3,526 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence reporting guidelines: what the pediatric radiologist needs to know

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    There has been an exponential rise in artificial intelligence (AI) research in imaging in recent years. While the dissemination of study data that has the potential to improve clinical practice is welcomed, the level of detail included in early AI research reporting has been highly variable and inconsistent, particularly when compared to more traditional clinical research. However, inclusion checklists are now commonly available and accessible to those writing or reviewing clinical research papers. AI-specific reporting guidelines also exist and include distinct requirements, but these can be daunting for radiologists new to the field. Given that pediatric radiology is a specialty faced with workforce shortages and an ever-increasing workload, AI could help by offering solutions to time-consuming tasks, thereby improving workflow efficiency and democratizing access to specialist opinion. As a result, pediatric radiologists are expected to be increasingly leading and contributing to AI imaging research, and researchers and clinicians alike should feel confident that the findings reported are presented in a transparent way, with sufficient detail to understand how they apply to wider clinical practice. In this review, we describe two of the most clinically relevant and available reporting guidelines to help increase awareness and engage the pediatric radiologist in conducting AI imaging research. This guide should also be useful for those reading and reviewing AI imaging research and as a checklist with examples of what to expect

    Antinociceptive Activity of Thymoquinone and its Structural Analogues: A Structure-Activity Relationship Study

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    Purpose: To investigate the structural features that influence the antinociceptive activity of thymoquinone and their structural analogues.Methods: The quinones were prepared by an oxidation procedure using molecular oxygen and catalysis with [CoII(salen)] from the respective phenols. The antinociceptive activity of para-benzoquinones (10 mg/kg, ip) was evaluated using formalin test in mice. Vehicle (5 % Tween 80) or morphine (10 mg/kg) were used as control group and standard drug, respectively. The amount of time spent licking the injected paw was considered as the nociceptive response.Results: Among the compounds tested, five para-benzoquinones showed antinociceptive activity. The 2-isopropyl-para-benzoquinone presented the highest potency in first and second phases and produced a near-maximal inhibition (p < 0.001) in the formalin test, similar to morphine (p < 0.001).Conclusion: Our experimental results show that by appropriate structural modification of parabenzoquinones it may be possible to develop novel analgesic drugs.Keywords: Quinones, Antinociceptive activity, Analgesic, Central nervous system, Structure-activity relationship, Medicinal plant

    The Architectural Design Rules of Solar Systems based on the New Perspective

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    On the basis of the Lunar Laser Ranging Data released by NASA on the Silver Jubilee Celebration of Man Landing on Moon on 21st July 1969-1994, theoretical formulation of Earth-Moon tidal interaction was carried out and Planetary Satellite Dynamics was established. It was found that this mathematical analysis could as well be applied to Star and Planets system and since every star could potentially contain an extra-solar system, hence we have a large ensemble of exoplanets to test our new perspective on the birth and evolution of solar systems. Till date 403 exoplanets have been discovered in 390 extra-solar systems. I have taken 12 single planet systems, 4 Brown Dwarf - Star systems and 2 Brown Dwarf pairs. Following architectural design rules are corroborated through this study of exoplanets. All planets are born at inner Clarke Orbit what we refer to as inner geo-synchronous orbit in case of Earth-Moon System. By any perturbative force such as cosmic particles or radiation pressure, the planet gets tipped long of aG1 or short of aG1. Here aG1 is inner Clarke Orbit. The exoplanet can either be launched on death spiral as CLOSE HOT JUPITERS or can be launched on an expanding spiral path as the planets in our Solar System are. It was also found that if the exo-planet are significant fraction of the host star then those exo-planets rapidly migrate from aG1 to aG2 and have very short Time Constant of Evolution as Brown Dwarfs have. This vindicates our basic premise that planets are always born at inner Clarke Orbit. This study vindicates the design rules which had been postulated at 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in 2004 at Paris, France, under the title ,New Perspective on the Birth & Evolution of Solar Systems.Comment: This paper has been reported to Earth,Moon and Planets Journal as MOON-S-09-0007

    Communication skills in Brazilian pharmaceutical education: a documentary analysis

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    Objective: To characterize the inclusion of the teaching of communication skills in the curriculum of Pharmacy Schools of Federal Institutions of Higher Education. Methods: An exploratory study of documental analysis of curriculum of Pharmacy Schools was carried out. A convenience sample was selected from undergraduate pharmacy courses of Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES). The variables collected were related to the identification of the course, its nature (elective or mandatory), workload, semester, and program content. Results: Among the 49 undergraduate pharmacy courses of IFES, 35 (71.4%) had their curriculum available online. The teaching of communication in health was identified in 26 (74.3%) curriculum. In this study, three courses (7.2%) specifically aimed at teaching communication skills, while 39 (92.9%) had content related to this subject. Most courses (22; 52.4%) belonged to the field of Social, Behavioral, and Administrative Sciences. As for the course period, there was a concentration in the third (19%) and fourth (28.6%) years. The main content present in the curriculum was related to the principles and techniques of health communication (42.8%). Conclusions: Data obtained enabled the identification of gaps in the curricula of undergraduate courses in pharmacy concerning the inclusion of the teaching of communication skills. These results can be used to reflect the current models adopted in Brazil for the teaching of this skills, especially after the recent publication of the new curricular guidelines for undergraduate pharmacy courses


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    A linguagem teatral constitui um campo artístico de diferentes códigos e técnicas. O ensino de teatro é um grande desafio e quando se fala de Teatro de Animação, e no contexto da inclusão, percebe-se que há uma lacuna no conhecimento. Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender como o teatro e os jogos teatrais podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento da comunicação da pessoa com autismo. Metodologicamente, foi utilizada a pesquisa-ação no contexto da arte-educação.  Foi realizada de fevereiro de 2019 a outubro de 2020, semanalmente, integrando um total de 47 encontros, com dois meninos com autismo. Para a efetivação da pesquisa, os instrumentos foram a observação participante e a intervenção com jogos teatrais. Como resultados destacam-se: os bonecos, fantoches, dedoches, sombras e/ou objetos podem oportunizar a crianças com autismo novas formas de lidar com o mundo e a matéria concreta; é necessária a adaptação de abordagens, estratégias e métodos, para que o professor de teatro trabalhe com o aluno com deficiência; a Comunicação Alternativa Ampliada foi fundamental para o processo de interação e aprendizagem dos alunos com autismo; a construção de um protagonismo artístico das crianças com autismo; os corpos dessas crianças se revelaram como um dos veículos de comunicação e identidades. Conclui-se que é possível vincular o ensino de Teatro de Animação com a Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada para o trabalho com crianças com autismo, promovendo a inclusão no universo da arte

    Metabolic state alters economic decision making under risk in humans

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    Background: Animals' attitudes to risk are profoundly influenced by metabolic state (hunger and baseline energy stores). Specifically, animals often express a preference for risky (more variable) food sources when below a metabolic reference point (hungry), and safe (less variable) food sources when sated. Circulating hormones report the status of energy reserves and acute nutrient intake to widespread targets in the central nervous system that regulate feeding behaviour, including brain regions strongly implicated in risk and reward based decision-making in humans. Despite this, physiological influences per se have not been considered previously to influence economic decisions in humans. We hypothesised that baseline metabolic reserves and alterations in metabolic state would systematically modulate decision-making and financial risk-taking in humans. Methodology/Principal Findings: We used a controlled feeding manipulation and assayed decision-making preferences across different metabolic states following a meal. To elicit risk-preference, we presented a sequence of 200 paired lotteries, subjects' task being to select their preferred option from each pair. We also measured prandial suppression of circulating acyl-ghrelin (a centrally-acting orexigenic hormone signalling acute nutrient intake), and circulating leptin levels (providing an assay of energy reserves). We show both immediate and delayed effects on risky decision-making following a meal, and that these changes correlate with an individual's baseline leptin and changes in acyl-ghrelin levels respectively. Conclusions/Significance: We show that human risk preferences are exquisitely sensitive to current metabolic state, in a direction consistent with ecological models of feeding behaviour but not predicted by normative economic theory. These substantive effects of state changes on economic decisions perhaps reflect shared evolutionarily conserved neurobiological mechanisms. We suggest that this sensitivity in human risk-preference to current metabolic state has significant implications for both real-world economic transactions and for aberrant decision-making in eating disorders and obesity

    Early star-forming galaxies and the reionization of the Universe

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    Star forming galaxies represent a valuable tracer of cosmic history. Recent observational progress with Hubble Space Telescope has led to the discovery and study of the earliest-known galaxies corresponding to a period when the Universe was only ~800 million years old. Intense ultraviolet radiation from these early galaxies probably induced a major event in cosmic history: the reionization of intergalactic hydrogen. New techniques are being developed to understand the properties of these most distant galaxies and determine their influence on the evolution of the universe.Comment: Review article appearing in Nature. This posting reflects a submitted version of the review formatted by the authors, in accordance with Nature publication policies. For the official, published version of the review, please see http://www.nature.com/nature/archive/index.htm

    Correlating structural dynamics and catalytic activity of AgAu nanoparticles with ultrafast spectroscopy and all-atom molecular dynamics simulations

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    In this study, we investigated hollow AgAu nanoparticles with the goal of improving our understanding of the compositiondependent catalytic activity of theses nanoparticles. AgAu nanoparticles were synthesized via the galvanic replacement method with controlled size and nanoparticle compositions. We studied extinction spectra with UV-Vis spectroscopy and simulations based on Mie theory and the boundary element method, and ultrafast spectroscopy measurements to characterize decay constants and the overall energy transfer dynamics as a function of AgAu composition. Electronphonon coupling times for each composition were obtained from pump-power dependent pump-probe transients. These spectroscopic studies showed how nanoscale surface segregation, hollow interiors and porosity affect the surface plasmon resonance wavelength and fundamental electron-phonon coupling times. Analysis of the spectroscopic data was used to correlate electron-phonon coupling times to AgAu composition, and thus to surface segregation and catalytic activity. We have performed all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of model hollow AgAu core-shell nanoparticles to characterize nanoparticle stability and equilibrium structures, besides providing atomic level views of nanoparticle surface segregation. Overall, the basic atomistic and electron-lattice dynamics of core-shell AgAu nanoparticles characterized here thus aid the mechanistic understanding and performance optimization of AgAu nanoparticle catalysts

    Ileal Intussusception Caused by Vanek's Tumor: A Case Report

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    Inflammatory fibroid polyps (Vanek's tumor) are rare benign localized lesions originating in the submucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. Intussusceptions due to inflammatory fibroid polyps are uncommon; moreover, ileo-ileal intussusception with small bowel necrosis and perforation has rarely been reported. We report a 56-year-old woman who was admitted two days after complaints of nausea and vomiting. Abdominal examination revealed distension, signs of gastrointestinal perforation and clanging intestinal sounds. The patient underwent a emergency laparotomy which found a 17-cm invaginated mid-ileal segment with necrosis, perforation and fecal peritonitis. The ileal segment was resected and single-layer end-to-end anastomosis was performed. Histopathological analysis showed an ulcerative lesion with variable cellularity, formed by spindle cells with small number of mitosis and an abundant inflammatory infiltrate comprising mainly eosinophils. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the diagnosis of ileal Vanek's tumor. Although inflammatory fibroid polyps are seen very rarely in adults, they are among the probable diagnoses that should be considered in obstructive tumors of the small bowel causing intussusception with intestinal necrosis and perforation
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