63,396 research outputs found

    Using Description Logics for RDF Constraint Checking and Closed-World Recognition

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    RDF and Description Logics work in an open-world setting where absence of information is not information about absence. Nevertheless, Description Logic axioms can be interpreted in a closed-world setting and in this setting they can be used for both constraint checking and closed-world recognition against information sources. When the information sources are expressed in well-behaved RDF or RDFS (i.e., RDF graphs interpreted in the RDF or RDFS semantics) this constraint checking and closed-world recognition is simple to describe. Further this constraint checking can be implemented as SPARQL querying and thus effectively performed.Comment: Extended version of a paper of the same name that will appear in AAAI-201

    On matrices for which norm bounds are attained

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    Let Ap,q\|A\|_{p,q} be the norm induced on the matrix AA with nn rows and mm columns by the H\"older p\ell_p and q\ell_q norms on RnR^n and RmR^m (or CnC^n and CmC^m), respectively. It is easy to find an upper bound for the ratio Ar,s/Ap,q\|A\|_{r,s}/\|A\|_{p,q}. In this paper we study the classes of matrices for which the upper bound is attained. We shall show that for fixed AA, attainment of the bound depends only on the signs of rpr-p and sqs-q. Various criteria depending on these signs are obtained. For the special case p=q=2p=q=2, the set of all matrices for which the bound is attained is generated by means of singular value decompositions

    Similarities between action potentials and acoustic pulses in a van der Waals fluid

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    An action potential is typically described as a purely electrical change that propagates along the membrane of excitable cells. However, recent experiments have demonstrated that non-linear acoustic pulses that propagate along lipid interfaces and traverse the melting transition, share many similar properties with action potentials. Despite the striking experimental similarities, a comprehensive theoretical study of acoustic pulses in lipid systems is still lacking. Here we demonstrate that an idealized description of an interface near phase transition captures many properties of acoustic pulses in lipid monolayers, as well as action potentials in living cells. The possibility that action potentials may better be described as acoustic pulses in soft interfaces near phase transition is illustrated by the following similar properties: correspondence of time and velocity scales, qualitative pulse shape, sigmoidal response to stimulation amplitude (an `all-or-none' behavior), appearance in multiple observables (particularly, an adiabatic change of temperature), excitation by many types of stimulations, as well as annihilation upon collision. An implication of this work is that crucial functional information of the cell may be overlooked by focusing only on electrical measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Snakes and ladders: localized solutions of plane Couette flow

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    We demonstrate the existence of a large number of exact solutions of plane Couette flow, which share the topology of known periodic solutions but are localized in space. Solutions of different size are organized in a snakes-and-ladders structure strikingly similar to that observed for simpler pattern-forming PDE systems. These new solutions are a step towards extending the dynamical systems view of transitional turbulence to spatially extended flows.Comment: submitted to Physics Review Letter

    A New General Method to Generate Random Modal Formulae for Testing Decision Procedures

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    The recent emergence of heavily-optimized modal decision procedures has highlighted the key role of empirical testing in this domain. Unfortunately, the introduction of extensive empirical tests for modal logics is recent, and so far none of the proposed test generators is very satisfactory. To cope with this fact, we present a new random generation method that provides benefits over previous methods for generating empirical tests. It fixes and much generalizes one of the best-known methods, the random CNF_[]m test, allowing for generating a much wider variety of problems, covering in principle the whole input space. Our new method produces much more suitable test sets for the current generation of modal decision procedures. We analyze the features of the new method by means of an extensive collection of empirical tests

    Interim report on Media Analysis

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    PACHELBEL WP4 “Stimulus Materials” uses findings from WP3 (Policy Assumptions) and from additional sources to prepare stimulus materials for the group-based process to be implemented in WP5. The output, informed by the present report, will be a set of materials to inform and stimulate the group-based process. These will take the form of real or simulated media coverage and/or documentary materials produced by various sources, scenarios, vignettes, and dramatised accounts. Another output, also informed by this report, will be an individual questionnaire for use in the group-based process. The present deliverable is centred on one of the data-gathering and analytic activities set up by WP4 to identify pertinent representational elements that should be included in the future stimulus materials, country by country. “Representational elements” have been defined in WP4 as typical images, anecdotes, examples, and references which are used by policy actors to explain and justify policy choices within the policy domains pertinent to PACHELBEL. Particular attention is given to references made to citizens, their perceptions and behaviours. In Task 4.2, PACHELBEL partners gathered representational elements in their respective contexts. To support this task, a “media analysis” template was developed by WPL SYMLOG for discussion at the second Consortium project meeting (Dorking, Mo. 6). Criteria were agreed for the analysis of a selection of actual publications in a range of media (print periodicals, public information materials disseminated by authorities, etc.). In Summer 2010, partners in each country used the template to analyze and report a sample of several dozen articles in selected policy areas. This interim report (D4.2) recalls methodology (Part 1), presents representational elements country by country (Part 2) and provides a summary overview of similarities and contrasts across country samples (Part 3). Conclusions and next steps are presented in Part 4. Also provided are a simplified media analysis template (Annex 1) and the compiled basic frequency analysis (Annex 2)

    Highlights of the Science and Life of Peter Varga (1946—2018)

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    Peter Varga has passed on October 27, 2018. His pioneering discoveries of chemical resolution at the atomic scale on surface alloys, atomic resolution of ultrathin alkali halides, nucleation of bcc iron in ultrathin films, and the microscopic structure of ultrathin alumina films stimulated worldwide research. In recognition of his outstanding scientific contributions, in December 2017 the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) awarded him a prize for his distinguished contribution on the clarification of surface phenomena by atomic level investigations and the development of novel functional materials. This contribution highlights the life of Peter Varga as a scientist and as a person. With his elegance, his energy, his wit, and his generosity he was a close friend and role model to many of us, and showed us how to combine scientific curiosity and creativity with the lightness of being

    A New General Method to Generate Random Modal Formulae for Testing Decision Procedures

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    The recent emergence of heavily-optimized modal decision procedures has highlighted the key role of empirical testing in this domain. Unfortunately, the introduction of extensive empirical tests for modal logics is recent, and so far none of the proposed test generators is very satisfactory. To cope with this fact, we present a new random generation method that provides benefits over previous methods for generating empirical tests. It fixes and much generalizes one of the best-known methods, the random CNF_[]m test, allowing for generating a much wider variety of problems, covering in principle the whole input space. Our new method produces much more suitable test sets for the current generation of modal decision procedures. We analyze the features of the new method by means of an extensive collection of empirical tests