11 research outputs found

    Using role-play to improve students’ confidence and perceptions of communication in a simulated volcanic crisis

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    Traditional teaching of volcanic science typically emphasises scientific principles and tends to omit the key roles, responsibilities, protocols, and communication needs that accompany volcanic crises. This chapter provides a foundation in instructional communication, education, and risk and crisis communication research that identifies the need for authentic challenges in higher education to challenge learners and provide opportunities to practice crisis communication in real-time. We present an authentic, immersive role-play called the Volcanic Hazards Simulation that is an example of a teaching resource designed to match professional competencies. The role-play engages students in volcanic crisis concepts while simultaneously improving their confidence and perceptions of communicating science. During the role-play, students assume authentic roles and responsibilities of professionals and communicate through interdisciplinary team discussions, media releases, and press conferences. We characterised and measured the students’ confidence and perceptions of volcanic crisis communication using a mixed methods research design to determine if the role-play was effective at improving these qualities. Results showed that there was a statistically significant improvement in both communication confidence and perceptions of science communication. The exercise was most effective in transforming low-confidence and low-perception students, with some negative changes measured for our higher-learners. Additionally, students reported a comprehensive and diverse set of best practices but focussed primarily on the mechanics of science communication delivery. This curriculum is a successful example of how to improve students’ communication confidence and perceptions

    Identification of Novel Linear Megaplasmids Carrying a ß-Lactamase Gene in Neurotoxigenic Clostridium butyricum Type E Strains

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    Since the first isolation of type E botulinum toxin-producing Clostridium butyricum from two infant botulism cases in Italy in 1984, this peculiar microorganism has been implicated in different forms of botulism worldwide. By applying particular pulsed-field gel electrophoresis run conditions, we were able to show for the first time that ten neurotoxigenic C. butyricum type E strains originated from Italy and China have linear megaplasmids in their genomes. At least four different megaplasmid sizes were identified among the ten neurotoxigenic C. butyricum type E strains. Each isolate displayed a single sized megaplasmid that was shown to possess a linear structure by ATP-dependent exonuclease digestion. Some of the neurotoxigenic C. butyricum type E strains possessed additional smaller circular plasmids. In order to investigate the genetic content of the newly identified megaplasmids, selected gene probes were designed and used in Southern hybridization experiments. Our results revealed that the type E botulinum neurotoxin gene was chromosome-located in all neurotoxigenic C. butyricum type E strains. Similar results were obtained with the 16S rRNA, the tetracycline tet(P) and the lincomycin resistance protein lmrB gene probes. A specific mobA gene probe only hybridized to the smaller plasmids of the Italian C. butyricum type E strains. Of note, a ß-lactamase gene probe hybridized to the megaplasmids of eight neurotoxigenic C. butyricum type E strains, of which seven from clinical sources and the remaining one from a food implicated in foodborne botulism, whereas this ß-lactam antibiotic resistance gene was absent form the megaplasmids of the two soil strains examined. The widespread occurrence among C. butyricum type E strains associated to human disease of linear megaplasmids harboring an antibiotic resistance gene strongly suggests that the megaplasmids could have played an important role in the emergence of C. butyricum type E as a human pathogen

    Wo das Wissen aufhört, fĂ€ngt der Glaube an: Die GlaubwĂŒrdigkeit der Quelle

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    Atenção seletiva: PSI em crianças com distĂșrbio de aprendizagem Selective attention: psi performance in children with learning disabilities

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    A atenção seletiva Ă© importante para o aprendizado da leitura e escrita. OBJETIVO: Estudar os processos de atenção seletiva de crianças com e sem distĂșrbio de aprendizagem. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: O Grupo I foi constituĂ­do de quarenta indivĂ­duos com idades entre nove anos e seis meses a dez anos e 11 meses, que apresentavam baixo risco para alteração no desenvolvimento das habilidades auditivas, linguagem e aprendizagem. O Grupo II foi constituĂ­do de 20 indivĂ­duos com idades entre nove anos e cinco meses a 11 anos e dez meses, diagnosticados como portadores de distĂșrbio de aprendizagem. Foi realizado estudo prospectivo atravĂ©s do Teste PediĂĄtrico de Inteligibilidade de Fala (PSI). RESULTADO: O teste PSI com mensagem competitiva ipsilateral, Ă  orelha direita, na relação fala/ruĂ­do 0 e -10 foi apropriado para diferenciar o Grupo I e o Grupo II de forma estatisticamente significante. Atenção ao desempenho do Grupo II na performance da primeira orelha testada deve ser dada, por subsidiar caracterĂ­sticas importantes de desempenho e reabilitação. CONCLUSÃO: O PSI foi adequado para diferenciar os grupos, havendo uma associação com o grupo com distĂșrbio de aprendizagem, que revelou alteração nos processos de atenção seletiva.<br>Selective attention is essential for learning how to write and read. AIM: The objective of this study was to examine the process of selective auditory attention in children with learning disabilities. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Group I included forty subjects aged between 9 years and six months and 10 years and eleven months, who had a low risk of altered hearing, language and learning development. Group II included 20 subjects aged between 9 years and five months and 11 years and ten months, who presented learning disabilities. A prospective study was done using the Pediatric Speech Intelligibility Test (PSI). RESULT: Right ear PSI with an ipsilateral competing message at speech/noise ratios of 0 and -10 was sufficient to differentiate Group I and Group II. Special attention should be given to the performance of Group II on the first tested ear, which may substantiate important signs of improvements in performance and rehabilitation. CONCLUSION: The PSI - MCI of the right ear at speech/noise ratios of 0 and -10 was appropriate to differentiate Groups I and II. There was an association with the group that presented learning disabilities: this group showed problems in selective attention

    Analyzing the effects of organizational trust and organizational commitment in anti-productivity behaviours in managerial approach dimension to achieve a strategic competitive advantage

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    It is observed that negative approaches in organizational functioning and attitudes towards work have recently become increasingly common. Such developments weaken employees’ feelings of commitment and dedication to the organization and work. To improve the organizational commitment and dedication of the employees, first, the causes of emotions that inhibit these emotions and solution methods to eliminate alienation to work should be analyzed. In this study, anti-productivity behaviours, their causes, factors that influence the formation of organizational trust and commitment, and the relations between anti-productivity behaviours will be evaluated