55 research outputs found

    The space density of z>4 blazars

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    High redshift blazars are an important class of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) that can provide an independent estimate of the supermassive black-hole mass function in high redshift radio-loud AGN without the bias due to absorption along the line-of-sight. Using the Cosmic Lens All Sky Survey (CLASS) we built a complete radio flux-limited sample of high redshift (z>4) blazars suitable for statistical studies. By combining dedicated optical observations and the SDSS spectroscopic database, we obtained a sample of 26 blazar candidates with a spectroscopic redshift above 4. On the basis of their radio spectrum we distinguish between blazars and QSO with a Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) like spectrum. Out of the 18 confirmed blazars 14 constitute a completely identified, flux-limited sample down to a magnitude of 21 (AB). Using this complete sample we derive a space density of blazars with 4<z<5.5 of rho=0.13 (+0.05,-0.03) Gpc^-3. This is the first actual estimate of the blazar space density in this range of redshift. This value is in good agreement with the extrapolation of the luminosity function and cosmological evolution based on a sample of flat-spectrum radio quasars selected at lower redshifts and it is consistent with a cosmological evolution peaking at z∼\sim2 similar to radio-quiet QSO. We do not confirm, instead, the presence of a peak at z~4 in the space density evolution, recently suggested using an X-ray selected sample of blazars. It is possible that this extreme peak of the evolution is present only among the most luminous blazars.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication on MNRAS (https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/sty3526

    AGN Diagnostic Plot In The WISE And 3XMM Era: The Role Of Variability

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    An efficient diagnostic method to find local (z<0.1) Compton-thick AGN consists in selecting sources characterized by hard X- ray colors and low hard X-ray over mid-IR flux ratio. This has been done efficiently in the past using 2XMM and IRAS data (Severgnini et al. 2012). In this talk I will present my thesis work in which I tested this technique using the latest 3XMM and WISE data for the sample presented by Severgnini et al. I will also briefly discuss the X-ray spectral properties of all of those sources showing flux and/or spectral variability in the XMM-Newton observations

    Investigating the origin of X-ray variability through XMM-Newton and WISE data

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    An efficient diagnostic method to find local (z<0.1) Compton-thick AGN consists in selecting sources characterized by hard X-ray colors and low X-ray to mid-IR flux ratio (HR vs. F_{X}/F_{IR}). This has been done efficiently in the past using 2XMM and IRAS data (Severgnini et al. 2012). I will here summarize my master thesis work, in which I tested the stability of the method outlined above using the latest 3XMM and WISE data, and I investigated its potentialities in finding interesting spectrally variable (including changing-look) XMM-Newton sources

    Testing the blast-wave AGN feedback scenario in MCG-03-58-007

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    We report the first Atacama large millimeter/submillimeter array observations of MCG-03-58-007, a local (z=0.03236±0.00002z=0.03236\pm0.00002, this work) AGN (LAGN∼1045 erg s−1L_{AGN}\sim10^{45}~\rm erg~s^{-1}), hosting a powerful X-ray ultra-fast (v=0.1cv=0.1c) outflow (UFO). The CO(1-0) line emission is observed across ∼18 \sim18\,kpc scales with a resolution of ∼1 kpc\sim 1\,\rm kpc. About 78\% of the CO(1-0) luminosity traces a galaxy-size rotating disk. However, after subtracting the emission due to such rotating disk, we detect with a S/N=20 a residual emission in the central ∼4 \sim 4\,kpc. Such residuals may trace a low velocity (vLOS=170 km s−1v_{LOS}=170\,\rm km\,s^{-1}) outflow. We compare the momentum rate and kinetic power of such putative molecular outflow with that of the X-ray UFO and find P˙out/P˙UFO=0.3±0.2\dot{P}_{out}/\dot{P}_{UFO}=0.3\pm0.2 and E˙mol/E˙UFO∼4⋅10−3\dot{E}_{mol}/\dot{E}_{UFO}\sim4\cdot10^{-3}. This result is at odds with the energy-conserving scenario suggested by the large momentum boosts measured in some other molecular outflows. An alternative interpretation of the residual CO emission would be a compact rotating structure, distinct from the main disk, which would be a factor of ∼10−100\sim10-100 more extended and massive than typical circumnuclear disks revealed in Seyferts. However, in both scenarios, our results rule out the hypothesis of a momentum-boosted molecular outflow in this AGN, despite the presence of a powerful X-ray UFO. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages, 11 figure

    A new jet/outflow maser in the nucleus of the Compton-thick AGN IRAS 15480-0344

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    Investigations of H2O maser galaxies at X-ray energies reveal that most harbor highly absorbed AGN. Possible correlations between the intrinsic X-ray luminosity and the properties of water maser emission have been suggested. With the aim of looking into these correlations on a more solid statistical basis, we have search for maser emission in a well-defined sample of Compton-thick AGN. Here we report the results of the survey, which yielded a surprisingly high maser detection rate, with a particular focus on the newly discovered luminous water maser in the lenticular (field) S0 galaxy IRAS 15480-0344. Recently, VLBI observations have been obtained to image the line and continuum emission in the nucleus of this galaxy. The radio continuum emission at VLBI scales is resolved into two compact components that are interpreted as jet knots. Based on the single-dish profile, the variability of the maser emission, and the position of the maser spots with respect to these continuum sources, we favor of a jet/outflow origin for the maser emission, consistent with similar cases found in other radio-quiet AGN. This scenario is consistent with the hypothesis of the presence of strong nuclear winds recently invoked to explain the main characteristics of field S0 galaxies

    A new candidate for a powerful wind detected in a bright IR-galaxy

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    We report the discovery of a new candidate for a powerful disk wind, in a nearby and bright starburst-AGN system: MCG-03-58-007. The winds strongly resembles the case of PDS456. MCG-03-58-007 is a relatively X-ray bright Seyfert 2 galaxy for which a deep Suzaku observation unveiled a highly curved spectrum due to a high column density absorber and an extremely steep intrinsic photon index (Gamma = 3). A detailed analysis showed that the steep spectrum is mainly driven by the presence of a deep absorption trough at 7.5-9 keV. This could be accounted for by the presence of a high ionisation, fast (v up to 0.2c) outflowing wind launched from within a few 100Rg from the black hole, whose kinetic output matches the prescription for significant feedback. New deep simultaneous XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations provided the first direct measurement of the AGN luminosity and more importantly confirms the presence of a powerful X-ray wind. The new observations show rapid spectral variability, whose main driver appears to be the wind itself

    Minute-timescale Variability in the X-ray Emission of the Highest Redshift Blazar

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    We report on two Chandra observations of the quasar PSO J0309+27, the most distant blazar observed so far (z = 6.1), performed eight months apart, in 2020 March and November. Previous Swift-XRT observations showed that this object is one of the brightest X-ray sources beyond redshift 6.0 ever observed so far. This new dataset confirmed the high flux level and unveiled a spectral change that occurred on a very short timescale (250 s rest frame), caused by a significant softening of the emission spectrum. This kind of spectral variability, on such a short interval, has never been reported in the X-ray emission of a flat-spectrum radio quasar. A possible explanation for this is given by the emission produced by the inverse Compton scatter of the quasar UV photons by the cold electrons present in a fast shell moving along the jet. Although this bulk Comptonization emission should be an unavoidable consequence of the standard leptonic jet model, this would be the first time that it has been observed

    Bovine Colostrum Supplementation Modulates the Intestinal Microbial Community in Rabbits

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    Simple Summary Recently, research has focused on the modulation of the gut microbiota because of its central role in several digestive physiological functions and its involvement in the onset of not only gastrointestinal but also systemic diseases. Supplementing rabbit diets with nutraceutical substances could be a strategy to prevent dysbiosis, strengthen the immune system, and reduce mortality during the critical weaning period. Bovine colostrum (BC) is a by-product of the dairy industry and is very rich in compounds with several biological activities. Its use as an intestinal microbiota modulator in rabbits has never been investigated. This study evaluates the effects of diet supplementation with two different percentages of BC (2.5 and 5%) on luminal and mucosa-associated microbiota and its metabolism-associated pathways in the jejunum, caecum, and colon of rabbits. Although our results showed no effect of BC on microbiota biodiversity, there were significant differences between experimental groups in the microbial composition, mainly at the level of sub-dominant components depending on the dose of supplementation. The metabolism-associated pathways have also been affected, and particularly interesting are the results on the amino acids and lactose metabolism. Overall, findings suggest that BC could be used as a supplement in rabbit feed, although its effects on productive and reproductive performances, intestinal disease resistance, and economic aspects need to be further evaluated. BC is a nutraceutical that can modulate intestinal microbiota. This study investigates the effects of BC diet supplementation on luminal and mucosa-associated microbiota in the jejunum, caecum, and colon of rabbits. Twenty-one New Zealand White female rabbits were divided into three experimental groups (n = 7) receiving a commercial feed (CTRL group) and the same diet supplemented with 2.5% and 5% BC (2.5% BC and 5% BC groups, respectively), from 35 (weaning) to 90 days of age (slaughtering). At slaughter, the digestive tract was removed from each animal, then both content and mucosa-associated microbiota of jejunum, caecum, and colon were collected and analysed by Next Generation 16SrRNA Gene Sequencing. Significant differences were found in the microbial composition of the three groups (i.e., beta-diversity: p &lt; 0.01), especially in the caecum and colon of the 2.5% BC group. The relative abundance analysis showed that the families most affected by the BC administration were Clostridia UCG-014, Barnesiellaceae, and Eggerthellaceae. A trend was also found for Lachnospiraceae, Akkermansiaceae, and Bacteroidaceae. A functional prediction has revealed several altered pathways in BC groups, with particular reference to amino acids and lactose metabolism. Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes ratio decreased in caecum luminal samples of the 2.5% BC group. These findings suggest that BC supplementation could positively affect the intestinal microbiota. However, further research is needed to establish the optimal administration dose
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