353 research outputs found

    Good Relationships, Good Performance: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital – A Three-Wave Study Among Students

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    Academic Psychological Capital, or PsyCap, – a set of positive psychological resources encompassing hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism – has begun to gain attention in academia, showing positive relationships with desirable academic outcomes. However, studies in the field have paid limited attention to the social factors that may increase PsyCap and therefore may lead to positive outcomes. In the present study, we examine whether academic PsyCap mediates between teacher-student relationships and academic performance as assessed by student’s GPA, using a three-wave longitudinal design. Through structural equation modeling, as expected, a statistically significant indirect effect was found between teacher-student relationships and academic performance via academic PsyCap. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed; strengths and weaknesses are mentioned; and future research directions are proposed

    The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale for Students (UWES–9S): Factorial Validity, Reliability, and Measurement Invariance in a Chilean Sample of Undergraduate University Students

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    This brief report examines the within–network construct validity of the UWES–9S in a convenience sample of 1502 Chilean students (52% were female) ranging between 18 and 25 years old. The results of confirmatory factor analysis supported a solution with three related factors that fit significantly better than a one-factor solution. The three subscales (i.e., vigor, dedication, and absorption) and the overall UWES–9S showed satisfactory internal consistency. The results of multiple–group confirmatory factor analysis supported gender invariance. Overall, the UWES–9S was found to be a reliable and valid scale to assess academic engagement in Chilean undergraduate university students

    Effect of Self-reported Height on Occupational Rank Among Police Officers:Especially for Women it Pays to be Tall

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    This study among 725 male and 247 female police officers from The Netherlands examined the association between self-reported height and occupational rank from the perspective of sexual selection. Male and female police officers were taller than the average population. A larger percentage of women than of men was found in the lowest ranks, but in the leadership positions, there was a similar percentage of women as of men. Overall, but especially among women, height was linearly associated with occupational rank: the taller one was, the higher one's rank. These effects were independent of educational level and age. The implications for evolutionary theorizing from the perspective of sexual selection on the effect of tallness on status and dominance among women are discussed

    Validation of the Japanese Version of the Burnout Assessment Tool

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    The current study aimed to validate the Japanese version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-J), a new burnout measure. We conducted an Internet survey to confirm the validity and reliability of the BAT-J, using registered monitors from a Japanese survey company. The first-wave survey was conducted in May 2018, with 1,032 monitors. Of these, 498 participated in the second-wave survey in June 2018 to confirm 1-month test-retest reliability. We examined the factorial validity of the BAT-J core symptoms (BAT-JC) and BAT-J secondary symptoms (BAT-JS), as well as their reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability) and construct validity. Factorial validity was examined using confirmatory factor analyses and exploratory structural equation modeling bifactor analyses. Convergent and discriminant validity were examined using multitrait-multimethod frameworks well as the average variance explained. Exploratory structural equation modeling bifactor solutions for the BAT-JC, BAT-JS, and BAT-J demonstrated the best fit to the data. They also indicated that the general factor accounted for over two-thirds of the common variance explained. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were confirmed. Convergent and internal discriminant validity of the BAT-JC were confirmed vis-vis burnout, as assessed with the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey. Moreover, external discriminant validity of the BAT-J was demonstrated for work engagement and workaholism. Finally, both BAT scales showed significant positive relationships with job demands and turnover intention. All validity results were in line with the job demands-resources model. The results of the current study provide the first evidence for the BAT-J's reliability and factorial and construct validity.Peer reviewe

    Вариационный принцип для температурной задачи теории упругости в напряжениях

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    При расчетах деталей и элементов конструкций на прочность часто используется вариационная формулировка задачи. В работе предлагается вариационный принцип, уравнениями Эйлера которого являются дифференциальные уравнения термоупругости в напряжениях.При розрахунках деталей та елементів конструкцій на міцність часто використовується варіаційне формулювання задачі. Пропонується варіаційний принцип, рівняннями Ейлера якого є диференціальні рівняння термопружності в напруженнях.Strength calculation for parts and structural elements often involves a variational formulation of the problem. We propose the variational principle, wherein Euler equations are represented by differential equations of thermoelasticity in stresses

    Resource Crafting: Is It Really ‘Resource’ Crafting—Or Just Crafting?

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    This study aims to provide an integrated perspective on job crafting and its antecedents through the exploration of the joint effects of individual-level and team-level job crafting on employee work engagement. Drawing on conservation of resources (COR) theory, we propose that engaging in job crafting behaviors is promoted by the presence of job-related resources. In turn, job crafting is expected to result in higher levels of work engagement. We expect this reasoning to hold for the individual as well as the team/collective levels. The hypotheses were tested using data from 287 medical professionals from 21 hospital units of a Chinese public hospital. Findings from two-level Bayesian structural equation modeling supported the idea that at the individual level, individual job crafting behaviors partially mediated the relationship from individual resources to individual work engagement. Further, collective crafting mediated the relationship from team resources to individual work engagement. In addition, a positive cross-level relation between collective crafting and individual crafting was found. We conclude that stimulated by resources, both job crafting processes at the individual-level and team-level can promote individual work engagement in Chinese employees

    El Engagement de los empleados: un reto emergente para la Dirección de los Recursos Humanos

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    Este trabajo ha sido seleccionado y ha obtenido el accésit Premio Estudios Financieros 2004 en la modalidad de Recursos Humanos. En este trabajo de investigación introducimos un nuevo concepto (Engagement) para poder explicar el funcionamiento óptimo de las personas en las Organizaciones. El Engagement es un estado psicológico positivo caracterizado por altos niveles de energía y vigor, dedicación y entusiasmo por el trabajo, así como total absorción y concentración en la actividad laboral. Es un concepto «nuclear» del nuevo movimiento científico de la Psicología Positiva que: (1) a pesar de su «corta vida» ha demostrado tener una base empírica y contrastada a través de la investigación científica, y que (2) es valioso para la Dirección de Recursos Humanos (DRH), debido a que puede optimizarse. Demostraremos su fiabilidad y validez, así como su utilidad para la DRH en las organizaciones modernas. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer qué podemos hacer desde la DRH para optimizar el Engagement entre los empleados. Desde el fenómeno de la creación de espirales de sinergias positivas, nos centraremos en analizar su optimización mediante el uso apropiado y aportando una visión nueva de las principales estrategias de DRH de las Organizaciones de hoy día: la selección y evaluación del personal, el (re/) diseño de puestos, el liderazgo, la formación y el desarrollo de los empleados

    Світова практика регулювання агропромислового виробництва

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    Метою даної роботи є дослідження організаційно-економічних механізмів регулювання агропромислового виробництва. Мета передбачає розгляд наступного завдання: теоретичне узагальнення світового досвіду і практики регулювання

    Why resilient workers perform better : the roles of job satisfaction and work engagement

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    Previous studies have confirmed correlations between resilience and job performance, but surprisingly little is known about the nature of this relationship. This study sheds light on the roles of two important positive dimensions of work-related well-being: job satisfaction and work engagement. Data were collected from 360 Czech workers in helping professions using an online survey. Levels of resilience and perceived job performance were indeed positively associated. Using structural equation modeling, the best-fitting model showed partial mediation by work engagement; conversely, job satisfaction was not found to be a mediator of this relationship. Additionally, the finding that job performance is related more strongly to work engagement than to job satisfaction contributes to the debate about the concurrent validity of job attitudes