescentes. Método: investigación cualitativa realizada con 15 profesionales que trabajan en salud y servicios sociales en el sur de Brasil. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas en el lugar de trabajo de los participantes. Para el análisis de los datos se construyó una matriz teórica basada en la Etnografia Institucional y utilizada la técnica de análisis textual del discurso. Resultados: las prácticas profesionales desarrolladas en situaciones de violencia intrafamiliar contra los niños y adolescentes se organizan a partir de: las relaciones de poder que tienen lugar en los servicios que responden a las situaciones de violencia; las rutinas puestas en practica para satisfacer las demandas de servicios de atención y el inter-juego entre la concepción de la violencia como un problema de salud pública y la violencia como un problema social. Conclusión: la forma en que estas prácticas se organizan se refleja en acciones de poca protección en el enfrentamiento de las situaciones de violencia intrafamiliar contra niños y adolescentes

    Desafios para a humanização do cuidado em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal cirúrgica Challenges for humanization of care in a surgical neonatal intensive care unit

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    Este estudo analisa cuidados ambientais e relações de atendimento em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal Cirúrgica, refletindo sobre potencialidades e obstáculos para promoção de cuidado humanizado. A pesquisa, realizada em uma instituição de nível terciário, utilizou o método da observação participante enfocando, por cinco meses, relações profissional-bebê, profissional-responsável e mãe-bebê. Foram observadas rotinas contemplando condições ambientais e necessidades de bebês e famílias, e estratégias para redução de ruído e luminosidade, com diferentes níveis de efetividade. O consolo e bem-estar dos bebês eram proporcionados por suporte do corpo e uso da sucção não-nutritiva. Tais condutas não eram sistematizadas e revelaram contradições e ambigüidades. O acesso dos pais era incentivado, porém sinais de dificuldades como medo, insegurança e estresse na relação pais-bebês, indicaram necessidade de ampliação dos cuidados dirigidos à família. Posturas e práticas em UTIs Neonatais são permeadas por conflitos, negociações e adaptações ao trabalho, constituindo um desafio à construção de um modelo assistencial humanizado, que alie diferentes tecnologias, respeito e acolhimento às necessidades intersubjetivas de pacientes e profissionais e reconhecimento das lógicas culturais das famílias.<br>This study analyze the environmental cares and the assistance human relations in a surgical neonatal intensive care unit, reflecting about potentialities and obstacles for the promotion of a humanized care. The research, accomplished in an Unit of tertiary level used the method of participant observation focusing, for five months, the human relations professional-baby, professional-parents and mother-baby. Routines contemplating environmental conditions and needs of babies and families, and strategies for noise and brightness reduction were observed, with different levels of effectiveness. The comfort and babies’ welfare were provided through body support and non-nutritious suction. These procedures were not systematized and revealed contradictions and ambiguities. The parents' access was encouraged. However, signs of difficulty as fear, insecurity and stress in the parents-babies relationship, pointed out to a need of more care addressed to the family. Attitudes and practices in Units of Intensive Therapy are permeated by conflicts, negotiations and adaptations to work, constituting a challenge to the construction of a humanized care model, that allies different technologies, respect and welcoming to the patients' and professional needs and the recognition of the cultural logics of the family