3,102 research outputs found

    Organic agriculture and olive oil production in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

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    This presentation illustrates data from several researches, about present situation and prospects for OA in the south of the Med, and then focuses on organic olive management, production and trends

    Future prospects in OA in Europe and the world, with respect to product diversification and markets

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    The presentation illustrates the status of organic agriculture and markets in Europe, indicating the growing role of supermarket chains, the motivations of consumers, the prospects for small and large producers, also within the framework of rural development (employement and added value

    Farm management issues in organic agriculture

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    Various aspects of farm management are analysed, which can be of interest for farmers, advisors and policy makers. The basic tools of management are recalled, as well as yields and labour demand

    Organic olive oil and rural development: which services are required and who can supply them?

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    The paper deals with the different types of services which are required by organic producers of olive oil (training, advice, information, support for credit application, certification, marketing, etc., in the broader context of diversification of rural economies

    Marketing issues in organic agriculture

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    The presentation deals with marketing channels and points of consumption, with data about Italy and Europe, to stimulate the debate about which marketing strategies could be more appropriate in a given environment

    Organic olive oil from Italy

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    This presentation covers the production of conventional and organic olive oil and its trade from Italy to USA; it explains which type of controls are applied to conventional oils, as well as to GI oils and to organic ones

    On the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation with arbitrary nonlinearity and dimensionality: exact solutions, longtime asymptotics of the Cauchy problem, wave breaking and discontinuous shocks

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    We study the generalization of the dispersionless Kadomtsev - Petviashvili (dKP) equation in n+1 dimensions and with nonlinearity of degree m+1, a model equation describing the propagation of weakly nonlinear, quasi one dimensional waves in the absence of dispersion and dissipation, and arising in several physical contexts, like acoustics, plasma physics, hydrodynamics and nonlinear optics. In 2+1 dimensions and with quadratic nonlinearity, this equation is integrable through a novel IST, and it has been recently shown to be a prototype model equation in the description of the two dimensional wave breaking of localized initial data. In higher dimensions and with higher nonlinearity, the generalized dKP equations are not integrable, but their invariance under motions on the paraboloid allows one to construct in this paper a family of exact solutions describing waves constant on their paraboloidal wave front and breaking simultaneously in all points of it, developing after breaking either multivaluedness or single valued discontinuous shocks. Then such exact solutions are used to build the longtime behavior of the solutions of the Cauchy problem, for small and localized initial data, showing that wave breaking of small initial data takes place in the longtime regime if and only if m(n−1)≤2m(n-1)\le 2. At last, the analytic aspects of such a wave breaking are investigated in detail in terms of the small initial data, in both cases in which the solution becomes multivalued after breaking or it develops a discontinuous shock. These results, contained in the 2012 master thesis of one of the authors (FS), generalize those obtained by one of the authors (PMS) and S.V.Manakov for the dKP equation in n+1 dimensions with quadratic nonlinearity, and are obtained following the same strategy.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    Motivazioni,problemi, commercializzazione ed opinioni di produttori di olio extravergine di oliva da agricoltura biologica

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    This document contains the data and other qualitative information from 48 producers of organic olive oil, indicated as "best practice" in 6 Italian regions: Calabria, Sicily, Puglia, Lazio, Umbria and Tuscany

    Parent–Child Relationship, Resting Heart Rate, and Callous–Unemotional Traits in Adolescents

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    An inverse correlation between psychopathic traits and autonomic nervous system responsiveness has been observed in various neuroscience and psychological studies. Past research has suggested that low resting heart rate is a robust biological risk factor for a number of psychopathic traits over the course of an individual’s lifetime. The reason for the link between heart rate and psychopathy is presently unknown, but it has been hypothesized that a number of other social, biological, or psychological factors, including parenting techniques, socioeconomic status, and peer influences, may influence the strength of this relationship. However, further study is needed to examine specific social factors which may be of value in this relationship and which aspects of those relationships, if any might have the most impact on psychopathic traits. The goal of this study is to further explore the possible moderating effect an individual’s relationship quality with parents may have on the relationship between psychopathic traits and resting heart rate in adolescents.Adolescents are a particularly relevant group in which to study this relationship, because research has shown that social relationships during childhood and adolescence have considerable potential to influence the social and behavioral development of an individual. The current study found that neither positive nor negative parent-child relationship qualities moderated the relationship between resting heart rate and callous-unemotional traits in adolescents. However, results did reveal that both resting heart rate and positive parent-child relationship qualities were negatively correlated with callous-unemotional traits in boys, while only positive parent-child relationship was significantly negatively correlated with callous-unemotional traits in girls. Implications of these findings are discussed

    The role of public, non governmental and private actors for the development of organic farming: the Italian successful example.

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    The authors analyse the growth of organic agro-food sector in Italy and explain the relationships between private operators, NGOs and various levels of governance (municipalities, regions, central government), which have been acting (in various forms) for the development of organic agriculture and food processing / distribution
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