11 research outputs found

    Population, Land Use and Deforestation in the Pan Amazon Basin: a Comparison of Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and Venezuela

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    This paper discusses the linkages between population change, land use, and deforestation in the Amazon regions of Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, and Venezuela. We begin with a brief discussion of theories of population–environment linkages, and then focus on the case of deforestation in the PanAmazon. The core of the paper reviews available data on deforestation, population growth, migration and land use in order to see how well land cover change reflects demographic and agricultural change. The data indicate that population dynamics and net migration exhibit to deforestation in some states of the basin but not others. We then discuss other explanatory factors for deforestation, and find a close correspondence between land use and deforestation, which suggests that land use is loosely tied to demographic dynamics and mediates the influence of population on deforestation. We also consider national political economic contexts of Amazon change in the six countries, and find contrasting contexts, which also helps to explain the limited demographic-deforestation correspondence. The paper closes by noting general conclusions based on the data, topics in need of further research and recent policy proposals.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42720/1/10668_2003_Article_6977.pd

    Tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura em reator UASB e filtro anaeróbio em série seguidos de filtro biológico percolador Treatment of swine wastewater in UASB reactor and anaerobic filter in series followed of trickling filter

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    Avaliou-se o desempenho de um reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB) seguido de um filtro anaeróbio, instalados em série, com volume total de 300 L e 190 L, respectivamente, no tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura. As cargas orgânicas volumétricas aplicadas no reator UASB foram de 12,4;15,5; 23,2 e 26,3 g DQOtotal (L d)-1. Para o pós-tratamento do efluente do sistema anaeróbio em dois estágios utilizou-se um filtro biológico percolador com volume total de 250 L. O meio suporte utilizado nos filtros anaeróbio e biológico percolador foi composto por anéis de bambu. No sistema de tratamento anaeróbio e de pós-tratamento foram observadas eficiências médias de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio total (DQOtotal), sólidos suspensos totais (SST), nitrogênio total (NT), fósforo total (P-total), Cu e Zn de até 98, 99, 78, 84, 99 e 98%, respectivamente.<br>The performance of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) followed by the anaerobic filter, installed in series, was evaluated for the treatment of swine wastewater. The total volume of UASB and anaerobic filter were of 300 L and 190 L, respectively. The organic load rate applied on the reactor UASB were of 12.4, 15.5, 23.2 and 26.3 g total COD (L d)-1. For the post-treatment of effluent the anaerobic system was used a trickling filter with total volume of 250 L. The supports used in the anaerobic filter and trickling filter were composed by bamboo rings. The efficiencies of removal the chemical oxygen demand, total solids suspended, nitrogen, total phosphorus, Cu and Zn were of up to 98, 99, 78, 84, 99 and 98%, respectively, for the anaerobic and aerobic treatment system

    Eficiência no uso dos nutrientes por espécies pioneiras crescidas em pastagens degradadas na Amazônia central Nutrient use efficiency for pioneer species grown on abandoned pastures in central Amazonia

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    Nas últimas décadas, considerável parcela da floresta amazônica tem sido transformada em pastagens que, em função da baixa fertilidade natural dos solos e do manejo deficiente, decrescem rapidamente em produtividade e são abandonadas, dando lugar a uma sucessão secundária arbórea adaptada à baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi obter informações sobre a eficiência no uso dos nutrientes por espécies arbóreas freqüentes nesses ambientes degradados, após calagem e aplicação de fosfato. O experimento realizado numa área de sucessão secundária com seis anos de idade, consistiu na aplicação de quatro tratamentos: controle; aplicação de fósforo (P); aplicação de fósforo e calcário (P+Cal); e aplicação de fósforo, calcário e gesso (P+Cal+G). As determinações das taxas de fotossíntese, bem como as coletas de amostras de solo e de folhas foram realizadas oito meses após a aplicação dos tratamentos. A aplicação do corretivo e do fosfato favoreceu o desempenho das espécies nos tratamentos P+Cal e P+Cal+G. Bellucia grossularioides acumulou mais N, P e Zn, enquanto que Laetia procera acumulou mais Ca e Mn. Vismia japurensis foi a espécie mais eficiente no uso dos nutrientes, em função dos altos valores da taxa fotossintética; apresentou baixos teores foliares de P quando comparada com Bellucia grossularioides, sugerindo ser uma espécie bem adaptada a ambientes com baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes, como ocorre em áreas degradadas na Amazônia.<br>Large areas of Amazonian forest have been converted to pastures over the last two decades. Low soil fertility and mismanagement results in a rapid decline in net primary productivity leading the pastures to be abandoned, and woody vegetation adapted to low nutrient conditions colonize the areas. The objective of this study was to examine nutrient use efficiency, following liming (calcium) and phosphorus addition by three of the most frequent colonizing species. The experiment conducted on a six year-old secondary forest, consisted of four treatments: control; phosphorus addition (P); phosphorus and lime addition (P+Cal); and phosphorus, lime and gypsum addition (P+Cal+G). Leaf gas exchange, soil and leaf nutrient concentration were determined eight months after the treatment application. There was a significant response by species to the addition of phosphorus and lime (P+Cal and P+Cal+G). The species, Bellucia grossularioides accumulated more N, P and Zn in the leaves, while Laetia procera accumulated more Ca and Mn. The species Vismia japurensis had higher nutrient use efficiency, as a function of the higher photosynthetic rates. Vismia japurensis presented lower P concentrations than Bellucia grossularioides, suggesting that is well adapted to environments low in nutrients, as this species often occurs in degraded areas in Amazonia