14 research outputs found

    Specific and individuated death reflection fosters identity integration

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    Identity integration is the process wherein a person assimilates multiple or conflicting identities (e.g., beliefs, values, needs) into a coherent, unified self-concept. Three experiments examined whether contemplating mortality in a specific and individuated manner (i.e., via the death reflection manipulation) facilitated outcomes indicative of identity integration. Participants in the death reflection condition (vs. control conditions) considered positive and negative life experiences as equally important in shaping their current identity (Experiment 1), regarded self-serving values and other-serving values as equally important life principles (Experiment 2), and were equally motivated to pursue growth-oriented and security-oriented needs (Experiment 3). Death reflection motivates individuals to integrate conflicting aspects of their identity into a coherent self-concept. Given that identity integration is associated with higher well-being, the findings have implications for understanding the psychological benefits of existential contemplation

    A user's guide to the Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE)

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    The mission of the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project is to enable the scientific and medical communities to interpret the human genome sequence and apply it to understand human biology and improve health. The ENCODE Consortium is integrating multiple technologies and approaches in a collective effort to discover and define the functional elements encoded in the human genome, including genes, transcripts, and transcriptional regulatory regions, together with their attendant chromatin states and DNA methylation patterns. In the process, standards to ensure high-quality data have been implemented, and novel algorithms have been developed to facilitate analysis. Data and derived results are made available through a freely accessible database. Here we provide an overview of the project and the resources it is generating and illustrate the application of ENCODE data to interpret the human genome

    ViolĂȘncia contra a criança: indicadores dermatolĂłgicos e diagnĂłsticos diferenciais Child abuse: skin markers and differential diagnosis

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    As denĂșncias de abuso contra a criança tĂȘm sido frequentes e configuram grave problema de saĂșde pĂșblica. O tema Ă© desconfortĂĄvel para muitos mĂ©dicos, seja pelo treinamento insuficiente, seja pelo desconhecimento das dimensĂ”es do problema. Uma das formas mais comuns de violĂȘncia contra a criança Ă© o abuso fĂ­sico. Como ĂłrgĂŁo mais exposto e extenso, a pele Ă© o alvo mais sujeito aos maustratos. Equimoses e queimaduras sĂŁo os sinais mais visĂ­veis. MĂ©dicos (pediatras, clĂ­nicos-gerais e dermatologistas) costumam ser os primeiros profissionais a observar e reconhecer sinais de lesĂ”es nĂŁo acidentais ou intencionais. Os dermatologistas podem auxiliar na distinção entre lesĂ”es traumĂĄticas intencionais, acidentais e doenças cutĂąneas que mimetizam maus-tratos<br>Reports of child abuse have increased significantly. The matter makes most physicians uncomfortable for two reasons: a) Little guidance or no training in recognizing the problem; b - Not understanding its true dimension. The most common form of child violence is physical abuse. The skin is the largest and frequently the most traumatized organ. Bruises and burns are the most visible signs. Physicians (pediatricians, general practitioners and dermatologists) are the first professionals to observe and recognize the signs of intentional injury. Dermatologists particularly, can help distinguish intentional injury from accidental, or from skin diseases that mimic maltreatmen