24 research outputs found

    Distribution of Engraulis encrasicolus eggs and larvae in relation to coastal oceanographic conditions (the South-western Adriatic Sea case study)

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    Identification of potential spawning and nursery areas of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) represents an essential step in the management of a resource which is of fundamental importance both for fishery and pelagic trophic web. Egg and larvae occurrence from ichthyoplankton surveys (2012 - 2015) in the South Western Adriatic Sea were examined to understand the mechanisms that control their distribution. Egg and larvae densities varied through the years with the highest values recorded in 2012 and the lowest in 2014. Positive correlations between eggs and larvae with zooplankton were observed. When quotient analysis was used to find relations with environmental and biological variables, the results pointed out an egg preference for depth between 91 and 120 m and an avoidance between 11 and 30 m. Moreover, egg avoidances for high values of chlorophyll-a (> 0.52 mg m-3) and low values of zooplankton biomass ( 151 m; preference for high zooplankton biomass (> 1000 mg m-2) and avoidance for low biomass (< 299 mg m-2). These correlations and the quotient values suggest that egg and larvae distribution in the South-Western Adriatic Sea is mainly driven by food availability and depth

    Dietary Patterns and Blood Biochemical and Metabolic Parameters in an Italian Population: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Diet has long been identified as a major determinant of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases. In this study, we assess the relation between adherence to different dietary patterns and biochemical and metabolic parameters as well as the 10-year risk of major cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in a community of blood donors in Northern Italy. We assess their adherence to four dietary patterns, namely, the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, the Mediterranean diet through the Greek and Italian Mediterranean Indices (GMI and IMI) and the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet, using a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). We then assess their association with blood parameters and the 10-year risk of major CVD using a spline regression model. We found an inverse association between the DASH and MIND diets and total and LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride and HDL cholesterol values for the Mediterranean diets (IMI and GMI). Additionally, according to our sex-stratified analyses, men who have greater adherence to dietary patterns have a decreased risk of major CVD for all patterns. The results suggest that greater adherence to dietary patterns positively influences blood biochemical and metabolic parameters, thus reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and delaying the use of drug treatment

    Seroprevalence Survey of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in a Population of Emilia-Romagna Region, Northern Italy

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    taly was the first Western European country to be severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Variations in seroprevalence rates were reported according to geographical and temporal differences of previous surveys, as well as depending on demographic and occupational factors. In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated the prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in a population of the Emilia-Romagna region in Northern Italy after the first wave in the period from 26 September 2020–26 March 2021. We included 5128 subjects who voluntarily underwent serological tests to determine anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody positivity, including both self-referred individuals (24.2%) and workers adhering to company screening programs (76.8%). Overall, seroprevalence was 11.3%, higher in self-referred (13.8%) than employed-referred (10.5%) individuals. A slightly higher seroprevalence emerged in women compared to men (12.3% and 10.7%), as well as in the extreme age categories (18.6% for 60–69 years, 18.0% for ≥70 years, and 17.1% for &lt;20 years compared to 7.6% for 20–39 years). Healthcare professionals showed the highest prevalence of seropositivity (22.9%), followed by workers in direct contact with customers, such as the communication, finance, and tourism sectors (15.7%). Overall subgroups seroprevalence increased compared to the first wave data but the trends agreed between the first and subsequent waves, except for an increase in the younger age group and in the sector in direct contact with customers. Among the occupational categories, our study confirms that healthcare workers and workers in the sports sector were at high risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2

    Temporal and spatial genetic variation of Engraulis encrasicolus in the Adriatic Sea

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    Small pelagic fish play a key role in the marine ecosystem, controlling predator abundance and regulating primary production rates by foraging on plankton. Alterations induced at different ecological levels by fishing activities and/or environmental changes are affecting the reproductive success of several small pelagics, including European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), which is a major target of Adriatic mid-water trawl and purse-seine fisheries. In this study, we evaluated short-term genetic changes of the species in the Adriatic Sea by applying molecular markers in samples of three generations of European anchovy. Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite markers and a mitochondrial gene were used in cohorts of adults and larvae, collected at three sites in the north-east, central, and southern Adriatic Sea in 2015. Furthermore, temporal, and spatial genetic variation was assessed by comparing the above dataset with a sample of adult anchovy collected in 2012 at three sites close to those sampled in 2015. Expected heterozygosity was higher in adults than in larvae, suggesting a loss of genetic diversity and uneven reproduction. In addition, a comparison of the two datasets demonstrated a change in the anchovy population structure from 2012 to 2015. In the reproductive event of 2015, this change led the two main genetic stocks described in the Adriatic Sea to merge into one. We suggest that the population structure of European anchovy in the north-eastern Adriatic may be influenced by changes in environmental parameters and by periodic alterations in the temporal pattern of population connectivity

    Contrast-enhanced spectral mammography in neoadjuvant chemotherapy monitoring: a comparison with breast magnetic resonance imaging

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    Background: Neoadjuvant-chemotherapy (NAC) is considered the standard treatment for locally advanced breast carcinomas. Accurate assessment of disease response is fundamental to increase the chances of successful breast-conserving surgery and to avoid local recurrence. The purpose of this study was to compare contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) and contrast-enhanced-MRI (MRI) in the evaluation of tumor response to NAC.Methods: This prospective study was approved by the institutional review board and written informed consent was obtained. Fifty-four consenting women with breast cancer and indication of NAC were consecutively enrolled between October 2012 and December 2014. Patients underwent both CESM and MRI before, during and after NAC. MRI was performed first, followed by CESM within 3 days. Response to therapy was evaluated for each patient, comparing the size of the residual lesion measured on CESM and MRI performed after NAC to the pathological response on surgical specimens (gold standard), independently of and blinded to the results of the other test. The agreement between measurements was evaluated using Lin's coefficient. The agreement between measurements using CESM and MRI was tested at each step of the study, before, during and after NAC. And last of all, the variation in the largest dimension of the tumor on CESM and MRI was assessed according to the parameters set in RECIST 1.1 criteria, focusing on pathological complete response (pCR).Results: A total of 46 patients (85%) completed the study. CESM predicted pCR better than MRI (Lin's coefficient 0.81 and 0.59, respectively). Both methods tend to underestimate the real extent of residual tumor (mean 4.1mm in CESM, 7.5mm in MRI). The agreement between measurements using CESM and MRI was 0.96, 0.94 and 0.76 before, during and after NAC respectively. The distinction between responders and non-responders with CESM and MRI was identical for 45/46 patients. In the assessment of CR, sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 84%, respectively, for CESM, and 87% and 60% for MRI.Conclusion: CESM and MRI lesion size measurements were highly correlated. CESM seems at least as reliable as MRI in assessing the response to NAC, and may be an alternative if MRI is contraindicated or its availability is limited

    Stock structure, estimation of the biomass, spawning and nursery areas of the anchovy in the Adriatic Sea

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    I piccoli pelagici sono costituenti fondamentali dell’ecosistema marino poiché, attraverso un controllo definito a “vita di vespa” (wasp-waist), gestiscono l’abbondanza di prede e di predatori riuscendo così a modulare sia l’abbondanza di pesci, uccelli e mammiferi marini (controllo bottom-up) sia i tassi di produzione primaria (controllo top-down). Gli stock dei piccoli pelagici sono soggetti ad importanti fluttuazioni di biomassa nel tempo e nello spazio, ma, nonostante i costanti progressi nella comprensione dei processi coinvolti in queste fluttuazioni, la nostra capacità di predire l’evolversi dei tassi di abbondanza e di cattura è limitata, il che, a sua volta, influenza la nostra capacità di gestire correttamente le attività di pesca e garantire uno sfruttamento sostenibile delle risorse. Il mare Adriatico è uno dei più ricchi e produttivi dell’intera area mediterranea, l'Acciuga europea (Engraulis encrasicolus, Linnaeus, 1758), insieme alla Sardina europea (Sardina pilchardus, Walbaum, 1792), è il principale target della pesca adriatica. Le attività di pesca, insieme ai cambiamenti ambientali, stanno attualmente producendo molte alterazioni a livello ecosistemico, di specie e di popolazione. I piani di gestione delle risorse marine possono acquisire maggior efficacia nel ridurre i rischi si sovrasfruttamento grazie all’acquisizione di dati sulle variazioni di biomassa, alla comprensione dei diversi fattori ambientali che influiscono sulla scelta delle aree di deposizione e di nursery e sulla struttura genetica della popolazione. L'obiettivo generale dello studio era il raggiungimento delle conoscenze sull'abbondanza e sulla distribuzione spaziale di E. encrasicolus nell’Adriatico sud-occidentale nonché lo sviluppo di informazioni relative all'attuale struttura di popolazione genetica e su come la diversità genetica varia da una generazione all’altra (genitori-prole). Il primo capitolo fornisce indicazioni sulla possibile applicazione di un metodo diretto di stima della biomassa deponente dell’acciuga (DEPM - Produzione Giornaliera di Uova) al fine di integrare l’attuale processo di valutazione della risorsa, nonché, informazioni utili riguardo alla biomassa deponente dello stock di acciuga e alle sue fluttuazioni. L'applicazione di questo metodo fornisce preziose informazioni sull'estensione e sulle caratteristiche degli habitat di riproduzione e sui parametri riproduttivi degli stock ittici, ma tuttavia, a causa dell’elevata incertezza di alcuni parametri, non può ancora essere integrato nel processo di valutazione degli stock. Nel secondo capitolo, l'attenzione è stata focalizzata sull'identificazione delle aree di riproduzione e di nursery aggiornando i loro confini e indicando l'Adriatico sud-occidentale come area favorevole sia per la deposizione delle uova che come nursery per le larve. Sono inoltre stati valutati i principali fattori ambientali e biologici che influenzano la scelta delle aree per la deposizione delle uova evidenziando la profondità, l’abbondanza di zooplancton e la stabilità della colonna d’acqua come i principali fattori che la guidano. Nell'ultimo capitolo, tramite il DNA microsatellite sono state investigate la struttura genetica della popolazione Adriatica di acciughe e la potenziale perdita di variabilità genetica tra generazioni. La struttura genetica delle acciughe in due stock sembra essere riconfermata anche nel 2015 e, in più, vengono fornite stime su importanti parametri quali la taglia effettiva di popolazione (Ne) e il numero effettivo di riproduttori (Nb) che possono essere utilizzate per formulare raccomandazioni per la conservazione delle popolazioni naturali.Small pelagic fish are relevant in marine ecosystem, they are able to exert both bottom-up and top-down controls by modulating the abundances of carnivorous fish, seabirds and marine mammals and by foraging on plankton species and therefore limiting primary production rates; through a “wasp-waist” control they manage the abundance of both prey and predator. Stocks are subjected over time and space at biomass fluctuations and, despite constant progress in understanding the processes involved in the variability of pelagic stock biomass, our ability to predict abundance and catches is limited, which in turn, affects our capacity to properly manage the fisheries and ensure sustainable exploitation. The Adriatic Sea, within Mediterranean area, is one of the richest in terms of small pelagic fish, European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, Linnaeus, 1758) together with European sardine (Sardina pilchardus, Walbaum, 1792) is the main target of the Adriatic fishery. Fishery activities, together with environmental changes, are currently producing a lot of alterations at ecosystem, species and population-level. When enough data on changes of spawning stock biomass, on environmental factors affecting the choice of spawning and nursery areas and on population genetic structure are available, plans for the management of marine stocks can represent effective way to reduce the risks of extreme exploitation. The overall aim of the study was the achievement of knowledge about abundance and spatial distribution of E. encrasicolus, as well as the development of information related on the current genetic population structure and on how the genetic diversity has changed between generation (parents and offspring). The first chapter provide useful information with regard to the spawning stock biomass of anchovy, about fluctuations of biomass and on the potential application of a direct method as Daily Egg production Method (DEPM) in order to integrate the current stock assessment process. Although the method cannot yet be integrated into the stock assessment process by reason of the high uncertainty, however, the application provides valuable information on the extension and characteristics of spawning habitats and on reproductive parameters of fish stocks. In the second chapter, the attention was focused on the identification of the spawning and nursery areas updating their boundaries in the south-western Adriatic Sea and on description of environmental and biological factors affecting the choice of spawning areas. Data analysis indicated south-western Adriatic as a favorable area of spawning and nursery, driven by depth, zooplankton abundance and water column stability. In the last chapter, microsatellite DNA markers were used to resolve the fine-scale genetic structure of anchovy and the potential loss of genetic variability through parents and offspring. The genetic structure of anchovy in two stocks seems to be reconfirmed also in 2015 and moreover, were provided estimates on important parameters in conservation biology as effective population size (Ne) and effective number of breeders (Nb) that can be used to formulate recommendations for the conservation of wild populations

    Stable isotope data of mesozooplankton from the Adriatic basin (Mediterranean Sea)

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    Zooplankton plays a key role in the marine food webs, and it represents the main food source for small pelagics, one of the most exploited resources in the Adriatic Sea. In order to deepen our knowledge of zooplankton assemblage structure and trophodynamics in one of the most productive areas of the Mediterranean sea, but at the same time highly impacted by human activities, community and Stable Isotope Analyses (SIA) were performed on zooplankton samples. Here SIA data are provided. Zooplankton samples were collected on board R/V G. Dallaporta during the acoustic survey MEDIAS 2019 geographic subarea (GSA) 17 and GSA 18 (Leonori et al., 2021, https://doi.org/10.12681/mms.26001) that took place in June–July 2019, in the continental shelf waters of the western Adriatic Sea. Vertical hauls were performed using a WP2 plankton net, starting from 3 m above the bottom (or from 100 m depth in the deepest hauls), to the surface. Zooplankton samples were frozen on board and analysed in the laboratory to characterize the planktonic community, both at assemblage and trophic structure levels. After taxonomical identification, samples were dried and analysed through an elemental analyser (Thermo FlashEA 1112) for the determination of total carbon and nitrogen and then analysed for δ13C and δ15N in a continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometer (Thermo Delta Plus XP) (Post et al., 2007, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-006-0630-x)