13 research outputs found

    Deep learning for surgical phase recognition using endoscopic videos

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    Background: Operating room planning is a complex task as pre-operative estimations of procedure duration have a limited accuracy. This is due to large variations in the course of procedures. Therefore, information about the progress of procedures is essential to adapt the daily operating room schedule accordingly. This information should ideally be objective, automatically retrievable and in real-time. Recordings made during endoscopic surgeries are a potential source of progress information. A trained observer is able to recognize the ongoing surgical phase from watching these videos. The introduction of deep learning techniques brought up opportunities to automatically retrieve information from surgical videos. The aim of this study was to apply state-of-the art deep learning techniques on a new set of endoscopic videos to automatically recognize the progress of a procedure, and to assess the feasibility of the approach in terms of performance, scalability and practical considerations. Methods: A dataset of 33 laparoscopic cholecystectomies (LC) and 35 total laparoscopic hysterectomies (TLH) was used. The surgical tools that were used and the ongoing surgical phases were annotated in the recordings. Neural networks were trained on a subset of annotated videos. The automatic recognition of surgical tools and phases was then assessed on another subset. The scalability of the networks was tested and practical considerations were kept up. Results: The performance of the surgical tools and phase recognition reached an average precision and recall between 0.77 and 0.89. The scalability tests showed diverging results. Legal considerations had to be taken into account and a considerable amount of time was needed to annotate the datasets. Conclusion: This study shows the potential of deep learning to automatically recognize information contained in surgical videos. This study also provides insights in the applicability of such a technique to support operating room planning

    Development of enteric coated tablets from spray dried extract of feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L: )

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    Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) is an herb that is commercialized worldwide as a therapeutic treatment for migraine. Its pharmacological effect is mainly due to the presence of the sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide as well as of flavonoids. So far, there are no studies on standardization of pre-formulations or phytomedicines containing this herb. The present study aimed at developing a pre-formulation using a standardized spray-dried extract of feverfew and further designing and standardizing enteric coated tablets. In this work, the spray-dried extract of feverfew was evaluated for its parthenolide, santin and total flavonoid content, parthenolide solubility, particle size, tapped density, hygroscopicity, angle of repose and moisture content. Tablets containing the spray-dried extract were tested for their average weight, friability, hardness, and disintegration time. The total flavonoid and parthenolide contents in the spray-dried extract were 1.31 % and 0.76% w/w, respectively. The spray-dried extract presented consistent pharmacotechnical properties and allowed its tableting by direct compression. Tablet properties were in accordance with the proposed specifications. The procedures described herein can be used to prepare and evaluate pre-formulations of feverfew with adequate properties for the development of a high-quality phytomedicine.<br>Tanacetum parthenium (tanaceto) é uma planta medicinal comercializada no mundo todo para tratamento de enxaqueca. Seu efeito farmacológico é creditado principalmente à lactona sesquiterpênica partenolídeo e flavonóides. Até o momento não existem estudos sobre a padronização de pré-formulações ou o desenvolvimento de fitoterápicos com tanaceto. Logo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi obter comprimidos de revestimento entérico a partir de extrato seco e padronizado de tanaceto. Neste trabalho, o extrato seco do tanaceto obtido pelo método de spray drying foi avaliado quanto ao teor de partenolídeo, presença da santina, teor de flavonóides totais, solubilidade do partenolídeo, tamanho de partícula, ângulo de repouso, densidade, análise higroscópica e teor de umidade. A partir do extrato seco obtiveram-se comprimidos que foram revestidos em leito de jorro. Os comprimidos revestidos foram avaliados com relação ao peso médio, friabilidade, dureza e desintegração. O teor de flavonóides totais e de partenolídeo no extrato seco foram 1,31% e 0,76% (p/p), respectivamente. O extrato seco apresentou características farmacotécnicas satisfatórias permitindo a obtenção de comprimidos pelo método de compressão direta. As propriedades dos comprimidos revestidos estão de acordo com as especificações da literatura. Os procedimentos utilizados nesse trabalho podem ser utilizados para obter extrato seco e fitoterápicos de T. parthenium com alto padrão de qualidade

    Biomassa microbiana e matéria orgânica leve em solos sob sistemas agrícolas orgânico e convencional na Chapada da Ibiapaba - CE Microbial biomass and light organic matter in soils under organic and conventional systems in the Chapada da Ibiapaba - CE, Brazil

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    Em muitos casos, a substituição da vegetação nativa por sistemas agrícolas resulta em decréscimo nos conteúdos de C e N nos diferentes compartimentos da matéria orgânica do solo. Para testar se as práticas de manejo que priorizam o aporte de resíduos orgânicos promovem aumento dos compartimentos da matéria orgânica mais sensíveis ao manejo, este estudo se propôs estudar áreas de uma propriedade que utiliza um sistema de produção de acerola em larga escala, sob manejo orgânico, e uma área sob cultivo convencional de cenoura e beterraba em rotação com milho, pertencentes à Fazenda Amway Nutrilite do Brasil e à Associação de Horticultores do Pivot Central, respectivamente, ambas localizadas na região da Chapada da Ibiapaba, Ceará. Selecionou-se, também, uma área de pastagem localizada no interior da primeira propriedade amostrada, bem como áreas sob mata nativa, próximas às áreas de cultivo. Amostras de um Neossolo Quartzarênico foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0-5 e 5-15 cm e foram determinados os teores de C orgânico total, de C e N microbiano (Cmic e Nmic) e da matéria orgânica leve (Cmol e Nmol), além do C mineralizável obtido por respirometria. O acúmulo médio nos estoques de Nmic nas áreas sob manejo orgânico em relação à mata nativa foi de 11,7 kg ha-1, o que representou um incremento de 585 % de Nmic nas áreas de cultivo. Já na pastagem, ocorreu acúmulo de 211 kg ha-1 no estoque de Cmic em relação à mata nativa em subsuperfície, representando um incremento de 514,6 %. Por outro lado, os estoques de Cmic no cultivo convencional sofreram reduções de 59 e 53 %, nas camadas de 0-5 e de 5-15 cm, respectivamente, em relação à mata nativa. Os estoques de Cmol obtidos nas linhas de cultivo nos sistemas orgânicos apresentaram incremento de 106 %, na camada de 0-5 cm, em relação à mata; no sistema convencional, porém, constatou-se uma redução em 31 % no estoque de Cmol na camada superficial. Os resultados indicaram que o manejo realizado nas áreas sob cultivo orgânico com acerola e pastagem contribuiu para a manutenção e recuperação dos conteúdos de C e N da biomassa microbiana (BMS) e da matéria orgânica leve (MOL) do solo. Os incrementos e, ou, reduções de C e N nos compartimentos BMS e MOL, comparativamente à área nativa de referência, foram proporcionalmente maiores que os valores obtidos, quando considerados somente os estoques de C orgânico e N totais, principalmente na área sob sistema de cultivo convencional. Isto indica serem tais compartimentos sensíveis às mudanças no estado da matéria orgânica de acordo com o manejo. Os sistemas de manejo orgânico e pastagem constituem estratégias de manejo importantes que devem ser consideradas para a conservação e, ou, aumento da matéria orgânica e, conseqüentemente, para a melhoria da qualidade do solo e implementação do seqüestro de C na região da Chapada da Ibiapaba, Ceará.<br>Several studies reveal that the substitution of native vegetation by agricultural systems results in decreases in the C and N soil organic matter pools. Aiming to test the hypothesis that management practices favoring organic residue inputs promote increases in the most sensitive organic matter pools, the present study intended to study areas of an organic management system of acerola fruit production and a conventional cultivation area cropped with carrot and beet in crop rotation with corn. These areas belong to the Farm Amway Nutrilite do Brasil and Central Pivot Farmers Association, respectively, both in the Chapada da Ibiapaba, Ceará State, Brazil. A pasture area on the former was also selected. Areas under native forest, located near the cultivation areas, were sampled. Samples of a Quartzipsamment soil were collected from the depths 0-5 and 5-15 cm. The total soil organic C, microbial C and N (Cmic and Nmic), light organic matter C and N (Cmol and Nmol) and the mineralizable C were determined. An accumulation of 0.0117 Mg ha-1 was observed in the Nmic stock in the organic system soil in comparison to the native forest s, representing an increase of 585% in the Nmic stock. In addition, there was an accumulation of 0.211 Mg ha-1 in the Cmic stock in the pasture area, which represented an increase of 514.6% in these pools. On the other hand, Cmic stocks in the conventional system were reduced by 59 and 53% in the 0-5 and 5-15 cm layers, respectively, in relation to the native forest. In the upper soil layer, the organic systems presented an increment of 106% in the Cmol stocks, while in the conventional system a reduction of 31% was observed in the same organic matter pool. The results obtained demonstrated that soil management in the areas under organic cultivation with acerola fruit and pasture contributed to the maintenance and recovery of the C and N microbial biomass and the light organic matter contents. The increments and/or reductions of C and N in the MB and LOM pools, compared to the native forest, were proportionally larger than those of the total organic C and N stocks, mainly in the area under conventional system cultivation. This observation indicates that these compartments can be considered sensitive indicators of soil management alterations. In conclusion, the organic management systems and pasture areas represent important management strategies that should be considered for the conservation and/or increase of the soil organic matter and, consequently, for the improvement of the soil quality and C sequestration in the Chapada da Ibiapaba region