192 research outputs found

    Photometry and astrometry with JWST -- III. A NIRCam-Gaia DR3 analysis of the open cluster NGC 2506

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    In the third paper of this series aimed at developing the tools for analysing resolved stellar populations using the cameras on board of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), we present a detailed multi-band study of the 2 Gyr Galactic open cluster NGC 2506. We employ public calibration data-sets collected in multiple filters to: (i) derive improved effective Point Spread Functions (ePSFs) for ten NIRCam filters; (ii) extract high-precision photometry and astrometry for stars in the cluster, approaching the main-sequence (MS) lower mass of ~0.1 Msun; and (iii) take advantage of the synergy between JWST and Gaia DR3 to perform a comprehensive analysis of the cluster's global and local properties. We derived a MS binary fraction of ~57.5 %, extending the Gaia limit (~0.8 Msun) to lower masses (~0.4 Msun) with JWST. We conducted a study on the mass functions (MFs) of NGC 2506, mapping the mass segregation with Gaia data, and extending MFs to lower masses with the JWST field. We also combined information on the derived MFs to infer an estimate of the cluster present-day total mass. Lastly, we investigated the presence of white dwarfs (WDs) and identified a strong candidate. However, to firmly establish its cluster membership, as well as that of four other WD candidates and of the majority of faint low-mass MS stars, further JWST equally deep observations will be required. We make publicly available catalogues, atlases, and the improved ePSFs.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures (5 in low resolution), 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS on August 5, 2023. PSF models, catalogs and stacked images are publicly available at https://web.oapd.inaf.it/bedin/files/PAPERs_eMATERIALs/JWST/Paper_03

    Manejo de irrigação para cafeeiros propagador por embriogênese somática

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    A irrigação do cafeeiro tem se tornado prática cada vez mais frequente e necessária, uma vez que a cafeicultura tem migrado para regiões antes consideradas não aptas ao cultivo do café. Mesmo em regiões consideradas aptas quanto a deficiência hídrica como a região do sul de Minas, o uso da irrigação vem se tornando prática crescente. Porém, ainda são escassos os estudos sobre a adaptabilidade de cafeeiros provenientes de embriogênese somática a irrigação em condições de campo. Dessa maneira o objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar os níveis adequados de reposição de água de irrigação para cafeeiros oriundos de mudas propagadas por embriogênese somática. O experimento foi instalado no setor de cafeicultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras, onde foram plantadas mudas de Siriema, clone 03 resistente a ferrugem e ao bicho mineiro. O experimento foi instalado em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos. Os tratamentos foram compostos de seis lâminas de irrigação baseadas em frações do Kc, constituídas de 0,4 (T2); 0,7 (T3); 1,0 (T4); 1,3 (T5); 1,6 (T6) e não irrigado (T1). Sendo aplicadas 75,22; 131,63; 188,05; 244,46 e 300,88 mm respectivamente aos tratamentos T2, T3, T4, T5 e T6. Foram avaliados durante o período de um ano após a implantação da lavoura a altura e o diâmetro de copa dos cafeeiros, sendo a parcela constituída por oito plantas e avaliada as seis plantas centrais. Os resultados mostraram que as parcelas irrigadas apresentaram aumento do Índice de área foliar (IAF) até uma lâmina máxima de 225,25 mm, correspondente a fração de 1,2 do Kc. Este crescimento correspondeu a 1,46 m².m-2 do IAF, cerca de 43,13% a mais que as parcelas não irrigadas

    Photometry and astrometry with JWST - III. A NIRCam-Gaia DR3 analysis of the open cluster NGC 2506

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    In the third paper of this series aimed at developing the tools for analysing resolved stellar populations using the cameras on board of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), we present a detailed multiband study of the 2 Gyr Galactic open cluster NGC 2506. We employ public calibration data sets collected in multiple filters to: (i) derive improved effective Point Spread Functions (ePSFs) for 10 NIRCam filters; (ii) extract high-precision photometry and astrometry for stars in the cluster, approaching the main sequence (MS) lower mass of ∼0.1 M·; and (iii) take advantage of the synergy between JWST and Gaia DR3 to perform a comprehensive analysis of the cluster's global and local properties. We derived a MS binary fraction of ∼57.5 per cent, extending the Gaia limit (∼0.8 M·) to lower masses (∼0.4 M·) with JWST. We conducted a study on the mass functions (MFs) of NGC 2506, mapping the mass segregation with Gaia data, and extending MFs to lower masses with the JWST field. We also combined information on the derived MFs to infer an estimate of the cluster present-day total mass. Lastly, we investigated the presence of white dwarfs (WDs) and identified a strong candidate. However, to firmly establish its cluster membership, as well as that of four other WD candidates and of the majority of faint low-mass MS stars, further JWST equally deep observations will be required. We make publicly available catalogues, atlases, and the improved ePSFs

    Photometry and astrometry with JWST-I. NIRCam point spread functions and the first JWST colour-magnitude diagrams of a globular cluster

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    As the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has become fully operational, early release data are now available to begin building the tools and calibrations for precision point-source photometry and astrometry in crowded cluster environments. Here, we present our independent reduction of NIRCam imaging of the metal-poor globular cluster M 92, which were collected under Director's Discretionary Early Release Science programme ERS-1334. We derived empirical models of the point spread function (PSF) for filters F090W, F150W, F277W, and F444W, and find that these PSFs: (i) are generally undersampled (FWHM ∼2 pixel) in F150W and F444W and severely undersampled (FWHM ∼1 pixel) in F090W and F277W; (ii) have significant variation across the field of view, up to ∼15-20 per cent; and (iii) have temporal variations of ∼3-4 per cent across multi-epoch exposures. We deployed our PSFs to determine the photometric precision of NIRCam for stars in the crowded, central regions of M 92, measured to be at the ∼0.01 mag level. We use these data to construct the first JWST colour-magnitude diagrams of a globular cluster. Employing existing stellar models, we find that the data reach almost the bottom of the M 92 main sequence (∼0.1 M), and reveal 24 white dwarf candidate members of M 92 in the brightest portion of the white dwarf cooling sequence. The latter are confirmed through a cross-match with archival HST UV and optical data. We also detect the presence of multiple stellar populations along the low-mass main sequence of M 92

    Astro-photometric study of M37 with Gaia and wide-field ugi-imaging

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    We present an astrometric and photometric wide-field study of the Galactic open star cluster M37 (NGC 2099). The studied field was observed with ground-based images covering a region of about four square degrees in the Sloan-like filters ugi. We exploited the Gaia catalogue to calibrate the geometric distortion of the large field mosaics, developing software routines that can be also applied to other wide-field instruments. The data are used to identify the hottest white dwarf (WD) member candidates of M37. Thanks to the Gaia EDR3 exquisite astrometry we identified seven such WD candidates, one of which, besides being a high-probability astrometric member, is the putative central star of a planetary nebula. To our knowledge, this is a unique object in an open cluster, and we have obtained follow-up low-resolution spectra that are used for a qualitative characterisation of this young WD. Finally, we publicly release a three-colour atlas and a catalogue of the sources in the field of view, which represents a complement of existing material.Comment: 13 pages, 4 table, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS on 2022, July 6, manuscript ID. MN-22-2264-M

    Creation and implementation of a European registry for patients with McArdle disease and other muscle glycogenoses (EUROMAC registry)

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    BACKGROUND: International patient registries are of particular importance for rare disorders, as they may contribute to overcome the lack of knowledge derived from low number of patients and limited awareness of these diseases, and help to learn more about their geographical or population-based specificities, which is relevant for research purposes and for promoting better standards of care and diagnosis. Our objective was to create and implement a European registry for patients with McArdle disease and other muscle glycogenoses (EUROMAC) and to disseminate the knowledge of these disorders. RESULTS: Teams from nine different countries (United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Turkey and USA) created a consortium that developed the first European registry dedicated to rare muscle glycogenoses. A work plan was implemented to design the database and platform that constitute the registry, by choosing clinical, genetics and molecular variables of interest, based on experience gained from previous national registries for similar metabolic disorders. Among dissemination activities, several teaching events were organized in different countries, especially those where the consortium considered the awareness of these diseases needs to be promoted among health professionals and patients. CONCLUSION: EUROMAC represents a step forward in the knowledge of those disorders to which it is dedicated, and will have relevant clinical outcomes at the diagnostic, epidemiological, clinical and research level

    Obese mice exposed to psychosocial stress display cardiac and hippocampal dysfunction associated with local brain-derived neurotrophic factor depletion

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    Introduction: Obesity and psychosocial stress (PS) co-exist in individuals of Western society. Nevertheless, how PS impacts cardiac and hippocampal phenotype in obese subjects is still unknown. Nor is it clear whether changes in local brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) account, at least in part, for myocardial and behavioral abnormalities in obese experiencing PS. Methods: In adult male WT mice, obesity was induced via a high-fat diet (HFD). The resident-intruder paradigm was superimposed to trigger PS. In vivo left ventricular (LV) performance was evaluated by echocardiography and pressure-volume loops. Behaviour was indagated by elevated plus maze (EPM) and Y-maze. LV myocardium was assayed for apoptosis, fibrosis, vessel density and oxidative stress. Hippocampus was analyzed for volume, neurogenesis, GABAergic markers and astrogliosis. Cardiac and hippocampal BDNF and TrkB levels were measured by ELISA and WB. We investigated the pathogenetic role played by BDNF signaling in additional cardiac-selective TrkB (cTrkB) KO mice. Findings: When combined, obesity and PS jeopardized LV performance, causing prominent apoptosis, fibrosis, oxidative stress and remodeling of the larger coronary branches, along with lower BDNF and TrkB levels. HFD/PS weakened LV function similarly in WT and cTrkB KO mice. The latter exhibited elevated LV ROS emission already at baseline. Obesity/PS augmented anxiety-like behaviour and impaired spatial memory. These changes were coupled to reduced hippocampal volume, neurogenesis, local BDNF and TrkB content and augmented astrogliosis. Interpretation: PS and obesity synergistically deteriorate myocardial structure and function by depleting cardiac BDNF/TrkB content, leading to augmented oxidative stress. This comorbidity triggers behavioral deficits and induces hippocampal remodeling, potentially via lower BDNF and TrkB levels. Fund: J.A. was in part supported by Rotary Foundation Global Study Scholarship. G.K. was supported by T32 National Institute of Health (NIH) training grant under award number 1T32AG058527. S.C. was funded by American Heart Association Career Development Award (19CDA34760185). G.A.R.C. was funded by NIH (K01HL133368-01). APB was funded by a Grant from the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region entitled: “Heart failure as the Alzheimer disease of the heart; therapeutic and diagnostic opportunities”. M.C. was supported by PRONAT project (CNR). N.P. was funded by NIH (R01 HL136918) and by the Magic-That-Matters fund (JHU). V.L. was in part supported by institutional funds from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa, Italy), by the TIM-Telecom Italia (WHITE Lab, Pisa, Italy), by a research grant from Pastificio Attilio Mastromauro Granoro s.r.l. (Corato, Italy) and in part by ETHERNA project (Prog. n. 161/16, Fondazione Pisa, Italy). Funding source had no such involvement in study design, in the collection, analysis, interpretation of data, in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the paper for publication

    Os impactos ambientais da cultura do abacaxi no bioma caatinga: a região do Semi Árido Baiano - Itaberaba - Bahia.

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    A cultura do abacaxi na região de Itaberaba tem sido um fator de desenvolvimento e diminuição das desigualdades sociais, entretanto o seu acentuado crescimento tem sido associado a fatores de degradação ambiental com perdas importantes para a fauna e flora local e o aumento das intoxicações por agrotóxicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e quantificar os impactos ambientais ocasionados pela cultura do abacaxi no semiárido baiano, considerando os indicadores sócio-demográficos, a estrutura agrária dos estabelecimentos rurais, práticas de trabalhos relacionados ao uso de agrotóxicos e a intoxicação associada a seu uso, e o índice de desmatamento provocado pela ampliação de cultivo. A metodologia de avaliação utilizada foi à entrevista investigativa com o auxílio de um questionário semi estruturado e pesquisa de campo. As pesquisas concluíram que embora seja uma atividade muito importante do ponto de vista social e econômico para a região, ela possui um grande potencial de impacto ambiental, em razão da falta de informações das práticas culturais adotadas pelos produtores, tendo como principais efeitos: supressão de vegetação em larga escala, favorecendo os processos da erosão e a salinização do solo, além do uso indiscriminado de agrotóxicos, podendo ocasionar, a médio e longo prazo, um processo de desertificação na região, devendo ser adotadas providências imediatas com a finalidade de evitar esse desastre ambiental para a região