18 research outputs found

    Preservation of fire-derived carbon compounds and sorptive stabilisation promote the accumulation of organic matter in black soils of the Southern Alps

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    Cryptopodzols are black soils that occur under forests dominated by chestnut trees (Castanea sativa) in Southern Switzerland. Their soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks reach an average of 150 t C ha-1 and are thus among the highest of European forest soils. We investigated the processes leading to the accumulation and stabilisation of SOC in these soils by analysing three Cryptopodzols and one Cambisol for charred organic matter content (macrocharcoal and BPCA), the amounts of Fe and Al, and the colour and SOC content in bulk soil and density fractions. The results showed that charred organic matter produced by frequent ␣res in the area for more than 10,000 years is highly abundant in Cryptopodzols: the stocks of macrocharcoal and BPCA-C amount to up to 31 t ha-1 and 17 t ha-1, respectively. These high amounts of charred organic matter are responsible for the dark soil colour and high SOC concentrations that are, however, also closely related to Fep and Alp concentrations. We concluded that the occurrence of charcoal across the whole pro␣les of Cryptopodzols seems to be the dominating factor, although both the formation of organo-metallic or organo-mineral complexes in the subsoil and the high abundance and stability of charred organic matter are responsible for the high SOC stocks in Cryptopodzols

    Summer drought reduces total and litter-derived soil CO2 effluxes in temperate grassland - clues from a 13C litter addition experiment

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    Current climate change models predict significant changes in rainfall patterns across Europe. To explore the effect of drought on soil CO2 efflux (FSoil) and on the contribution of litter to FSoil we used rain shelters to simulate a summer drought (May to July 2007) in an intensively managed grassland in Switzerland by reducing annual precipitation by around 30% similar to the hot and dry year 2003 in Central Europe. We added 13C-depleted as well as unlabelled grass/clover litter to quantify the litter-derived CO2 efflux (FLitter). Soil CO2 efflux and the 13C/12C isotope ratio (ÎŽ13C) of the respired CO2 after litter addition were measured during the growing season 2007. Drought significantly decreased FSoil in our litter addition experiment by 59% and FLitter by 81% during the drought period itself (May to July), indicating that drought had a stronger effect on the CO2 release from litter than on the belowground-derived CO2 efflux (FBG, i.e. soil organic matter (SOM) and root respiration). Despite large bursts in respired CO2 induced by the rewetting after prolonged drought, drought also reduced FSoil and FLitter during the entire 13C measurement period (April to October) by 26% and 37%, respectively. Overall, our findings show that drought decreased FSoil and altered its seasonality and its sources. Thus, the C balance of temperate grassland soils respond sensitively to changes in precipitation, a factor that needs to be considered in regional models predicting the impact of climate change on ecosystems C balance

    Measured soil organic matter fractions can be related to pools in the RothC model

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    Understanding the response of soil organic carbon (SOC) to environmental and management factors is necessary for estimating the potential of soils to sequester atmospheric carbon. Changes over time in the amount and distribution of SOC fractions with different turnover rates can be estimated by means of soil SOC models such as RothC, which typically consider two to five SOC pools. Ideally, these pools should correspond to measurable SOC fractions. The aim of this study was to test the relationship between SOC pools used in RothC and fractions separated through a fractionation procedure. A total of 123 topsoil samples from agricultural sites (arable land, grassland and alpine pasture) across Switzerland were used. A combination of physical and chemical methods resulted in two sensitive (particulate organic matter and dissolved organic carbon), two slow (carbon associated to clay and silt or stabilized in aggregates) and one passive (oxidation-resistant carbon) SOM fractions. These fractions were compared with the estimated equilibrium model pools when the corresponding soils were modelled with RothC. Analysis revealed strong correlations between SOC in measured fractions and modelled pools. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients varied between 0.82 for decomposable plant materials (DPM), 0.76 for resistant plant materials (RPM), 0.99 for humified organic matter (HUM) and biomass (BIO), and 0.73 for inert organic matter (IOM). The results show that the proposed fractionation procedure can be used with minor adaptations to identify measurable SOC fractions, which can be used to initialize and evaluate RothC for a wide range of site conditions

    Studying organic matter molecular assemblage within a whole organic soil by nuclear magnetic resonance

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    This work shows the applicability of two-dimensional (2D) 1H-13C heteronudear correlation (HETCOR) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to the characterization of whole soils. A combination of different mixing times and cross polarization (CP) methods, namely Lee-Goldberg (LG)-CP and Ramp-CP are shown to afford, for the first time, intra- and intermolecular connectivities, allowing for molecular assemblage information to be obtained on a whole soil. Our results show that, for the brackish marsh histosol under study, two isolated domains could be detected. The first domain consists of O-alkyl and aromatic moieties (lignocellulose material), while the second domain is comprised of alkyl type moieties (cuticular material). The role of these domains is discussed in terms of hydrophobic organic compound sorption within soil organic matter (SOM), including the possible effects of wetting and drying cycles. Copyright © 2008 by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America. All rights reserved

    Effects of sampling design on the probability to detect soil carbon stock changes at the Swiss CarboEurope site LĂ€geren

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    Soil carbon stock changes are an important element in our attempt to understand and quantify the role of terrestrial carbon sinks. Unfortunately, the large spatial variability of organic carbon stocks in soils complicates their analytical quantification. At a heterogeneous forest site, we conducted a pilot study to estimate whether the choice of a suitable sampling design reduces the uncertainty of the stock estimate to an extent that permits the detection of carbon stock changes within a reasonable time period. Parent material had a strong effect on soil carbon stocks and stratified sampling of parent material classes reduced the error of the carbon stock estimate for the top 10 cm of the mineral soil from 3.1 to 1.7 t C ha−1. We estimated that replacing an unpaired sampling approach by a paired sampling approach could improve the detection limit of stock changes approximately by a factor of four. Despite these improvements, we estimate that about 15 years will be necessary to detect carbon stock changes in the top 10 cm if soil carbon sequestration occurs at the rate (0.43 t C ha−1 a−1) predicted by current carbon cycle models

    Author Correction: Tropical forest soil carbon stocks do not increase despite 15 years of doubled litter inputs (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (18030), 10.1038/s41598-019-54487-2)

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    This Article contains errors in Figure 1 and Figure 3 due to errors within the R script used to generate these figures. In Figure 1b, total organic carbon was not corrected for differences in bulk density, which led to incorrect values for carbon content (mg g- 1). The values were corrected to equal sample mass. The correct Figure 1 appears below as Figure 1. (Figure presented.). © 2020, The Author(s)

    Tropical forest soil carbon stocks do not increase despite 15 years of doubled litter inputs

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    Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics represent a persisting uncertainty in our understanding of the global carbon cycle. SOC storage is strongly linked to plant inputs via the formation of soil organic matter, but soil geochemistry also plays a critical role. In tropical soils with rapid SOC turnover, the association of organic matter with soil minerals is particularly important for stabilising SOC but projected increases in tropical forest productivity could trigger feedbacks that stimulate the release of stored SOC. Here, we demonstrate limited additional SOC storage after 13–15 years of experimentally doubled aboveground litter inputs in a lowland tropical forest. We combined biological, physical, and chemical methods to characterise SOC along a gradient of bioavailability. After 13 years of monthly litter addition treatments, most of the additional SOC was readily bioavailable and we observed no increase in mineral-associated SOC. Importantly, SOC with weak association to soil minerals declined in response to long-term litter addition, suggesting that increased plant inputs could modify the formation of organo-mineral complexes in tropical soils. Hence, we demonstrate the limited capacity of tropical soils to sequester additional C inputs and provide insights into potential underlying mechanisms