48 research outputs found

    Climate Change in Lowland Central America During the Late Deglacial and Early Holocene

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    The transition from arid glacial to moist early Holocene conditions represented a profound change in northern lowland Neotropical climate. Here we report a detailed record of changes in moisture availability during the latter part of this transition ({approx}11,250 to 7,500 cal yr BP) inferred from sediment cores retrieved in Lake Peten Itza, northern Guatemala. Pollen assemblages demonstrate that a mesic forest had been largely established by {approx}11,250 cal yr BP, but sediment properties indicate that lake level was more than 35 m below modern stage. From 11,250 to 10,350 cal yr BP, during the Preboreal period, lithologic changes in sediments from deep-water cores (>50 m below modern water level) indicate several wet-dry cycles that suggest distinct changes in effective moisture. Four dry events (designated PBE1-4) occurred at 11,200, 10,900, 10,700, and 10,400 cal yr BP and correlate with similar variability observed in the Cariaco Basin titanium record and glacial meltwater pulses into the Gulf of Mexico. After 10,350 cal yr BP, multiple sediment proxies suggest a shift to a more persistently moist early Holocene climate. Comparison of results from Lake Peten Itza with other records from the circum-Caribbean demonstrates a coherent climate response during the entire span of our record. Furthermore, lowland Neotropical climate during the late deglacial and early Holocene period appears to be tightly linked to climate change in the high-latitude North Atlantic. We speculate that the observed changes in lowland Neotropical precipitation were related to the intensity of the annual cycle and associated displacements in the mean latitudinal position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and Azores-Bermuda high-pressure system. This mechanism operated on millennial-to-submillennial timescales and may have responded to changes in solar radiation, glacial meltwater, North Atlantic sea ice, and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC)

    Bighorn Basin Coring Project (BBCP): a continental perspective on early Paleogene hyperthermals

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    During the summer of 2011, the Bighorn Basin Coring Project (BBCP) recovered over 900m of overlapping core from 3 different sites in late Paleocene to early Eocene fluvial deposits of northwestern Wyoming. BBCP cores are being used to develop high-resolution proxy records of the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) and Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM2) hyperthermal events. These events are short-term, large magnitude global warming events associated with extreme perturbations to the earth’s carbon cycle. Although the PETM and ETM2 occurred ~55–52 million years ago, they are analogous in many ways to modern anthropogenic changes to the carbon cycle. By applying various sedimentological, geochemical, and palynological methods to the cores, we hope to better understand what caused these events, study the biogeochemical and ecological feedbacks that operated during them, and reveal precisely how they impacted continental environments. Core recovery was > 98% in all holes and most drilling was carried out without fluid additives, showing that continuous coring of continental smectitic deposits like these can be achieved with minimal risk of contamination to molecular biomarkers. Cores were processed in the Bremen Core Repository where the science team convened for 17 days to carry out data collection and sampling protocols similar to IODP projects. Initial results show that the weathered horizon extends to as much as ~30m below the surface and variations in magnetic susceptibility within the cores record an interplay between grain size and pedogenesis. Previous investigations of outcrops near the BBCP drill sites allow detailed evaluation of the effects of weathering on common proxy methods. Studies of lithofacies, organic geochemistry, stable isotope geochemistry, calibrated XRF core scanning, paleomagnetics, and palynology are underway and will represent the highest resolution and most integrated proxy records of the PETM from a continental setting yet known. An extensive outreach program is in place to capitalize on the educational value associated with the Bighorn Basin’s unusually complete record of Phanerozoic earth history

    Colorado Plateau Coring Project, Phase I (CPCP-I): a continuously cored, globally exportable chronology of Triassic continental environmental change from western North America

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    Phase 1 of the Colorado Plateau Coring Project (CPCP-I) recovered a total of over 850&thinsp;m of stratigraphically overlapping core from three coreholes at two sites in the Early to Middle and Late Triassic age largely fluvial Moenkopi and Chinle formations in Petrified Forest National Park (PFNP), northeastern Arizona, USA. Coring took place during November and December of 2013 and the project is now in its post-drilling science phase. The CPCP cores have abundant detrital zircon-producing layers (with survey LA-ICP-MS dates selectively resampled for CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb ages ranging in age from at least 210 to 241&thinsp;Ma), which together with their magnetic polarity stratigraphy demonstrate that a globally exportable timescale can be produced from these continental sequences and in the process show that a prominent gap in the calibrated Phanerozoic record can be filled. The portion of core CPCP-PFNP13-1A for which the polarity stratigraphy has been completed thus far spans  ∼ 215 to 209&thinsp;Ma of the Late Triassic age, and strongly validates the longer Newark-Hartford Astrochronostratigraphic-calibrated magnetic Polarity Time-Scale (APTS) based on cores recovered in the 1990s during the Newark Basin Coring Project (NBCP).Core recovery was  ∼ 100&thinsp;% in all holes (Table 1). The coreholes were inclined  ∼ 60–75° approximately to the south to ensure azimuthal orientation in the nearly flat-lying bedding, critical to the interpretation of paleomagentic polarity stratigraphy. The two longest of the cores (CPCP-PFNP13-1A and 2B) were CT-scanned in their entirety at the University of Texas High Resolution X-ray CT Facility in Austin, TX, and subsequently along with 2A, all cores were split and processed at the CSDCO/LacCore Facility, in Minneapolis, MN, where they were scanned for physical property logs and imaging. While remaining the property of the Federal Government, the archive half of each core is curated at the NSF-sponsored LacCore Core Repository and the working half is stored at the Rutgers University Core Repository in Piscataway, NJ, where the initial sampling party was held in 2015 with several additional sampling events following. Additional planned study will recover the rest of the polarity stratigraphy of the cores as additional zircon ages, sedimentary structure and paleosol facies analysis, stable isotope geochemistry, and calibrated XRF core scanning are accomplished. Together with strategic outcrop studies in Petrified Forest National Park and environs, these cores will allow the vast amount of surface paleontological and paleoenvironmental information recorded in the continental Triassic of western North America to be confidently placed in a secure context along with important events such as the giant Manicouagan impact at  ∼ 215.5&thinsp;Ma (Ramezani et al., 2005) and long wavelength astronomical cycles pacing global environmental change and trends in atmospheric gas composition during the dawn of the dinosaurs.</p

    Perforación profunda en el lago de Chalco: Reporte técnico

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    En este artículo se presenta un resumen de las actividades realizadas para la recuperación de la totalidad de la secuencia lacustre del lago de Chalco. Mediante estudios geofísicos se determinó la distribución y espesor de los sedimentos lacustres con base en lo cual se seleccionó el sitio de perforación. Con datos de los espectros H/V de sísmica pasiva se hizo un mapa de isofrecuencias que definieron una región con sedimentos lacustres y material volcánico granulado de hasta 300 m de espesor. El uso de métodos electromagnéticos mostró cambios en la resistividad eléctrica relacionados con variaciones en la composición de la columna sedimentaria; entre 100 – 120 m de profundidad hay un primer aumento en la resistividad asociado al incremento de materiales volcaniclásticos, y entre 330 – 400 m de profundidad un segundo aumento asociado a la presencia de coladas de basalto. Fueron perforados tres pozos con recuperación continua, llegando a profundidades de 420 m en el pozo A, 310 m en el B y 520 en el C. Durante el trabajo de perforación se tomaron muestras para el análisis geomicrobiológicos y de metagenómica. Durante el proceso de perforación se recuperó un total de 1152 m de sedimentos con una profundidad máxima de 520 m. El porcentaje de recuperación de la columna sedimentaria varió entre 88 a 92 % en los tres sondeos. Los resultados del análisis de susceptibilidad magnética en las tres secuencias indica que los primeros 260 m son sedimentos lacustres, entre 260 y 300 m los sedimentos son más gruesos y debajo de los 300 m son predominantemente volcaniclásticos. El análisis de la secuencia sedimentaria del lago de Chalco de los últimos ~300000 años, permitirá documentar y ampliar el conocimiento acerca de la variabilidad climática de la zona, la historia paleoambiental, la historia del cierre de la cuenca, el desarrollo del sistema lacustre y la recurrencia de la actividad volcánica en la cuenca. Además, el estudio de las propiedades físicas de esta secuencia sedimentaria es importante para la modelación de la propagación de ondas sísmicas y de la estructura de la cuenca, así como para mejorar la capacidad de modelación del proceso de subsidencia del terreno que experimenta esta región. This paper presents a short description of the coring operations undertaken to recover the full lacustrine sedimentary sequence from Chalco. Geophysical techniques were used to determine the distribution and thickness of the sediments in order to select the drilling site. Resonance frequencies determined from H/V spectral ratios were used to determine an area where lake sediments reached 300 m thickness. Electromagnetic survey showed two changes in electric resistivity which were related to changes in sediment composition, the first from 100 to 120 m, related to an increase in volcanoclastic sediments and the second from 330 to 400 m related to the presence of a basaltic flows. Three wells were drilled with continuous recovery, reaching depths of 420 m in well A, 310 in B and 520 in C. Samples for geomicrobiological and metagenomics studies were collected during drilling operations. A total of 1152 m of core sediments were recovered reaching a maximum depth of 520 m. Recovery percentages were between 88 and 92 % in the three wells. Magnetic susceptibility analyses in the three sequences show that the first 260 m are mostly lake sediments, between 260 and 300 m sediments are coarser and below 300 m they are mostly volcaniclastic. Analysis of the sedimentary sequence of Lake Chalco that covers the last ~300000 years will allow documenting and extending the knowledge of climate variability in area, the paleoenvironmental history, basin closure history, lacustrian system development and volcanic activity recurrence. Studies of the physical properties of this sequence will be important for seismic propagation and basin structure modeling, and also will improve modeling of the subsidence process that this region experiences

    Biodiversity, traditional medicine and public health: where do they meet?

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    Given the increased use of traditional medicines, possibilities that would ensure its successful integration into a public health framework should be explored. This paper discusses some of the links between biodiversity and traditional medicine, and addresses their implications to public health. We explore the importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services to global and human health, the risks which human impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity present to human health and welfare

    Climate change in lowland Central America during the late deglacial and early Holocene

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    The transition from arid glacial to moist early Holocene conditions represented a profound change in northern lowland Neotropical climate. Here we report a detailed record of changes in moisture availability during the latter part of this transition (11 250 to 7500 cal. yr BP) inferred from sediment cores retrieved in Lake Pete´n Itza´, northern Guatemala. Pollen assemblages demonstrate that a mesic forest had been largely established by 11 250 cal. yr BP, but sediment properties indicate that lake level was more than 35m below modern stage. From 11 250 to 10 350 cal. yr BP,during the Preboreal period, lithologic changes in sediments from deep-water cores (>50m below modern water level) indicate several wet–dry cycles that suggest distinct changes in effective moisture. Four dry events (designated PBE1-4) occurred centred at 11 200, 10 900, 10 700 and 10 400 cal. yr BP and correlate with similar variability observed in the Cariaco Basin titanium record and glacial meltwater pulses into the Gulf of Mexico. After 10 350 cal. yr BP, multiple sediment proxies suggest a shift to a more persistently moist early Holocene climate. Comparison of results from Lake Pete´n Itza´ with other records from the circum-Caribbean demonstrates a coherent climate response during the entire span of our record. Furthermore, lowland Neotropical climate during the late deglacial and early Holocene period appears to be tightly linked to climate change in the highlatitude North Atlantic. We speculate that the observed changes in lowland Neotropical precipitation were related to the intensity of the annual cycle and associated displacements in the mean latitudinal position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and Azores–Bermuda high-pressure system. This mechanism operated on millennial-to-submillennial timescales and may have responded to changes in solar radiation, glacial meltwater, North Atlantic sea ice, and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulatio

    Public Health Aspects of Bird Control

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    The first session; papers include: Animal Diseases in General Public Health Aspects of Bird Control or Zoonoses Public Relations Sanitatio

    Public Health Aspects of Bird Control

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    The first session; papers include: Animal Diseases in General Public Health Aspects of Bird Control or Zoonoses Public Relations Sanitatio