432 research outputs found

    Far-ultraviolet investigation into the galactic globular cluster M30 (NGC 7099): II. Potential X-ray counterparts and variable sources

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    We present a far-ultraviolet (FUV) study of the globular cluster M30 (NGC 7099). The images were obtained using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS/SBC, F150LP, FUV) and the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2, F300W, UV) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We compare the catalogue of FUV objects to ten known X-ray sources and find six confident matches of two cataclysmic variables (CVs), one RS CVn, one red giant with strong FUV emission and two sources only detected in the FUV. We also searched for variable sources in our dataset and found a total of seven blue stragglers (BSs), four horizontal branch (HB) stars, five red giant branch stars, 28 main sequence stars and four gap objects that demonstrated variability. One BS star is a known W-UMa contact binary, one of the gap objects is a known CV identified in this work to be a dwarf nova, and the three other gap sources are weak variables. The periods and positions of two of the variable HB stars match them to two previously known RR Lyrae variables of types RRab and RRc.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication to MNRA

    Amygdala 5-HTT gene network moderates the effects of postnatal adversity on attention problems : anatomo-functional correlation and epigenetic changes

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    Variations in serotoninergic signaling have been related to behavioral outcomes. Alterations in the genome, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, are affected by serotonin neurotransmission. The amygdala is an important brain region involved in emotional responses and impulsivity, which receives serotoninergic input. In addition, studies suggest that the serotonin transporter gene network may interact with the environment and influence the risk for psychiatric disorders. We propose to investigate whether/how interactions between the exposure to early life adversity and serotonin transporter gene network in the amygdala associate with behavioral disorders. We constructed a co-expression-based polygenic risk score (ePRS) reflecting variations in the function of the serotonin transporter gene network in the amygdala and investigated its interaction with postnatal adversity on attention problems in two independent cohorts from Canada and Singapore. We also described how interactions between ePRS-5-HTT and postnatal adversity exposure predict brain gray matter density and variation in DNA methylation across the genome. We observed that the expression-based polygenic risk score, reflecting the function of the amygdala 5-HTT gene network, interacts with postnatal adversity, to predict attention and hyperactivity problems across both cohorts. Also, both postnatal adversity score and amygdala ePRS-5-HTT score, as well as their interaction, were observed to be associated with variation in DNA methylation across the genome. Variations in gray matter density in brain regions linked to attentional processes were also correlated to our ePRS score. These results confirm that the amygdala 5-HTT gene network is strongly associated with ADHD-related behaviors, brain cortical density, and epigenetic changes in the context of adversity in young children

    Leptin receptor co-expression gene network moderates the effect of early life adversity on eating behavior in children

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    Leptin influences eating behavior. Exposure to early adversity is associated with eating behaviour disorders and metabolic syndrome, but the role of the leptin receptor on this relationship is poorly explored. We investigated whether individual differences in brain region specific leptin receptor (LepR) gene networks could moderate the effects of early adversity on eating behavior and metabolism. We created an expression-based polygenic risk score (ePRS) reflecting variations in the function of LepR gene network in prefrontal cortex and hypothalamus to investigate the interactions between a cumulative index of postnatal adversity on eating behavior in two independent birth cohorts (MAVAN and GUSTO). To explore whether variations in the prefrontal cortex or hypothalamic genetic scores could be associated with metabolic measurements, we also assessed the relationship between LepR-ePRS and fasting blood glucose and leptin levels in a third independent cohort (ALSPAC). We identified significant interaction effects between postnatal adversity and prefrontal-based LepR-ePRS on the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire scores. In MAVAN, we observed a significant interaction effect on food enjoyment at 48 months (β = 61.58, p = 0.015) and 72 months (β = 97.78, p = 0.001); food responsiveness at 48 months (β = 83.79, p = 0.009) satiety at 48 months (β = −43.63, p = 0.047). Similar results were observed in the GUSTO cohort, with a significant interaction effect on food enjoyment (β = 30.48, p = 0.006) food fussiness score (β = −24.07, p = 0.02) and satiety score at 60 months (β = −17.00, p = 0.037). No effects were found when focusing on the hypothalamus-based LepR-ePRS on eating behavior in MAVAN and GUSTO cohorts, and there was no effect of hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex based ePRSs on metabolic measures in ALSPAC. Our study indicated that exposure to postnatal adversity interacts with prefrontal cortex LepR-ePRS to moderate eating behavior, suggesting a neurobiological mechanism associated with the development of eating behavior problems in response to early adversity. The knowledge of these mechanisms may guide the understanding of eating patterns associated with risk for obesity in response to fluctuations in stress exposure early in life

    Lattice dynamics localization in low-angle twisted bilayer graphene

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    A low twist angle between the two stacked crystal networks in bilayer graphene enables self-organized lattice reconstruction with the formation of a periodic domain. This superlattice modulates the vibrational and electronic structures, imposing new rules for electron-phonon coupling and the eventual observation of strong correlation and superconductivity. Direct optical images of the crystal superlattice in reconstructed twisted bilayer graphene are reported here, generated by the inelastic scattering of light in a nano-Raman spectroscope. The observation of the crystallographic structure with visible light is made possible due to lattice dynamics localization, the images resembling spectral variations caused by the presence of strain solitons and topological points. The results are rationalized by a nearly-free-phonon model and electronic calculations that highlight the relevance of solitons and topological points, particularly pronounced for structures with small twist angles. We anticipate our discovery to play a role in understanding Jahn-Teller effects and electronic Cooper pairing, among many other important phonon-related effects, and it may be useful for characterizing devices in the most prominent platform for the field of twistronics.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Local Control of Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes

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    We investigated the mechanisms of excitation-contraction (EC) coupling in human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CMs) and fetal ventricular myocytes (hFVMs) using patch-clamp electrophysiology and confocal microscopy. We tested the hypothesis that Ca2+ influx via voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channels activates Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via a local control mechanism in hESC-CMs and hFVMs. Field-stimulated, whole-cell [Ca2+]i transients in hESC-CMs required Ca2+ entry through L-type Ca2+ channels, as evidenced by the elimination of such transients by either removal of extracellular Ca2+ or treatment with diltiazem, an L-type channel inhibitor. Ca2+ release from the SR also contributes to the [Ca2+]i transient in these cells, as evidenced by studies with drugs interfering with either SR Ca2+ release (i.e. ryanodine and caffeine) or reuptake (i.e. thapsigargin and cyclopiazonic acid). As in adult ventricular myocytes, membrane depolarization evoked large L-type Ca2+ currents (ICa) and corresponding whole-cell [Ca2+]i transients in hESC-CMs and hFVMs, and the amplitude of both ICa and the [Ca2+]i transients were finely graded by the magnitude of the depolarization. hESC-CMs exhibit a decreasing EC coupling gain with depolarization to more positive test potentials, “tail” [Ca2+]i transients upon repolarization from extremely positive test potentials, and co-localized ryanodine and sarcolemmal L-type Ca2+ channels, all findings that are consistent with the local control hypothesis. Finally, we recorded Ca2+ sparks in hESC-CMs and hFVMs. Collectively, these data support a model in which tight, local control of SR Ca2+ release by the ICa during EC coupling develops early in human cardiomyocytes

    UV/Optical disk reverberation lags despite a faint X-ray corona in the AGN Mrk 335

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    We present the first results from a 100-day Swift, NICER and ground-based X-ray/UV/optical reverberation mapping campaign of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Mrk 335, when it was in an unprecedented low X-ray flux state. Despite dramatic suppression of the X-ray variability, we still observe UV/optical lags as expected from disk reverberation. Moreover, the UV/optical lags are consistent with archival observations when the X-ray luminosity was >10 times higher. Interestingly, both low- and high-flux states reveal UV/optical lags that are 6-11 times longer than expected from a thin disk. These long lags are often interpreted as due to contamination from the broad line region, however the u band excess lag (containing the Balmer jump from the diffuse continuum) is less prevalent than in other AGN. The Swift campaign showed a low X-ray-to-optical correlation (similar to previous campaigns), but NICER and ground-based monitoring continued for another two weeks, during which the optical rose to the highest level of the campaign, followed ~10 days later by a sharp rise in X-rays. While the low X-ray countrate and relatively large systematic uncertainties in the NICER background make this measurement challenging, if the optical does lead X-rays in this flare, this indicates a departure from the zeroth-order reprocessing picture. If the optical flare is due to an increase in mass accretion rate, this occurs on much shorter than the viscous timescale. Alternatively, the optical could be responding to an intrinsic rise in X-rays that is initially hidden from our line-of-sight.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 table