20 research outputs found

    Novos registros na distribuição geográfica de anuros na floresta com araucária e considerações sobre suas vocalizações

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    Interfederal Health Networks: A Challenge To Sus In Its Twentieth Year [redes Interfederativas De Saúde: Um Desafio Para O Sus Nos Seus Vinte Anos]

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    The present paper deals with the construction of health interfederal networks, composed by each federate organization that together will manage nationwide the Unified Health System in a shared and coordinated way. It also ranks the necessary conceptual elements to the network construction and adequate operation like local management boards, interfederal board of trustees and administrative organizational contracts.16316711680Arendt, H., (1983) A Condição Humana, , Rio de Janeiro: Forense UniversitáriaCastells, M., (2007) Sociedade Em Rede, , 10 a ed. São Paulo: Paz e TerraFleury, S., El desafio de la gestión de las redes de políticas (2002) Revista Instituiciones Y Desarrollo, 17. , http://www.ebape.fgv.br/academico/asp/dsp_professor.asp?cd_pro=36, [acessado 2008 mar 1 o], Disponível emMorais, S.A., (1987) Novo Dicionário Da Língua Portuguesa, , São Paulo: Horizonte Confidência, v. ICapra, F., (2006) A Teia da Vida, , São Paulo: CultrixBraga, E.C., Critérios de suficiência para análise de redes assistenciais [minuta] (2006) Exposição De Motivos, 26. , http://www4.ensp.fiocruz.br/informe/anexos/ANS_CP26_motivos.pdf, Consulta Pública, Rio de Janeiro: Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar2006, [acessado 2011 fev 21]: [cerca de 4 p.]. Disponível emSilva, J.A., (2007) Curso de Direito Constitucional Positivo, , São Paulo: MalheirosJusten, F.M., (2005) Parecer Sobre Minuta De Anteprojeto De Lei Da Política Nacional De Saneamento Básico, , http://www.planalto.gov.br, Disponível emMedauar, O., (2003) O Direito Administrativo Em Evolução, , 2 a ed. São Paulo: RTLópez-Valcárcel, B.G., Políticas contractuales en atención especializada (2006) Sistemas Y Servicios Sanitarios, , Repullo JR, Iñesta A, organizadores, Madri: Diaz de Santo

    Experimental and computational thermochemical study of 2- and 3-thiopheneacetic acid methyl esters

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    Thiophene-based compounds have widespread use in modern drug design, biodiagnostics, electronic and optoelectronic devices, and conductive polymers. The present study reports an experimental and computational thermochemical study on the relative stabilities of 2- and 3-thiopheneacetic acid methyl esters. The enthalpies of combustion and vaporization were measured by a rotating-bomb combustion calorimeter, Calvet microcalorimetry, and correlation gas chromatography, and the gas-phase enthalpies of formation at T = 298.15 K were determined. Standard ab initio molecular orbital calculations at the G3 level were performed, and a theoretical study of the molecular and electronic structure of the compounds studied was carried out. Calculated enthalpies of formation, using atomization and isodesmic reactions are in very good agreement with the experimental results.The support of the Spanish MEC/DGI under Projects CTQ2006-12745 and FIS2004-02954-C03-01 is gratefully acknowledged. M.T. thanks MEC/SEUI, FPU AP2002- 0603, Spain, for financial support. Thanks are due to Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e Tecnologia (FCT), Lisbon, Portugal, and to FEDER for financial support to Centro de Investigac¸a˜o em Quı´mica, University of Porto. A.F.L.O.M.S. thanks FCT and the European Social Fund (ESF) under the 3rd Community Support Framework (CSF) for the award of a Ph.D. research grant (SFRH/BD/12886/2003)

    Experimental and computational study on the energetics of the cyclic anhydrides of glycine and alanine

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    The standard (p° = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies of formation, in the crystalline phase, of the cyclic anhydrides of glycine and DL-alanine, at T = 298.15 K, were derived from the standard molar energies of combustion in oxygen, measured by static bomb combustion calorimetry. For these compounds, the standard molar enthalpies of sublimation, at T = 298.15 K, were determined from the temperature-vapour pressure dependence, obtained by the Knudsen mass-loss effusion method. Through the values for the heat capacity differences between the gas and the crystalline phases of the studied compounds, the standard (po = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies, entropies and Gibbs energies of sublimation, at T = 298.15 K, were derived. From the experimental values, the standard molar enthalpies of formation, in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K, of glycine anhydride and DL-alanine anhydride were calculated as -(321.0 ± 1.9) kJ·mol-1 and -(382.7 ± 2.0) kJ·mol-1, respectively. A theoretical study at the G3 and G4 levels has been carried out, and the calculated enthalpies of formation have been compared with the experimental values. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Thanks are due to Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Lisbon, Portugal, to FEDER for financial support given to Centro de Investigação em Química da Universidade do Porto and to Programa Ciência 2008 (PEst-C/QUI/UI0081/2011). A.F.L.O.M.S thanks FCT and The European Social Fund (ESF) under the Community Support Framework (CSF) for the award of a post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/41601/2007). The support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Project CTQ2010-16402 is gratefully acknowledged

    Thermochemistry of 2- And 3-acetylthiophenes: Calorimetric and computational study

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    The relative stabilities of 2- and 3-acetylthiophenes have been evaluated by experimental thermochemistry and the results compared to high-level ab initio calculations. The enthalpies of combustion, vaporization, and sublimation were measured by rotating-bomb combustion calorimetry, Calvet microcalorimetry, correlation gas chromatography, and Knudsen effusion techniques and the gas-phase enthalpies of formation, at T = 298.15 K, were determined. Standard ab initio molecular orbital calculations at the G2 and G3 levels were performed, and a theoretical study on the molecular and electronic structures of the compounds studied has been conducted. Calculated enthalpies of formation using atomization and isodesmic reactions are compared with the experimental data. Experimental and theoretical results show that 2-acetylthiophene is thermodynamically more stable than the 3-isomer. A comparison of the substituent effect of the acetyl group in benzene and thiophene rings has been carried out.We acknowledge the support of the Spanish MEC/DGI under projects CTQ2006-12745, CTQ2006-10178, and FIS2004-02954-C03-01. M.V.R. thanks MEC of Spain for a PR2004-0111 grant, J.S.C. thanks the Research Board of the University of Missouri, and M.T. thanks MEC/SEUI, FPU AP2002-0603, Spain for financial support. Thanks are also due to Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Lisbon, Portugal and to FEDER for financial support to Centro de Investigação em Química, University of Porto. A.F.L.O.M.S. thanks FCT and the European Social Fund (ESF) under the Third Community Support Framework (CSF) for the award of a Ph.D. research grant (SFRH/BD/12886/2003)

    Thermochemistry of bithiophenes and thienyl radicals. A calorimetric and computational study

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    9 pags, 7 figs, 9 tabs. -- Material complementario en la web del editorThe relative stabilities of 2,2′- and 3,3′-bithiophenes were evaluated by experimental thermochemistry and the results compared with data obtained from state of the art calculations, which were also extended to 2,3′bithiophene. The standard (p° = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies of formation of crystalline 2,2′-bithiophene and 3,3′bithiophene were calculated from the standard molar energies of combustion, in oxygen, to yield CO2 (g) and H2SO4 ·115H2O, measured by rotating-bomb combustion calorimetry at T = 298.15 K. The vapor pressures of these two compounds were measured as a function of temperature by Knudsen effusion massloss technique. The standard molar enthalpies of sublimation, at T = 298.15 K, were derived from the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The experimental values were used to calculate the standard (p° = 0.1 MPa) enthalpies of formation of the title compounds in the gaseous phase; the results were analyzed and interpreted in terms of enthalpic increments and molecular structure. Standard ab initio molecular orbital calculations at the G3(MP2)//B3LYP level were performed. Enthalpies of formation, using homodesmotic reactions, were calculated and compared with experimental data. The computational study was also extended to the isomeric compound 2,3'-bithiophene. Detailed inspections of the molecular and electronic structures of the compounds studied were carried out. Finally, bond dissociation enthalpies (BDE) and enthalpies of formation of thienyl radicals were also computed. © 2009 American Chemical Society.Acknowledgment. Thanks are due to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Lisbon, Portugal, and to FEDER for financial support to Centro de Investigação em Química da Universidade do Porto. A.F.L.O.M.S. and J.R.B.G. thank FCT and the European Social Fund (ESF) under the Community Support Framework (CSF) for the award of a PhD research grant (SFRH/ BD/12886/2003) and a postdoc (BPD/11582/2002) research scholarship, respectively. We acknowledge the support of the Spanish MEC/DGI under projects CTQU2006-1078/BQU and CTQ2007-60895/BQU. M.T. would like to thank MEC/SEUI, FPU AP 2002-0603, Spain for financial support

    Experimental and computational thermochemical study of α-alanine (DL) and β-alanine

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    This paper reports an experimental and theoretical study of the gas phase standard (p° = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies of formation, at T = 298.15 K, of α-alanine (DL) and β-alanine. The standard (p° = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies of formation of crystalline α-alanine (DL) and β-alanine were calculated from the standard molar energies of combustion, in oxygen, to yield CO2(g), N2(g), and H2O(l), measured by static-bomb combustion calorimetry at T = 298.15 K. The vapor pressures of both amino acids were measured as function of temperature by the Knudsen effusion mass-loss technique. The standard molar enthalpies of sublimation at T = 298.15 K was derived from the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The experimental values were used to calculate the standard (p° = 0.1 MPa) enthalpy of formation of α-alanine (DL) and β-alanine in the gaseous phase, ΔfHm°(g), as -426.3 ± 2.9 and -421.2 ± 1.9 kJ•mol-1, respectively. Standard ab initio molecular orbital calculations at the G3 level were performed. Enthalpies of formation, using atomization reactions, were calculated and compared with experimental data. Detailed inspections of the molecular and electronic structures of the compounds studied were carried out. © 2010 American Chemical Society.Thanks are due to the Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesa (CRUP), Portugal, and to Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas (CSIC), Madrid, Spain, for the joint research projects CRUP/CSIC.E39/08 and HP2007-0123. Thanks are due to Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e Tecnologia (FCT), Lisbon, Portugal, and to FEDER for financial support given to Centro de Investigac¸a˜o em Quı´mica da Universidade do Porto. A.F.L.O.M.S thanks FCT and The European Social Fund (ESF) under the Community Support Framework (CSF) for the award of the postdoctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/41601/2007). The support of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n under Project CTQ2007-60895/BQU is also gratefully acknowledged. We are also indebted to CONACYT, Mexico, for financial support via grant 60366-