11 research outputs found

    Efficacy of distraction methods on reduce perceived pain during venipuncture by using distraction cards and kaleidoscope in 6-12 years children

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    Bu çalışma 6-12 yaş çocuklarda venöz kan örneği alma işlemi sırasında oluşan ağrıyı azaltmak için uygulanan, dikkati başka yöne çekme kartları ve kaleidoskop yöntemlerinin etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Araştırma Eylül-Kasım 2016 tarihleri arsında Trakya Üniversitesi, Sağlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, kan alma biriminde 90 ile çocuk yürütüldü. Çocuklar gruplara randomizasyon yöntemiyle atandı. Araştırmanın verileri "Veri Toplama Formu", "VAS-Görsel Kıyaslama Ölçeği", "FPS-R- Yüz İfadeleri Ağrı Skalası – Revize" ve "Uygulama Kayıt Formu" ile toplandı. Elde edilen verilerin analizi için yüzde, ortalama ve standart sapma, Kruskal Wallis Varyans Analizi, Wilcoxon Testi post hoc Pos-hoc; Dunnett 2 (sided) ve Tamhane testleri ve spearman korelasyon analizi kullanıldı. p0,05) iki yöntemin de ağrıyı azaltmada etkili olduğu görüldü. İşlemler sırasında ebeveynlerin bildirdikleri ağrı düzeylerinin farklı olduğu ve deney grubundaki ebeveynlerin çocuklarının yaşadığını bildirdikleri ağrı düzeylerinin düşük olduğu bulundu (p0,05) . Both methods were found to be effective in reducing pain. The levels of pain reported by the parents during the venipuncture were different. The parents in experimental group reported that their children experienced low pain (p<0,05). As the ages of the children and their parents increased, the levels of pain reported during the venipuncture was decreased (p<0,05). Children and parents should be prepared to procedural interventions for handle pain and negative reactions and the method of discration cards and the kaleideskope should be used during venipuncture and it is important that nurses are informed of the usage of these methods and generalize usage

    The Effect of Using Musical and Lighted Baby Crib Mobile on Newborns’ Pain and Stress During Blood Draw; Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: Newborns may experience pain and stress during blood draw procedures, and when these adverse reactions are not managed, they can lead to both physiological and psychological consequences. To evaluate the effect of using musical and lighted baby crib mobile on newborns’ pain and stress during blood draw. Method: A parallel-group and randomized controlled methodology was employed in this research. The study involved 60 newborns and their caregivers. Data were collected through the “newborn information form’’ and the “ALPS-neo pain and stress assessment scale’’. Results: There is no statistically significant difference between the average pain and stress scores stated by parents and nurses for newborns (p>0.05) during the blood draw (intervention group=9.20±1.94; control group=9.33±2.17) and after the blood draw (intervention group=9.18±2.01; control group=9.10±). The average pain and stress scores stated by the parents and the nurse for the newborns in the intervention and control groups were compatible with each other (p>0.05). Conclusion: It was revealed that the musical and lighted baby crib mobile was not effective in reducing newborn’s pain and stress during blood draw. A scientifically grounded clinical investigation is advised to ascertain the impact of newborn crib mobiles on newborns’ pain and stress levels

    Assessment of Turkish oncology nurses' knowledge regarding COVID-19 during the current outbreak in Turkey

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    Purpose To assess Turkish oncology nurses' knowledge regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19) during the current outbreak in Turkey. Methods This descriptive study was carried out with the 185 oncology nurses between April and May 2020 in Turkey. Research data were collected through online survey using "Nurse Information Form" and "Nurse Information Scale for COVID-19." Multilinear regression analysis was used in determining the factors affecting oncology nurses' information regarding COVID-19. Results According to the data delivered from 185 oncology nurses, 57.7% of the participants had an undergraduate degree, 74.1% were working in adult oncology units, and 52.4% of them were working as clinical nurses, 48.1% of the nurses received education for COVID-19 (51.9% did not receive) and 70.3% followed and read the COVID-19 Guidelines published by the Ministry of Health (29.7% did not follow guidelines). Using multiple regression analysis, a model based on the relationship between the variables was created. In the model, the descriptive characteristics of the oncology nurses and their experiences of COVID-19 were found to explain 29.1% of their knowledge level for COVID-19. Nurses' education level, the presence of a relative diagnosed with COVID-19, and following the COVID-19 guidelines were found to statistically significantly affect the knowledge levels of COVID-19. Conclusion These findings suggest that hospital management and the Ministry of Health should provide more information for the oncology nurses to better control of cancer patients from the infectious disease

    Attitude of Nursing Students Toward Scientific Research: A Cross-Sectional Study in Turkey

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    Background: Nursing, a social applied science, is a dynamic profession. Professional nurses must be curious, investigative, and open to learning as well as practice critical and analytic thinking to sustain their professionalism. Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the attitudes of nursing students toward scientific research. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study design was used. This study was conducted at a nursing department of a university in Turkey. A sample of 375 nursing students participated. Data were collected using the "Personal Information Form'' and "Attitude Scale towards Scientific Studies.'' Standard descriptive statistical methods, correlation, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis, and post hoc Bonferroni were used in data analysis. Results: Nearly all (90.1%) of the participants were female, and 33.9% were sophomore (second-year) students. Junior (third-year) students held the most positive attitudes toward research, as compared with the participants in other academic years. Participants who had participated in scientific activities held more positive attitudes toward research than those who had not. Participants who had prior experience doing scientific research showed more positive attitudes toward research and researchers than those without this experience. Being older, having scientific research experience, following the continuous broadcasts related to nursing, and participating in scientific activities all significantly influenced attitude toward research (p<.05). Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Although nursing students who participated in this study exhibited generally positive attitudes toward scientific research, they had relatively little experience participating in scientific activities. Therefore, to foster a positive scientific research culture among undergraduate students, grants should be provided that encourage wider participation in scientific activities and offer opportunities for undergraduate students to do scientific research

    The effects of administered interventions on quality of life of children with cancer in Turkey: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective The present systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to analyse the effects of administered interventions on the quality of life of children with cancer in Turkey. Methods The quantitative studies conducted with paediatric oncology patients, analysing the quality of life of Turkish children, and published papers from 2009 to 2019 were searched. Joanna Briggs Institution MAStARI Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research Control List and Quality Index were used for methodological assessment. Five studies comprising a total of 264 samples were included. Four studies were nonrandomised controlled trials, and one was a quasi-experimental study. Results Tests for heterogeneity showed that the studies, which included interventions increasing the quality of life of children with cancer, were heterogeneous. The common effect size of all studies on quality of life was determined as having a strong positive effect. Conclusions This meta-analysis and systematic review contribute to the knowledge of Turkish health care professionals regarding these interventions by producing results with high levels of evidence on the improvement of the quality of life among children with cancer. The present study also significantly raises awareness and encourages health care professionals to implement interventions for the improvement of quality of life among children with cancer

    The effect of a mindfulness-based stress reduction program on the pediatric hematology: Oncology nurses' professional quality of life and perceived stress level

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    It is important to improve the professional life quality and reduce the stress level of pediatric hematology-oncology nurses. What strategies pediatric oncology nurses choose to cope with stress or difficult situations and which strategies are effective is gray in the literature. In our study, it was aimed to apply a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Program to pediatric hematology-oncology nurses and to evaluate the effect on nurses' professional quality of life and perceived stress level.European Society for Medical Oncolog

    Comparison of Heparin and Saline for Prevention of Central Venous Catheter Occlusion in Pediatric Oncology: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Objective: The management of central venous catheter (CVC) occlusion remains an area without clear evidence-based guidelines. Studies have been conducted that compare the use of heparin and normal saline for reducing thrombosis, but the evidence is not strong enough to suggest a significant advantage of one over the other. Therefore, the study aimed to assess the effectiveness of heparin and normal saline flushing in preventing CVC occlusion in pediatric patients with cancer. Data Sources: A comprehensive search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, and ClinicalTrials.gov platform using specific keywords. The search was conducted until March 2022. Five randomized controlled trials are included in this study. Conclusion: Five studies with a total of 316 pediatric cancer patients met the inclusion criteria. The studies were found to be heterogeneous due to variations in the types of cancer, heparin concentration, flushing frequency of CVCs, and methods used to measure occlusion. Despite these differences, there was no significant difference in the effect of flushing with heparin and normal saline in preventing CVC occlusion. The analysis revealed that normal saline is as effective as heparin in preventing CVC occlusion among pediatric cancer patients. Implications for Nursing Practice: This systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated that there is no significant difference between the use of heparin and normal saline flushing in preventing CVC occlusion among pediatric cancer patients. Considering the potential risks of heparin, the use of normal saline flushing may be recommended to prevent CVC obstruction