3 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT SELVI ITA PURNAMA SARI. Differentiate Work Family Conflict Between Women Employee With Man Employee at PT GFK Retail and Technology. Skripsi. Jakarta: Concentration in Office Administration Education. Study Program of Economic Education, Economic and Administration Department, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Negeri Jakarta.2011 The reaserch is heald at PT GFK Retail and Technology, South Jakarta on Oktober 2011. The purpose of this reaserch is to get a valid and reliable fact to know how far the differentiate Work family conflict between women employee with man employee. The method that used in this reaserch is survey method by casual comparative approach, while the collecting data form PT GFK Retail and Technology South Jakarta. The population reaserch was all employees at PT GFK Retail and Technology is 183 employees. Then, the samples were 123 employees consisted of 39 women employees dan 84 man employees. The normality test by using liliefors formula got the higher value L count terbesar = 0,095, L for n = 39 with significant level 0,05 is 0,142. L count < L table for group X As the result, the data has normal distribution. Next, in normality test by using liliefors formula,got the higher L count = 0,075, L table 1. for n = 84 with significant level 0,05 is 0.081. L count < L table for group X That means the data has normal distribution. In homogeneity test formula F obteined by F 2. count = 1,20 and F = 1,63, therefore1,20 < 1,63 (F count < F table table table(0,05;83/38) ). As the result the variance group I and group II is homogeneous. The next step is hypothesis test. According to the result of calculation by t-test is obteined by t = 3,568. Then, the value is compared by significant level a = 0,05 that is 5% (0.05) with degree of freedom counter one and degree of freedom denominator (n-2) = 121 is 1,98. by comparing t Count dengan t table is obteined t count = 3,568 > t 1,98 based on the decision makinga criterion which have been compiled – t table = count > -t table or t count > t , finally it can be concluded that H 1 table is accepted that means hypothesis of reaserch accepted. According to the reaserch result, in sum up that there is differentiate Work family conflict between women employee with man employee


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada PT GFK Retail and Technology, Jakarta Selatan pada Oktober 2011. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data atau fakta yang tepat (sahih, benar, valid) dan dapat dipercaya (realible) tentang seberapa jauh perbedaan konflik pekerjaan keluarga antara karyawan wanita dengan karyawan pria. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pendekatan kasual komparatif, sedangkan data yang diperoleh berasal dari data PT GFK Retail and Technology di Jakarata Selatan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan PT GFK Retail and Technology yang berjumlah 183. Sedangkan sample yang diambil sebanyak 123 karyawan terdiri dari 39 karyawan wanita dan 84 karyawan pria. Dalam uji normalitas dengan uji liliefors, dalam nilai Lhitung terbesar = 0,095, Ltabel untuk n = 39 dengan taraf signifikan 0,05 adalah 0,142. Lhitung < Ltabel untuk kelompok X1. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan data berdistribusi normal. Kemudian uji normalitas dengan uji liliefors, dalam nilai Lhitung terbesar = 0,075, Ltabel untuk n = 84 dengan taraf signifikan 0,05 adalah 0.081. Lhitung < Ltabel untuk kelompok X2. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan data berdistribusi normal. Dalam uji homogenitas dengan rumus F diperoleh Fhitung = 1,20 dan Ftabel(0,05;83/38) = 1,63, sehingga 1,20 < 1,63 (Fhitung < Ftabel). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa variasi kelompok I dan kelompok II adalah homogen. Langkah selanjutnya adalah uji hipotesis. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dengan uji-t diperoleh thitung = 3,568. Kemudian thitung tersebut dibandingkan dengan taraf signifikan α = 0,05 yaitu 5% (0.05) dengan derajat kebebasan pembilang satu dan derajat kebebasan penyebut (n-2) = 121 adalah 1.98. dengan membandigkan thitung dengan ttabel maka diperoleh thitung = 3,568 > ttabel = 1.98 berdasarkan kriteria pengambilan keputusan yang telah disusun apabila - thitung > -ttabel atau thitung > ttabel, maka dapat disimpulkan H1 diterima yang berarti hipotesis peneliti diterima. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut di atas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan konflik pekerjaan keluarga antara karyawan wanita dengan karyawan pria. The reaserch is heald at PT GFK Retail and Technology, South Jakarta on Oktober 2011. The purpose of this reaserch is to get a valid and reliable fact to know how far the differentiate Work family conflict between women employee with man employee. The method that used in this reaserch is survey method by casual comparative approach, while the collecting data form PT GFK Retail and Technology South Jakarta. The population reaserch was all employees at PT GFK Retail and Technology is 183 employees. Then, the samples were 123 employees consisted of 39 women employees dan 84 man employees. The normality test by using liliefors formula got the higher value Lcount terbesar = 0,095, Ltable for n = 39 with significant level 0,05 is 0,142. Lcount < Ltable for group X1. As the result, the data has normal distribution. Next, in normality test by using liliefors formula, got the higher Lcount = 0,075, Ltable for n = 84 with significant level 0,05 is 0.081. Lcount < Ltable for group X2. That means the data has normal distribution. In homogeneity test formula F obteined by Fcount = 1,20 and Ftable(0,05;83/38) = 1,63, therefore1,20 < 1,63 (Fcount < Ftable). As the result the variance group I and group II is homogeneous. The next step is hypothesis test. According to the result of calculation by t-test is obteined by tcount = 3,568. Then, the value is compared by significant level α = 0,05 that is 5% (0.05) with degree of freedom counter one and degree of freedom denominator (n-2) = 121 is 1,98. by comparing tcount dengan ttable is obteined tcount = 3,568 > ttable = 1,98 based on the decision makinga criterion which have been compiled – tcount > -ttable or tcount > ttable, finally it can be concluded that H1 is accepted that means hypothesis of reaserch accepted. According to the reaserch result, in sum up that there is differentiate Work family conflict between women employee with man employee


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    This research aims to examine and Analysis the Effect of Customer Relationship Management, Price Perception, and Quality of Service to Customer Loyalty Vehicle Logistic Brand Hino that became the object of research. The reaserch design used is quantitative and explanatory research type of survey methods. Data was collected using questionnaires to 105 respondents, the sampling technique used is online survey via customer emails as. The method of analysis is SPSS. The result of the research showed that customer relationship management has a positively and significant customer loyalty vehicle logistic, price perception have positiv and effect significant customer loyalty vehicle logistic, and quality of service positive and significant influence to customer loyalty vehicle logisti