1,498 research outputs found

    As primeiras sociedades camponesas no atual concelho de Arraiolos (Portugal): estratégias de povoamento

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    No âmbito do projeto LAPA - “Levantamento Arqueológico e Patrimonial de Arraiolos”, os trabalhos de prospeção arqueológica realizados entre 2010 e 2013 permitiram identificar um conjunto de novos sítios de habitat que, no seu conjunto, nos possibilitam estabelecer áreas preferenciais para o estabelecimento de povoados entre o Neolítico antigo e a Idade do Ferro. De facto, o projeto visava um amplo quadro cronológico e a metodologia proposta implicava a cobertura total do território do Concelho de Arraiolos, assim como o registo de todo o tipo de evidências arqueológicas, o que nos possibilitou conhecer e interpretar as estratégias de povoamento. Apresenta-se aqui um resumo destes novos sítios, como contributo para o conhecimento do povoamento pré-histórico desta área

    What drives cryptocurrency value? A volatility and predictability analysis

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    Mestrado em Decisão Económica e EmpresarialEsta tese descreve como as moedas digitais se tornaram no novo fenómeno nos mercados financeiros e como a mais popular das moedas digitais - Bitcoin - originou perguntas cruciais sobre o seu valor e como ao mesmo tempo as suas séries financeiras criaram uma oportunidade para estudar várias dinâmicas sobre o preço, que tipicamente estão fortemente ligadas a movimentos especulativos e sem análise fundamental. Com a utilização de um modelo GARCH(1,1) sobre dados diários e centrando-se em dois fenómenos recentes - moedas digitais, nomeadamente Bitcoin e conteúdo web oriundo do Google Trends, Wikipedia e Twitter - verificámos que os retornos da Bitcoin são fortemente impulsionados pela sua popularidade. Assim, analisando este relacionamento e modelando a existência de variâncias condicionais heterocedásticas demonstramos que o conteúdo proveniente de motores de busca e redes sociais e a flutuação nos preços Bitcoin estão intensamente ligados e que esta relação exibe alguma previsibilidade.This thesis describes how digital currencies have rose as a new interesting phenomenon in the financial markets and how the most popular of the digital currencies - BitCoin - have risen crucial questions about their exchange rates and also represents a field to study the dynamics of this market, which is strongly connected with speculative traders with no fundamentals as there is no fundamental value to the currency. Using a GARCH(1,1) model on daily data and focusing on two emerging phenomena of recent years - digital currencies, particularly Bitcoin, and web content provided by search queries on Google Trends and Wikipedia and tweets from Twitter - we discover that Bitcoin returns are driven primarily by its popularity. Thus, we analyze their relationship, the existence of volatility clustering and demonstrate that the web content and Bitcoin prices are connected and they exhibit some predictable power

    Auditory Induced Vection: Exploring Angular Acceleration Of Sound Sources

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    Vection designa a terminologia para self-motion illusions. Um exemplo comum para esta sensação é quando se está sentado num comboio parado e, ao lado do mesmo, outro comboio igualmente parado começa a marcha, dando a sensação que é o comboio do observador que se move.Apesar de esta sensação estar maioritariamente ligada ao estímulo visual, estudos demonstraram que é possível induzir vection através do sistema auditivo.Grande parte dos estudos relacionados utilizaram reprodução binaural, devido à sua eficácia na indução desta ilusão de movimento. Neste estudo propomos estudar os efeitos da aceleração angular na indução de vection auditivo, através de um sistema multi-canal de 8 colunas dispostas em círculo.Vection effect is the body movement sensation, when there is no movement occurring. The main example given for this vection sensation is when someone is sitting in a stationary train and another train starts moving alongside of the stationary train where the perceiver is, providing an illusion of movement. Although this sensation is mostly associated with the visual system, studies demonstrated that brain has a movement-sensitive area in the auditory cortex and that it is possible to induce auditory vection.Related studies uses binaural reproduction, which has been shown to be effective on AIV. However, in this project, we aim to test factors of angular acceleration reproduced by an 8 speaker array, circularly disposed

    Excavating the data pit: the Portuguese Parish Memories (1758) as a gold standard

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    The common approach to research in History and Archaeology tends to the continuous development of new databases, completely independent of each other with the consequence of data fragmentation, atomisation of knowledge, and ultimately the creation of data silos. This happens because of academic tradition, but also because these disciplines work with fragmented information to understand historical data, the contexts, which enables the creation of multiple narratives and interpretations. However, for these disciplines, the context is a key aspect that always should be preserved. The Memórias Paroquiais (Parish Memories) correspond to a survey, organized in 3 major parts (land, mountain and river) and are an essential source for obtaining a radiography of Portugal in 1758-1761. We believe that this primary source could reach a new exponent if worked from a different approach: semantically annotated, processed and modeled. We propose that the Portuguese Parish Memories, due to their intrinsic characteristics, should constitute a Knowledge Base (KB) to connect with other historical sources and research outputs. Ultimately, the Parish Memories could be a Gold Standard for the Natural Language Processing with impact on the research on other historical sources of Early Modern History Portugal, regardless of the knowledge domain.This work is funded by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/00057/202

    MASDScheGATS - Scheduling System for Dynamic Manufacturing Environmemts

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    This chapter addresses the resolution of scheduling in manufacturing systems subject to perturbations. The planning of Manufacturing Systems involves frequently the resolution of a huge amount and variety of combinatorial optimisation problems with an important impact on the performance of manufacturing organisations. Examples of those problems are the sequencing and scheduling problems in manufacturing management, routing and transportation, layout design and timetabling problems

    MASDScheGATS: a prototype system for dynamic scheduling

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    A manufacturing system has a natural dynamic nature observed through several kinds of random occurrences and perturbations on working conditions and requirements over time. For this kind of environment it is important the ability to efficient and effectively adapt, on a continuous basis, existing schedules according to the referred disturbances, keeping performance levels. The application of Meta-Heuristics and Multi-Agent Systems to the resolution of this class of real world scheduling problems seems really promising. This paper presents a prototype for MASDScheGATS (Multi-Agent System for Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms and Tabu Search)

    Cooperative intelligent system for manufacturing scheduling

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    Hybridization of intelligent systems is a promising research field of computational intelligence focusing on combinations of multiple approaches to develop the next generation of intelligent systems. In this paper we will model a Manufacturing System by means of Multi-Agent Systems and Meta-Heuristics technologies, where each agent may represent a processing entity (machine). The objective of the system is to deal with the complex problem of Dynamic Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems

    A novel copper precursor for electron beam induced deposition

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    A fluorine free copper precursor, Cu(tbaoac)2 with the chemical sum formula CuC16O6H26 is introduced for focused electron beam induced deposition (FEBID). FEBID with 15 keV and 7 nA results in deposits with an atomic composition of Cu:O:C of approximately 1:1:2. Transmission electron microscopy proved that pure copper nanocrystals with sizes of up to around 15 nm were dispersed inside the carbonaceous matrix. Raman investigations revealed a high degree of amorphization of the carbonaceous matrix and showed hints for partial copper oxidation taking place selectively on the surfaces of the deposits. Optical transmission/reflection measurements of deposited pads showed a dielectric behavior of the material in the optical spectral range. The general behavior of the permittivity could be described by applying the Maxwell–Garnett mixing model to amorphous carbon and copper. The dielectric function measured from deposited pads was used to simulate the optical response of tip arrays fabricated out of the same precursor and showed good agreement with measurements. This paves the way for future plasmonic applications with copper-FEBID

    III Taller Internacional de Arte Rupestre.

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    Following the discovery of a large Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age settlement, beneath the medieval town of Monsaraz, careful inspection of the slate outcrops, around and inside the walled area of the proto-historic settlement, allowed the observation of a significant number of very thin incised engravings. These motifs mostly consist on geometric patterns (squares, stars, grids) but also at least one anthropomorphic figure; some of the panels display apparently unarticulated lines, which may correspond to different motifs superposed. These panels are frequently associated with cup-marks of different sizes and organization modes, presumably contemporaneous with the incised motifs. It is pertinent to approach these rock art manifestations with some others, found, some years ago, in the Alqueva Dam area, attributed to the Early Iron Age. Both are thinly incised, though they are inscribed in quite different landscapes